Bigfoot: Say Cheese!

Robert Dodson sets the trap with his camera placement in hopes of capitalizing on the ongoing bigfoot activity he's experiencing at his research location in SE Oklahoma.


  1. "Bigfoot is a confirmed species" - Joe Fitsgerald

    1. Your drivel was addressed two comment sections ago;

      Maybe a side effect of the meds is poor short term memory.

    2. "j** f********d verifiedTuesday, July 1, 2014 at 10:14:00 AM PDT
      If Sykes has something remotely attributed to a Bigfoot/hominid, then Danny's gone.

      If he has nothing, I'm gone."

      "j** f********d verifiedMonday, July 7, 2014 at 6:54:00 AM PDT

      Because the study published was nothing new, he has had a whole year to accumulate more samples and is rallying researchers further to "go get the evidence". When Sykes concludes that he has no Bigfoot DNA and that he's wiping his hands of the field, then Danny and all you stupid little cheerleaders will have your bet won."

      Game. Set. And the Match.

    3. Cool. Has Sykes concluded that he has no Bigfoot DNA and that he's wiping his hands of the field?

    4. Yes. He even said he is "not a bigfooter" and has distanced himself from the whole chirade. See ya:)

    5. Um... That's odd... because on Coast to Coast AM of March 19th 2016, Sykes made two very interesting statements;

      "You can tell the difference between modern and ancient human within DNA."
      "I've almost finished studying Zana's DNA."

      So where are you getting your information from? Does signing your comment with a smiley face convince yourself you're telling the truth?

    6. Oh... And Sykes stating he's "not a Bigfooter" means no pseudosceptic can ad hominem him afterwards. It's actually one comment I've copied & ready to paste a million times over.

    7. Jesus christ have some dignity fella...

    8. I think you should probably be posting where Sykes has shown himself to be "distancing himself from the whole charade" before suggesting anyone else doesn't have any dignity.

    9. As the biggest sykes champion you know exactly what I mean

    10. I'm sorry... I have absolutely no idea what you mean. Would you care to explain?

    11. Daniel Campbell

      The only thing I am jealous of PJ is his ability to live in his own world. It really must be nice to be able to escape reality like that from time to time.

      If you had the door to Narnia in your wardrobe, would you not open it?

    12. ^ knows the door to mommas basement all to well. Haven't you ben told to stay out of the cat box? Spit that out!

    13. I'm sorry... I still have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Care to stop beating around the bush?

    14. Haaaa haaa! I had a mental picture of him really doing that.

    15. 2:02 is a confirmed troll
      trollis maximus horridis
      lives on a steady diet of his own bollocks
      rarely leaves his own basement other than when the new xbox games come out or to stock up on cheetoes and mountain dew and then only under a big raincoat and dark sunglasses
      These trolls are know to constantly refresh the pages on a certain bigfoot blog that their fingers have become sausage like in appearance



    16. 3:41... It's funny you should mention escaping reality when your sole reason for being here is to escape your own sad little life by drawing people into negatively.

      Must suck coming here with no self esteem & then leaving with even less.

    17. I'd love to get an honest answer from these trolls as to how they feel threatened by us bigfoot believers ?
      Do we burst into your homes and put a gun to your head and force you to believe or else ?
      Do we force you to buy the bigfoot books or make you watch the tv shows or movies ?
      Do we go on your ISF site and troll you with nasty comments about child rape ?
      No, of course not but the anger coming from these trolls is quite nasty
      If you don't believe , fine, let us be even if it makes you lose your precious 40 winks
      refresh, refresh,refresh


  2. National Park service field guide lists Bigfoot/sasquatch

    1. Proof!

    2. And I just spotted this 7-8 footer, right next to him!

    3. Iktomi:

      "Personally, I think you have one or two decent images."

    4. get yourself a better camera and stop wasting our time squat
      your photos are pure garbage and that is insulting garbage
      KABOOM !!!!!

    5. ^^ That statement shows just how absolutely clueless you are about Bigfoot research!
      That's why you don't have any evidence!

    6. That was Iktomi posting anonymous, what a creep


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