War of the Dogmen

From Dogman Encounters Radio:

Tonight's show is part 1 of a 2-part show. Josh Turner has come back to talk about more Dogman encounters that have been shared with him. Imagine what it would be like to have a pa!ck of Dogmen wage war on you and your family. Well, that actually happened to a family in Texas. That's one of the things Josh is going to talk about on tonight's show. It's a show you definitely don't want to miss!

Click here to listen


  1. Imagine a minute if all these stories were fake stories.

    1. "THE PRETENTIOUS DINGBAT, screenplay"-Joe Fitsgerald


    2. The idea that there are not really humanoid dogs roaming the country side is hard to accept.

  2. I definitely do not think she was taken by the parents. I think a lot of what has been reported has been sensationalist tabloid bull. I wish people would read the actual evidence from the Portuguese police (especially about the dogs and the scent) abd educate themselves rather than just saying the parents did it because they read that in The Daily Mail or The Sun or because Kate didn't act the way the wanted her to (who are you to dictate how someone whose child is missing should act)? Someone posted somewhere that the parents got outta there and back to England ASAP and that was the poster's rationale as to why they are guilty and it's very infuriating because the parents DID NOT leave right away they stayed FOR MONTHS.
    That said I do think she was taken by either a paedophile or a childless person and sadly I think she was killed when the person panicked when it became international news.

    1. Why wouldn`t they answer perfectly ordinary questions ? - 49 of them in fact - and these were thin gs any parent with a concern for their daughter would answer straight away - then there is the investigations of the Portuguese which led to the conclusions they did - along with the cadaver dogs and dna found in the car they said they hadn`t been in etc etc - I`ve read and seen several documentaries on this and it seems to me there is one answer...they`re as evasive as could be in ALL interviews and don`t answer basic questions - there is also evidence of their friends being involved in paedophilia,one even being charged with such a crime but we don`t hear any of that - there is a reason the very accomplished Portuguese detective reached his conclusions and I believe he is right.

  3. Hmm... So a "pack" of dogmen have some kind of blood feud with a Texas family? I actually think I heard about this one. Turns out that the dogmen didn't receive any invites to the daughter's wedding while both Bigfoot and Dracula were in the bridal party. That's a deep grudge.

    1. " Only WE can suck bigfoot thru the porthole into reality"-Vegasthedog


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