Just A Camera And A Gun - Alone With Bigfoot

Coming soon from bigfoot enthusiast Jonathan Odom:


  1. Just my hand and a computer screen
    Alone with Itkomi
    Coming soon from bigfoot enthusiast Joe


  2. Can someone please explained to me who this Joe is and why does everyone hate this person? what did he do? Sex offender? Embezzler? Spouse Abuser? Isis affiliate, Trump supporter?,Rapist? What did this person do to get so hated on here and get trolled so horrible..It is astonishing, how the people focus there time and energy to bad mouth this person. it's sad really reminds me of the southpark episode,SkankHUnt.. sad... out...

    1. Maybe you should suck some peeder

    2. @ 3:28

      q#1. = 90% possible
      q#2. = 80% negative(to low of a iq)
      q#3. = 110% negative( no male or female would cohabitate)
      q#4. = 110% negative( too balless to associate with real "homo sapien sapien's)
      q#5. = 100 % ???
      q#6. =110% positive,, as the RAPE VICTIM!

      So there you have it!!!

      MR.ac COLLINS!!

  3. Its brilliant how joe actually left this blog for a couple of days when he lost the bet. But many predicted he would come back and yep he did. And without apology or acknowledgement of course. Now however, he claims he did not lose the bet. Wow what a contradiction. Why did he leave for a bit if he didnt think he lost the bet at that point in time? Truelly a man with no class or dignity. Worthless.

    1. ^ You`re the one whining by the look of it - you never seem to stop your whingeing - boo hoo hoo.

    2. ^ yet you needed to respond

  4. How dramatic. More bigfoot BS.

    1. Its funny. Since bigfooting as a subculture developed there has not been a single thing that hasnt been complete BS. I guess thats why it is so funny that, despite everything, people unironically still believe bigfoot exists.

    2. Rhetorically demanding proof when the creature you're crying about is already shown to exist in the physical evidence it leaves, is futile.

      It's odd how "Bigfoot" is the only fringe topic where its "sceptics" are more demented and obsessed than its "believers".

    3. Shown to exist? In your dreams kiddo

      Also nice of you to acknowledge that believers are demented and obsessed.

    4. Your short memory is scary... Over the past couple of hours;

      IktomiTuesday, January 31, 2017 at 12:56:00 AM PST
      Yes F-AC... but in 60 years amateur researchers have managed to accumulate every source of evidence just short of a type specimen. There is so much information in regards to evidence, that masurements and estimates on Sasquatch dimensions were subjected to statistical analysis and extrapolation by scaling laws appropriate to primates and mammals. By studying the evidence, average population values for foot length and width, scaling factors of foot length to height, values for weight, plantar pressure, walking and running gait, speed, and a tentative growth curve as a function of time for the female of the species had been deduced.

      It doesn't matter how many comment sections in a row you wanna publish the exact same drivel, I'm happy to remind you of your obstacles. Maybe one day out of all these comment sections you're obsessed with, you'll be able to source at least some else with a brain who can come up with an explanation for all that evidence.

    5. ^ Excellent!

      Got 2 more yesterday!



    6. Each year that passes lktomi cries more and more. No bigfoot year after year after year after year. And 30 years from now when he is on his deathbed, there will still be zero bigfoots. 100 years from now, same story......no bigfoot. 300 years from now......no bigfoot.

    7. If I was to spend all day, every day of my life, over at blogs catered for the non-existence of what is commonly referred to as "Bigfoot"... Literally posting the same drivel from comment section to comment section... Then someone would THEN be warranted in suggesting I have a lot to cry about.

      Are you picking up what I'm putting down?

      "Bigfoot" is found in the physical evidence it's been leaving for the past few decades. As time goes by, and more and more reports come in, more and more people have the courage to come forward and disclose their experiences, more and more track impressions are found and more and more reputable scientists are willing to ask the questions... You're gonna have even more of a hard time coming here and trolling because you can't cope with what honest, more intelligent people are willing to come to terms with.

    8. People have been saying that for decades yet still zero evidence for any of it and instead of gaining traction has severly declined especially in recent years with the ketchum debacle and sykes finding absolutely nothing. Why do you cling on so hard? Why can you not accept there is no monkey? Lately you are sounding more paniced and agitated than ever before. Time to actually consider the alternatives with an open mind.

    9. You get shown the evidence for "Bigfoot", multiple times a day, every day of your life. I could provide you with a link in this very comment section that demonstrates congruent hair samples, I could provide a link to a University published audio study on vocal sounds, I could provide you with the experts who have verified forensic evidence... And the best you can come back with is to simply ignore that and maintain that there is no evidence, like some loopy brainwashed robot. I know when I'm being trolled, but if you want to at least come across like someone who's deserving of a response, please at least come up with one reason to not consider that frequency of evidence. Because that's all you do is come across more and more unhinged.

      Oh... And accusing someone of feeling emotions that they are intentionally provoking, is yet another sign of psychopathy.

    10. Oh... And Sykes has only just finished studying Zana's DNA. Ours lucky I don't mind repeating myself.

    11. Zanas DNA has been published. Sub saharan african. Ie: not a bigfoot.

      Yes yes i see all that evidence you claim day after day but none of it is conclusive, not even close. If it was it would be talked about heavily in scientific arenas. None of that is even close to happening. Why? Because its a joke.

      You provide absolutely nothing.

      Occams razor: Could there be an undiscovered primate in north america? Lol nope.

    12. Zana was "not a Bigfoot" if you have a preconceived idea of what you expect Bigfoot to be (a bipedal gorilla). Might I add... Throwing something out because it doesn't fit your expectations of something who's existence you don’t even think is credible, isn't very good logic. It means that nothing you claim can be taken as a substantial argument, because your original premise contradicts your methods of moving the goal posts. And no... Sykes, after clearly finding credence in Zana's descriptions, has suggested that Zana might be of a subspecies of Homo Sapien that left Africa 100,000 years ago.

      D'you know what I would like to see? I would like to see you present one little case, here and now, as to why I shouldn't reference the evidence I do. Cynicism is an attitude or state of mind characterized by a general distrust of others' motives. Unfortunately, attitudes and opinions do nothing to reflect facts, or counter hard data, so while your approach might serve as a little therapy exercise on the short term, it's why you're back here every day of your life; you're not satisfied and would rather aggravate people instead of solving your issues. What's conclusive, is there is a creature leaving it's anatomical impression on the environment of he US. What's conclusive, is there are 12 hair samples attributed to a currently unclassified primate that are all linked to their own sightings reports and general activity. What's conclusive, is there is a currently unclassified primate in Northern California that has vocal ranges that are both above and bellow normal human capabilities.

      Cultural anecdotes = modern anecdotes = tracks = dermals = hair = footage = thermal = Occam's Razor.

    13. Oh... And not even enough believers are familiar with the current state of evidence, so there's little chance of uninterested, or restricted scientists taken this up in their "arenas".

    14. That's why you need to stop being a fool and get behind my great evidence Iktomi

    15. Wow - the troll is really getting the snot kicked out of him today. Thanks for the entertainment Iktomi.

    16. And another thing Iktomi stop responding to your own comments, it will make me look bad when you embrace my evidence

    17. I'm not Iktomi and you need a better camera DS.

    18. Wow, I had no idea I had so many fans. I had f-AC going for hours. The guy really needed my attention. Poor fella.

      DS, here's the thing, you don't know what I have in terms of evidence. See, I'm not an attention whore who throws photo after photo out there. I do real research. When I have something, I feel is concrete, I will release my findings. I will make sure my evidence can hold up to all peer review. My evidence will leave no questions, and will stand on its own feet. I have told Iktomi some of the areas I'm exploring, and yes I consider him a friend. Is that wrong? I don't understand why the world has be so black and white with you. So, if Iktomi is a friend of mine, and he doesn't like ALL your "evidence", he's a terrible person? I believe you have become a troll due to the lack of interest in your material (it's not evidence). You have become a bitter man who hides behind his religion when questioned. When you first came around, I supported you. You were out there trying, but sadly fell to dark side when nothing was found as quickly as you would like. Now you are a joke, who's doesn't even know when he is being trolled.

    19. God knows it's you, my camera is the best money can buy

    20. Yes, I know you're not the DS that's been commenting above. This is in reply to yesterday's tantrum.

    21. Have you tried clearing the camera lens DS?

    22. Vegas your evidence is footless, why should we wait forever for you to put nothing out there because that's what you have, nothing. Look folks I have put my money where my mouth is and put out all the evidence of Bigfoot you come here looking for, and you Vegas? Stupid foolish Vegas

    23. Also, I believe 8:13 and 8:14 are the same person. Sad really. I'm sure unemployment is a difficult thing 8:14, but this isn't the answer, that I can tell you.

    24. Nice to see you have so much time you welfare queen

    25. Actually, I'm graced with a well paying job that allows me time to do as I please. Being intelligent and working hard can lead to some amazing perks in life. All the time you waste here, on real work, would be advantageous to someone like yourself. Good luck, glad I could help : )

    26. It's easy to lie about employment just like you lie about all the supposed evidence you have, color us all unimpressed

    27. Vegas, you're a lying idiot, you don't have any proof WHATSOEVER! Post ONE pic, just one! You can't even post your supposed ufo pic!
      Iktomi would not be friends with you, you have Iktomi written all over you!
      I don't hide behind God, God is the lead!
      So c'mon LIAR post ONE PIC and shut me up, make me apologize!

      Yes, this is the real DS,not at my computer now at lunch.

    28. Lookout here comes the Bigfoot man here he comes and he's gone again, pretty lady ain't got no friends till the Bigfoot man is here again. ...the real Bigfoot man with the number 1 evidence

    29. Have you tried the auto focus feature?

    30. Where's your proof LIAR?

      I know you don't have ONE SINGLE PIC! I know you don't have a clue where to look, nor do you have the quality camera i do.
      Nothing but a Lying troll!

    31. Yes, i have tried it 8:43, and that will produce a lot of Pareodalia. Manual focus is key to getting the clearest pic possible.

    32. Talk about boring, there's Vegas give him a big hand as the curtain closes on his one act play, no scenery, no story just rambling nonsense, sad, sad

    33. Maybe the blur is from dirt on your lens?

    34. It's been a difficult day at the trolling office for Stuey/F-AC.

    35. Lookout here comes the Bigfoot man here he comes and he's gone again, pretty lady ain't got no friends till the Bigfoot man is here again

    36. 9:23, If you researched these creatures, you would know it's not the camera, but the creatures Camouflage ability.
      That's how I know Vegas has not a single pic, or he would recognize true evidence!

    37. Fascinating stuff DS. In your expert opinion, does the Bigfoots hang out at the public swimming pool or the skating rink.

    38. Had a few spare minutes to pop in here over lunch and would be interested to hear the opinion of those who frequent here.

      Dr. Squatch has posted a video which he claims is Bigfoot blurring his camera. It supposedly occurs at the 1:00 minute mark.


      Fair enough. Now what I had suggested in an earlier post was to find an old gorilla mask (actually ANY mask would do) and place it in the same area he linked at the 1:00 minute mark where his video captures the blurred image of a supposed Bigfoot. Locate the approximate position he was at when filming before and then see if he can pick up sharp details of the mask or if it blurs his camera. If what he says is correct, we should be able to pick out details because the mask is not a Bigfoot but a prop and should not cause any blurring. If it DOES blur then we can say that a natural object could cause the blurring effect. Dr. Squatch has said himself that nothing blurs his camera but a Bigfoot.

      Does this sound like a reasonable experiment to you? I think Dr. Squatch could bolster his argument by showing this. Just my two cents.

    39. I had only heard of the mythical powers of aqueous in local legends until I began searching a new area called "iron works" in buffalo ny and to my absolute amazement all the legends were true! My face was melted and I haven't been the same since. Just goes to show it's all about location!

    40. And the day any of you on here has evidence published in a properly peer reviewed journal will be the day I leave this blog forever so safe to say I'll be here until I leave this mortal shit bucket for good

    41. Shribes, don't pretend you've ever read a journal.

    42. I already mentioned to Curious that i will be no means use a mask for any experiment....I will be accused of using a mask in all my pics.
      I have tons of video of them blurring my camera. If you want to do an experiment, get a camera, and SCOUT FOR THEM!

      This creature here also blurred my camera!

      What he looks like.

      2:41- 3:16, center screen and 2 inches left.....he's zapping my camera!

    43. What about his Hello Kitty Journal?

    44. He lost the key to open that kitty journal somewhere in his diaper drawer.

    45. I read your homo erotic dream journal iktomi and let me tell you Bigfoot beastial is not me thing but to each his own! Keep up the good work you wannabe keyboard Bigfoot enthusiast/lover cry bag pussy 😂

    46. I'll be looking for vegas and your article "how to professionally troll shitty blogs and general douchebaggery" in modern science

    47. I remember when you used to try and argue against "Bigfoot", so don't pretend like you understand the peer review process, let alone like you have the capacity to read a journal. Pick up an instrument instead of brown tonguing & plugging rubbish bands. Talk about wannabe, ha!

    48. Ill pick up the skin flute if I can come to you place and learn from the master

    49. I'm sorry... Did you just state that you're open to performing oral *** at mine? Talk about being forward... No thanks bro, but nice to hear you're practicing being a groupy for that crud band.

    50. I'm no Iktomi fan at the moment but we all know Buffalo is not a "place ", Aqueous is just ripping off the layered guitar effects of Blue Oyster Cult

    51. All of Shribes run on sentences and lack of punctuation at the ends of sentences remind me of the site troll. So strange.

    52. That's exactly what I thought. Funny that... Eh?

    53. As far as the BOC and aqueous go I love them both but that's a topic for a different blog

    54. Agreed, they are both great,also I have the number 1 Bigfoot evidence

    55. @ Shribes They suck horribly. You're tone def or retarded.

    56. Okay Dr. Squatch, I understand - no mask. How about an eye chart then? It would actually serve the same purpose and would then show (if it doesn't blur) than your hypothesis has merit.

    57. I have over 3,000 video's and you can see for yourself in every video, there's only one thing that blurs my camera!
      My sister does not believe. I filmed my niece's piano recital, and the whole concert. I go so many compliments on the video, people told me I should do weddings. So i asked my sister, "Why didn't my camera blur not once?"....No response.

    58. It's pitifull how joetomi will say anything to sound like a crazed IDIOT!

  5. Lookout here comes the Bigfoot man here he comes and he's gone again, pretty lady ain't got no friends till the Bigfoot man is here again

  6. You're on a real rant today DS

  7. "Patty is of sub saharan african origin and is 100% homo sapien" - Joe Fitsgerald


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