Bigfoot Must Get Lonely

Bigfoot must get lonely, living a life of solitude and all. Robert Dodson gets back in the field after Christmas. It looks like something big is moving around...


  1. If Robert Dodson can't find a Bigfoot, nobody can.

    1. Dodson, Fasano and Joe would be a dream team and Bigfoot wouldn't stand a chance.

    2. Your dang tooting !!!
      AC(ace cool)collins will also solve the Dogman enigma,,!!!
      With the same ease as bitch slappin down that weak troll ,,, vegas's sock puppet!!


    3. How are you going to do that when you can't even find you're way out of the "closet".

  2. Yes, but don't invite Fasano's pal George. Ever notice that when Fasano sees a squatch, George is no where around? And when George is there, Fasano never sees a squatch?

    1. I think Biscardi was saying something similar of you.


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