The Marble Mountain Bigfoot Mystery

Parabreakdown applies logic, common sense, and just a dash of science to a very popular and well known bigfoot video.


  1. Replies
    1. That describes bigfooting in general. Even the circus is drying up. We are just left with dr johnsons all night foot massages from cloaked bigfoots.

  2. "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, is still definately not a bigfoot." - Arthur Conan Doyle

  3. "It is undesirable to believe in bigfoot when there is no ground whatsoever for supposing it is true." –Bertrand Russell

  4. "Man is a credulous animal, and must believe in bigfoot; in the absence of good grounds for belief in bigfoot, he will be satisfied with bad ones." - Bertrand Russell

  5. "I maintain there is much more wonder in science than in fictional monsters. And in addition, to whatever measure this term has any meaning, science has the additional virtue, and it is not an inconsiderable one, of being true." –Carl Sagan

  6. It is a mystery why anyone thinks it is a Bigfoot.

    1. Well why not? Its a bit of fun isnt it? Everyone loves a good (fictional) camp fire story. The people claiming its a bigfoot dont really think its a bigfoot. Its a bit of fun and games. Everyone knows bigfoot is just a bit of fun and there isnt really a monkey man out there.

  7. Oops! Someone's on the edge again. Here's a real quote for you, Stuey;

    "There is no pervading model of anthropology & zoology, I would suggest, that eliminates the possibly, let alone the likelihood of Bigfoot. Not on an evolutionary ground, not on a biogeographical ground, not on an ecological ground, not on a metabolic ground... The only thing that keeps scientists, I think, from putting their necks out and saying this is something worth our looking into, is their own fear of ridicule."
    - Robert M Pyle, PhD


    1. "Got monkey?" - William Parcher

    2. I can in fact reference 50 years worth of physical evidence in track impressions, for an as of yet unclassified bipedal primate in North America. You seem angrier than usual today? Did the logic in Bill Miller's quote send you over the edge?

    3. Why did you say goodnight if you are still here refreshing?

    4. It was just too tempting making you look like a prized plum.

    5. "The only repeatable evidence that I use to debate with, is five cut&paste's,ha ha ha ha ha"-Joe Fitsgerald

  8. Stupidtard trolling BFE again. His daily ritual aside from cashing his welfare check once a month.

    1. Yea tell me about it. The sooner iktomi leaves the better off this blog will be.

    2. Sense is as uncommon to you as being sober, it seems.

    3. As soon as Steven Stupidtard the moldy willow creek book store owning welfare dependent leaves BFE and the bigfoot community, the world will be a better place. Make America great again Steven. Get out of the country.

    4. If you pay Bill Miller $150, he'll show you more fake evidence:

    5. Donate to the Bluff Creek Scam Project & they will hoax bigfoot evidence in South Oregon. And then blame it on half the Olympic Project.

    6. Maybe you can go with him and show him the error of his ways? Maybe you could explain to him who's leaving tracks 20 miles into wilderness areas, in places where people never trek? $150 to finally put your money where your mouth is after all these years of being obsessed... A no brainer.

    7. I'm not being critical of his evidence... You are. Therefore, your burden. It's only taken you the last few years of your life to NOT work these little things out.

      Ciao Stuey!

    8. ^let me help you out Joe Fitsgerald,

      Later MUCH! :-))

    9. Haha ,poor Ikky,he`s so threatened.

  9. OMGoodness! The Marble Mountain "bigfoot" is so obviously a hiker with a backpack.

    1. "The shoulder width alone rules out the Subject being a hiker with a backpack, SCHOOLED"-Joe Fitsgerald

    2. ^ Professional analysis of the footage has shown the subject to be likely wearing clothing - this is due to color and spectral analysis of said object.

      Shame huh ?

      Better luck some other time.

    3. How do you explain the den, with massive branches that were not cut?

  10. This missidentification video, the Memorial Day Footage and the Silver Star Mountain photos are the 3 most popular hoaxes/missidentified records that the BFRO likes to declare as the real deal.

  11. What a huge waste of our time. Thanks for nothing Matt.


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