Man Claims To Have Witnessed Aliens Working On Damaged Spacecraft

From A Canadian man claims to have seen three aliens working on a damaged spacecraft.

The anonymous man claims he was walking his dog at Earl Bales Park when he noticed a few lights in the distance.

” It was approximately 10:30 at night and I thought it was an ATV or something with high beam lights on it,” he says.

Reportedly, as the Ontarian approached the lights, his dog exhibited “overwhelming fear” and began to cry.

“He was trying to stop me from walking towards it. Moments later, fear came over me as well.”

What he saw, he explains, was a “craft” that had “landed with lights on it” and three small beings around it.

“They were frantically working on the object, as if there was a problem with it.”

The man says he became so fearful then that decided to leave the area, hoping to find a police car or “other witnesses” to go back and observe the incident with him.

He described the craft as a shiny metallic object measuring about 20 feet in diameter and emitting “a lot of light”.

For more, click here. 


  1. Direct quotes from Itkomi

    " there is no proof of bigfoot "

    " I mean... I'm a buffoon after all "

    Finally some honesty!!!


    1. ^ are you referring to the idiot also known as JizzTomi ?

    2. Where are all the "Joeboys" at today? Im hungry!



      Bill Miller destroying Greg Long and Kal Korff.


    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I did enjoy that, thank you Iktomi. The photo comparisons of the obvious wooden stamp like footprints to the actual footprints of a living creature were very telling.

    6. It's because of people like Bill Miller, most pseudosceptics don't even mention the likes of Greg Long anymore. There's money to be made from reassuring people in their cynicism. Even if it means lying through your teeth, those people will be happy to pay for it.

    7. Did he address the impossible timeline issue?

    8. It's pretty difficult when it can't be proven either way... Unfortunately for you, you have an impossible magic monkey suit as a fundamental issue. When that can't be replicated even by today's standards... Then a timeline seems a little bit trivial.

    9. How was the film created, developed, and transported to Yakima so quickly?

    10. Nobody really knows. However... You'll notice that according to the timeline, on the Friday;
      "Patterson and Gimlin leave Bluff Creek and drive to Eureka, CA, to send the film via airplane to Yakima, WA, to be processed."
      ... This might have offered ample time for the film to be processed if the processing machine in Yakima was already running. Possibly DeAtely had an arrangement with a developer under the radar.

      What we do know is flexing muscle tone, along with perfect anatomical features only known to the likes of plastic surgeons, are not possible with any known fur cloth technique on the planet. What we do know is it is quite literally impossible for anyone to have created what you see in that footage in a costume.

      It's funny how psuedoscepics will focus on what they can't know rather than what they can't address.

    11. At the time, there were only two processing sites on the west coast where the film could have been developed and neither were located in Yakima.

    12. Argh of course... And where did you get your information on this, Greg Long?

      That's already been addressed. You see, with that many holes, a real sceptic wouldn't touch that nonsense with a bargepole. There's money to be made from reassuring people in their cynicism...

    13. Iktomi Tuesday, September 20, 2016 at 2:38:00 PM PDT

      There's one reason why I seem a bit more open to the idea that the timeline is not accurate, and it's because I know the person with the reel in question and it does indeed have the Kodak sticker on it.

    14. Precisely, but what does that prove? For example... Asking for a counter theory of events to something that is based on another theory of events that can't be shown to be false either way, is futile. It's asking for an unfounded stance to be responded with even more vague unfounded stance. It goes around in circles and by the end is still never gonna be an accurate reflection of what actually happened in that timeline.

      What we do have, is the footage and the subject in it. What we do have is 100 years of costume and SFX to falsify what we see in that footage.

    15. IktomiTuesday, September 20, 2016 at 11:54:00 AM PDT

      So they lied about the timeline.

    16. I notice you don't have a link to that drivel.

    17. Anyway... In short... Got monkey suit?

      Didn't think so.

      : (

    18. You're right about it being drivel because you wrote it! Ha ha! I'm going to catch some Z's, I'll be back later to correct anymore nonsense that you might post.

    19. And no link. First Greg Long, then fake comments. Not a good day at the trolling office.


      It's pretty funny that you can't even remember your own stupid comments from a few months ago!

    21. 3:18 went straight to the ditch with his brown bagged bottle and passed out. Nighty night wankster and hope you remembered your pull ups.

    22. Um, you do know that anyone can open that link and see that the quote you fabricated isn't in it, right?

      Are you really this bored?? Why don't you get a job or something???

  2. Replies
    1. ^ believes in dream figures

    2. No.. Just believe that Dazz is a buffoon after all he admitted it.

  3. Tourist mauled to death in brutal hour-long tiger attack in Chinese zoo

  4. This story has BS written all over it.

  5. I would love to have seen that and no matter how scary it might be i would go straight up and get a closer look xx


    :) xx

  7. Joe got smoked yesterday and ran off with his tail between his legs. His daily howler yesterday was claiming that bigfoot is a confirmed species. Brilliant.

    1. Yet here are talking about Joe. Let's say the above is true (we all know it's not), why do you keep coming back, daily? How embarrassing for you.

    2. I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

    3. Vegas, why would you give 2 craps about what happened to joe yesterday....unless you're joe?

    4. LOL 6:06 and Vegas isn't Joe or Iktomi DS xx

    5. Oh look what i found xx

    6. Yeah fake F-AC, you'll now no doubt get the real DS to insult people now that you've trolled him.

      Footage, audio, thermal, hair samples, track impressions with forensic data, DNA... To anyone who can apply that to the thousands of years of anecdotes... "Bigfoot" is most certainly confirmed. And even if that isn't good enough for the chronic denialists... What's confirmed is there is a creature with the widely reported anatomy of "Bigfoot" leaving its impressions on the wilderness of the US & Canada.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Pwned like jc johnson at a melba ketchum press conference

  10. If you have lots of animal pictures on your trail camera it may be because Bigfoot is driving them towards it in order to deplete the batteries. Also if you have few animal pictures it could be because Bigfoot is scaring them away or eating them.

    If you don't see any pictures of Bigfoot then it's a pretty good indication that Bigfoot is around.

  11. zzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZ... Boring!

    It IS fun however, watching Stuey/F-AC plead for significance on every comments section by way of a response from me. He's nothing unless I respond to him... And when I decide to respond, he just ends up looking like an idiot again. Funny.

    Hey PIB and Vegas!

    1. They're living in your mind

    2. Some great stuff over on the wood apes thread about blaarging. I know you are in way too deep joe but worth a try

    3. Lookout here comes the Bigfoot man here he comes and he's gone again, pretty lady ain't got no friends till the Bigfoot man is here again

    4. Hello my fellow homosexual

    5. Iktomi, why would you say Hello to Vegas?

    6. Are you Iktomi? You sure like to speak on his behalf? The problem is that Vegas is a non believer, a troll!

    7. You're right Doc, Vegas is a hateful troll.

    8. You sure are nosey.No i'm not and neither is Vegas.
      Do you mean Vegas is a non believer in bigfoot?

    9. First I was autistic because I didn't plug your blurry photos, and now I'm Vegas? DS, I used to look out for you man. Now you're a bit of a joke. Oh, and if you're looking for "Bigfoot" tracks, it helps if you don't look in a public footpath.

    10. That's funny coming from someone who has never done any actual research. Squatch busts his butt in the field everday to find evidence and theae arm chair trolls insult him. Very unfair!

    11. I never said the word "Autistic" and I wasn't the one who originally said you were Vegas.
      Why would you say Hello to him Iktomi, WHAT THE HECK HAS HE DONE TO PROVE BIGFOOT?????

      A joke Iktomi, really? I have hands down the best evidence on planet earth, you care to tell me who has better evidnece>??????

      You're an idiot for saying Hello to Vegas, plain and simple!

    12. AMEN 10:13!

      You should be ashamed of yourself Iktomi!

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. DS, what have you done to prove "Bigfoot"? Vegas is my friend... why should I be ashamed to say hello to a friend? Since when do I have to pick who I greet around what they present as research? Oh, and the troll that's egging you on is someone who attacks you from behind anonymity every day. Not only have you started behaving & siding with the site's troll (who posts child rape threats), but you don't know when you're getting trolled.

      Peace bro.

    15. Auntie - two men in dispute.

      Auntie Entity: You know the rules - THUNDERDOME!

    16. He accuses other people of trolling Squatch after calling him a joke and lying about him. Disgusting!

    17. What have I done to prove Bigfoot, are you kidding me? You never answered my question, who has better proof, and proof on a daily basis!

      You and Vegas are friends, LOL! I don't believe that for one second! Show me where you and your buddy have said Hello on here, and carried on a friendly conversation??
      How would you know who's trolling me, unless you had their ip address??
      I'm not siding with anyone, that's just absurd!

    18. Hey Doc, Iktomi is calling you a joke and disparaging your evidence, but just a few weeks ago, he said to you, "Personally, I think you have one or two decent images."

      Clearly, he is jealous of your acclompishments!

    19. So go ahead and hate hater, be jealous when you could just be looking at actual Bigfoot not some stupid footprints, I just use my time to show actual proof...Vegas is gay

    20. I kind of appreciate the semi-sarcastic compliments, but it would be more gratifying if you posted a different name.

    21. I do remember....saying i have one or two decent pics is still an insult as far as i'm concerned.

    22. Many, many GREAT pics, remember, they go into the parks because no one is building houses there, it's protected land, they're not apes Iktomi, you know this

    23. DS you should stop picking on Iktomi, he's the expert on Bigfoot here not you so shove off. Joe

    24. He can't recognize true field research, because he's never been in the woods doing it!
      He's just like the Skeptic honestly, who's clueless about field research. I've been in field for over 12 years, and the last 5 years, almost every single day! No one puts the time in I do, not even close!
      I've been reward for my efforts, way more than i ever thought possible, and i will be the one who concretely proves this!

    25. Iktomi is wise and handsome and burly so obviously he knows more about Bigfoot than you. Joe

  12. Bigfoot picked up their ship and hurled it into space while wild boy cheered, we all saw that episode

  13. A cowardly weed smoking libtarded Canadian man. That explains everything.


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