Bigfoot Photos and the Grey Area of Research

From Brenton Sawin Mysteries To Search:

Scott Carpenter tells about his research into the Bigfoot and Dogman. The research ended up looking into the Nephilim and other paranormal aspects of the genre. If you enjoy Sasquatch and Dogman stories then this is a must see show.


  1. Dee or dum, which one are you? I'll guess the latter


  2. If your bigfoot photo is blurry, don't even bother showing it to the world. We have enough blurfoots.

    1. ^^ Shows how clueless you are about Bigfoot Research!

    2. ^ yeah , you`re the guy producing the shitty photo`s - do you ensure you`ve put the 20mm blur-factor filter on the camera lens ?

      What would the bigfoot world do without you ?

    3. Once again, you're showing how absolutely clueless you are about these creatures! I have the top rated camera in 2015!
      Nothing blurs my camera but them! Do some research!

    4. ^ yeah, we won`t be using your blurry pic`s for the "research" though - we want and NEED clear images - of which there are precisely ZERO.

    5. Take no notice of this sceptical disbeliever.

      Serious question here please Dr S.

      Do you believe "dogman" is actually out there ?

    6. I have over 200 pics of the Dogmen! 110% they exist!

      He's 41 Pics of the Best Dogmen I have.

    7. 9:51 I have the clearest pics on the planet! You will not get a clear pic of them, unless everything is right, camera, distance, weather conditions, lighting, filtering, etc....takes a ton of time, you have no idea! Takes my 6 hours to go through just one 5 minute scout! Going frame by frame, i have this down to a Science!

    8. Thanks for sharing your pic`s ,Doc.

      I`ll take a look through your site later on when I have the chance.

      Take CARE out there,fella.

    9. Thanks, nice to see someone mature here for once.

    10. Dr squatch you have some fine examples of pareidolia. You may want to look that word up!

    11. Dr Scamsquatch knows exactly what he is doing. He is perpetuating a hoax.

  3. All you have to say is Scott Carpenter and that made me not want to watch this video. This guy is an idiot but he is king of the Blob squatches though!


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