Investigator Checks Out Area Where Bigfoot Audio Was Recorded

Robert Dodson returns to an area where vocalizations were recorded, including some intense growling. It is pretty apparent something big has been there.


  1. Kelly Shaw. Cannot pronounce SASQUATCH CORRECTLY !! Why is That?

  2. Dodson has some great stuff...Lookout here comes the Bigfoot man here he comes and he's gone again, pretty lady ain't got no friends till the Bigfoot man is here again

    1. that's correct, that's what I meant

    2. Dr Squatch found Samsquanch turds and pubic hair on the paved walking path near his house. How embarrassing he sent it to Dr Meldrum.. Poor Meldrum he has to deal with delusional psychos like Squat almost every single day..

    3. No Kekky, I handed them to him, along with my business card.
      He's a thief and Liar.....Probably much like yourself!

    4. Dr. Squatili. You have only one advantage, that your brain shit is not banned. Once a day, you will disappear from the screen area.
      And Dodson will remain on everyone's lips.

    5. You need to have your mouth washed out with soap satan's spawn !
      Not only did Meldrum take my pubic hair and turds along with my business card but he also failed to return two hard to find classic porn VHS tapes. Many inquires went unanswered . Beware- do not deal with Meldrum
      He's probably enjoying those tapes as we speak !
      UGGGGGGH !

    6. Why didn't Dodson investigate when he heard the fake growl...Hmmm?

  3. Happy Chinese new year to my lovely friend Chu Mei Sum. Joe

  4. Muslim Bigfoot will eat no pork....fact

    1. Can I eat your "pork" mate ?


    2. I'd like to know why Matt "White out's" any reference to "Balls" and you can't even say "Cockroach," But joe can say whatever he wants?

    3. As I recall, Joe's comments used to be removed, but he whined and complained that he was a target of homophobia. So now he can post any weird thought that pops into his twisted mind.

    4. that's not me, that's fake Joe. i don't make crude sexual comments on here .
      Schooling trolls like fake Joe, now that's another story


    5. Fake Joe is probably some gollyknocker like Haints who is probably half a dozen other sock puppet trolls on here.
      He really needs to get out of his basement more often
      Put the mountain dew down mr Haints



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