60 Years of Bigfoot

From Bigfoot enthusiast Henry May comes this video montage of the past 60 years of significant bigfoot happenings. Check it out:


  1. 60 years of bigfoot and no proof

    Congratulations bigfoot community !!!!!!!


    1. that's almost as long as you've been without a real woman Dazz
      Congrats, you're working your way up with the blow up dolls


    2. Doesn't change the fact that......

      60 years of bigfoot and no proof

      Congratulations bigfoot community !!!!!!


    3. ^ wipe's butt with hairy fingers then inserts them into his ears,,

      Haa Haa Haa lol!

      AC collins

    4. They all ^ yes all of them ^ Sucked my di*k while I fu*ked there a*s holes

  2. Yes F-AC... but in 60 years amateur researchers have managed to accumulate every source of evidence just short of a type specimen. There is so much information in regards to evidence, that masurements and estimates on Sasquatch dimensions were subjected to statistical analysis and extrapolation by scaling laws appropriate to primates and mammals. By studying the evidence, average population values for foot length and width, scaling factors of foot length to height, values for weight, plantar pressure, walking and running gait, speed, and a tentative growth curve as a function of time for the female of the species had been deduced.

    Congratulations in advance, you'll manage to "forget" about the this by the next comment section and attain some level of attention to make up for how lonely your life is. The internet is like one massive therapy exercise for psychos like you. The downside is you have people like me who don't mind repeating themselves a million times if need be.

    1. Doesn't change the fact that......

      60 years of bigfoot and no proof

      Congratulations bigfoot community !!!!!!


    2. There is no body. T'is all... You haven't busted out your skinwalker ranch Bigfoot theory in a while Stuey/F-AC? You're slacking bro!

    3. ^ Any verified evidence yet ?

      No ?

      Nuff said.

    4. Sure!



      Let me know if you need a hand with the big words.

    5. He'll need his nanny for the big hard to understand words


    6. @ 11:28 ,, WOODAPE.ORG??

      Haa Haa Haa Lol, nuff said "YA LIGHTWEIGHT!
      so easy!

      AC collins

  3. Itkomi, even you admit that there is no proof of bigfoot. So why are you getting so upset about my comment. My comment is 100% true and I know it's hard but you need to except it.


    1. Because "proof" is a euphemism for a body. There is no body and therefore, people with the idealism of extraordinary evidence are appeased. But the plain and simply and truth is, the evidence you've had a three year meltdown about exists so your meltdown will have to continue.

    2. ^ You also "Ejaculated that your a dull BUFFOON"!!
      Remember CHUMP??

      Lol !!

      AC collins

  4. 60 years and no body. Nobody has ever killed one with a car. Bigfoot are spotted crossing roads all the time. No hunter has ever shot one. No camper or hiker has ever found a dead or injured bigfoot out in the wilderness. Nobody has ever killed a bigfoot that peers through windows at houses and takes livestock. In 60 years with all the footprints and blurry footage there is still no proof. Makes you think doesn't it.


    1. Yet... Two of the most prolific types of people who report "Bigfoot" are hunters and drivers. You special plead to the point that you are a desperate delusional.
      Special Pleading
      argument in which the speaker deliberately ignores aspects that are unfavourable to their point of view.

      Hunters repeatedly state that they looked down the scope and couldn't shoot something that they both couldn't quite identify, and looked so human. Either that, or hunters who have actually taken the shot have explained that they move too fast. You also have to consider that for these creatures to have evaded so well as they have, they would have to do so in social groups and there are plenty of missing hunters.

      Only a couple of years ago, a new species of primitive hominin, homo Naledi was discovered that buried it's dead in caves. These were very primitive hominids that lacked the evolved brain capacity and intelligence of more modern hominids such as Neanderthals that also buried their dead. By this, it is not a stretch to assume that Sasquatch bury their dead. In fact, there is more reason to assume so than otherwise, given the fact that they are quite clearly human and not a dumb animal. Even if we didn't have the hairs that are morphologically consistent with a wild human, if we didn't have the track castings that quite clearly show a very large human, then the innumerable reports that basically describe what one would expect from a caveman attest to this. Given the high frequency of science journals that account for such large human remains being found, and the long standing cultures to which state that Sasquatch are another tribe of large humans, one does not require Sherlock Holmes to be able to draw a link from such data.

    2. All those words but still missing the most important thing. PROOF!!!!!
      If the stories were true about bigfoot terrorising campers. Somebody would have felt threatened enough to put a bullet in one by now. Bigfoot are not human and look nothing like humans. They are also worth millions of dollars and fame. Somebody would have put one down by now if they had the chance. Let's not forget that humans kill other humans on a daily basis. Many people wouldn't have an issue killing a bigfoot for a few million dollars. Your points are irrelevant and stupid.


    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. No... Those words are missing a reference to a body, and again... Plenty of missing gun yielding campers. You special plead away the most relevant of information because you NEED to, and that says a lot. There is nothing in Sasquatch anatomy that can't be linked to humans in your ancient lineage. Hunters don't kill other humans, so that's twisted logic that maybe can be attributed to your sadistic tendencies as a psycho troll.

    5. Here we go;


      In the first half an hour you get a report from someone with a gun who clearly states that when something as big as what was evidently roaring at him did so... The idea of pulling a gun didn't even enter his head. Paralysed with fear. Some good reports to what can possibly be attributed to infrasound for anyone who's interested too.

    6. A hunter has never killed another human? So campers shot bigfoot and then other bigfoot killed them and then got rid of the campers and the dead bigfoot? Sounds a bit stupid doesn't it?


    7. If you put a high powered rifle bullet into the head of any living creature it's dead meat.

    8. Yep! And nope! When you have forensic evidence to substantiate a creature like "Bigfoot", and because people like you fail every day of your obsessed lives to explain away that evidence, then there is little doubt im linking their existence to missing hunters and campers. From this premise it is possible to use heuristical principles such as Occam's Razor, and it is therefore logical to theorise as to how they might deal with their dead in-line with accepted hominid behaviour. Do you see how this works? Try it one time... Substantiate one of your claims and from their there is reason to make educated theories.

      There are three books written by an ex-police officer with the collaboration and in dedication to search & rescue personnel that list case upon case where people are missing via circumstances that cannot fall under the bracket of any known animal. All such cases that have a remote chance of falling within these possibilities are not added to the clusters of missing people in these books. There is simply too many experts out there that easily recognise the fights people have with recognised animals before being taken and killed. What's been proven, is that there is forensic evidence for a creature that fits the description for what natives have stated for thousands of years are taking people in these environments.

    9. Check out the link below Itkomi. It's just a little story about a hunter killing 6 other hunters. Proving you wrong is so easy but I still enjoy it.



    10. Were you the shooter Dazz? Is this YOUR story?

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!! Don't be silly, Stuey's never been in the wilderness. I know that from his gross naivety compared to the people I've spoken to at length who have.

      Unfortunately, Stuey, a freak incident from a nut job like that does not equate to an example as to why hunters might well shoot Sasquatch. Especially when so many are on record stating the same reasons as to why they haven't shot one. I'm sure you can find Mother Teresa types who turn out to be murderes.

      Plenty of missing hunters too, remember.

    13. Bigfoot are homeless people. .fact

    14. Dazz is getting very desperate in his postings. i think it's because it's close to valentines day and his Tina left him for a sailor and he has no one left and he's taking out his anger and projecting on this blog.
      just remember stuey, there was no coelacanth or Gorilla body til early last century . Scientists scoffed at the existence of both til they were discovered


    15. 60 years of nothing = hmm,now let`s see = oh,it adds up to a big fat zero.

    16. ^ Now, now, don't be hard on yourself stuey. Your 60 years of nothing and labeling oneself as a big fat zero is really not a good sign for your self confidence stuey.
      Cheer up bucko, the sun will shine tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow , they'll be sun
      It's only a day away stuey


    17. "60 years of nothing..."

      Sounds like your resume.

    18. I have never met a person who lived forever and has been in all places at all times, such that he can dictate his opinion as the truth, when he has very little access to history and is completely unqualified to state here that nobody has every killed a bigfoot. Especially since I heard from a Union Pacific employee that trains periodically run over Bigfoot and a Federal cleanup crew comes out to clean up the mess. The mess is a bloody hairy pulp that often has no bones since their at rest dimension is in a dimension other than man's dimension. DAZZ better find another hobby because he sucks at this one.

  5. 60 years and still no proof.

    Folks, bigfoot is folklore.

    1. Rhetorically demanding proof when the creature you're crying about is already shown to exist in the physical evidence it leaves, is futile. Don't like it? Prove the evidence is bunk. Special pleading at perverse levels doesn't help you.

    2. The invisible dodo bird does exist, it's crap looks like a Canadian goose crap and that crap is all over,evidence, facts

    3. JizzTomi believes some of what the tribesmen tell - but not the other part - it just couldn`t be right because they are primitive and backwards - yet he still has NO verified evidence - such a shame !

    4. Are you honestly calling anyone else primitive and backward with that grammar and child rape threats?

      You're a moral benchmark... You really are.

    5. How much do they pay you to deny the existence of a species that you have no interest in? Inquiring minds want to know. Would you be an NSA or CIA subcontractor, btw?

  6. thank you for your comments. very interesting to read.. I believe that the creature is real, and time will prove out it's existence, maybe with the help of Les Stroud, is that his name? some resemblance of science will be viewed and perceived , instead of these stupid shows, like Finding Bigfoot.. again, high praise, love your blog. OH BTW,what about the missing 411, very interesting.


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