Man Chases Possible Bigfoot On Video

Sooner Sasquatch of youtube takes off after a mystery creature he saw standing by the side of the road. The creature took off through the woods, so he took off after it. See if you can spot it:


  1. No it`s a man running on a morning jog.

    1. It's common knowledge that bigfoot is NOT HOMO SAPIEN SAPIEN!

      AC collins

    2. Yet Zana is 100% african,
      and her son(kwit)is 96% african+4% neanderthal with skull morphalogy100% within cacasoid parameters!!
      OF ZANA "ARE ANECDOTAL"!!!(heresay & legend)!!

      lol :-P

    3. None of this F-AC information is substantiated by this F-AC loon.

      A Negroid cranium is long in length, narrow in breadth, and low in height. The sagittal contour is flat and the occipital profile is quite rounded. The flatness of the sagittal contour is due to a post-bregmatic depression, a trait that occurs frequently in the Negroid cranium. The Negroid forehead is described as steep, with some sources describing it as rounded. According to studies in the 70's the Negroid cranium exhibits thicker parieto-occipital areas than Caucasoid crama, but nothing as pronounced as paleolithic occipital buns dimensions across a frequency that would determine them an accepted trait. Other features of Negroid skulls are the saggital outline being highly variable, post-bregmatic depression. Nose form is broad. Nasal bone size is medium to small. Nasal profile is straight/concave. Nasal spine is reduced, with the nasal sill being dull or absent. The incisor form is bladed with the facial prognathism extreme, as is the alveolar prognathism. Malar form is reduced and the palatal form parabolic. Orbital form is rounded with the mandible described as gracile and at an oblique gonial angle. Chin projection is reduced with the chin form being median.

      At the rear of a Neanderthal skull, for example, is a minor protrusion called the “occipital bun”. Though seen in very rare examples of anatomically modern humans, it is mostly seen in archaic peoples. The occipital bun was a knot of rounded bone at the back of the Neanderthal skull and may have been an adaptation for the attachment of their massive neck and jaw muscles. Vestiges of the occipital bun were common in early modern European skulls, but are relatively rare among Europeans today.

      Khwit's skull was analysed, naturally his mother had the same, exaggerated features of the following;
      *very wide eye sockets
      *elevated brow ridge
      *pronounced occipital bone
      *bigger all round
      *bigger teeth
      *bigger jaw bone
      ... West African woman from the 1800's don't have these morphological features, if so... Source it, there were loads of these "slaves" remember. We have a collection of archaic traits that are not found in any modern human, nor in any geographical connection to the skull in question. Along with a pronounced occipital bun, aligning with the other ancient morphology of the skull, then there is no chance of the skull being from modern lineage. In the examples listed up top of extra mass in various areas, regardless of there being modern versions of singular instances of these traits, there is still the the fact that this is accompanied by many other archaic features not akin to any example of modern homo sapien skull.

      Nothing in regard as to Neanderthal DNA in any percentage in Khwit's mother's side has been divulged, however considering with his father being European, that light indeed be the case.

    4. @3.53


    5. Notice ikotomi's lack of understanding regarding caucasoid skull morphology!

    6. #2 iktomi assumes people here at the BFE are too dumb to realise KWIT'S father is a caucasian,then confuses KWIT'S
      iktomis arguments are comptley

      AC collins

    7. I forgot to tell iktomi that ALL caucasian's are 96%-99% african and 4%-1% neanderthal

      HOW DOES THAT MAKE YOU FEEL THAT I "AC collins" have just Schooled you for the 967th time ,,,CHUMP!!!

      AC collins! :-))

  2. This moron watches too much Finding Bigfoot, who like to chase things but have never caught up with them in maybe 8 seasons. Real Bigfoot can vaporize into thin air, which allows you to run right through them and you will never know it. They can also leave footprint impressions while invisible. The alleged footprint that this yahoo found, did not have trampled leaves in it. Therefore it was not fresh. So this out of shape, uninformed, enthusiast came up with nothing, nada, zilch, zero, zip for evidence. Thanks for wasting our time.

    1. I was posting my comment and seen yours afterwards. I couldn't agree more.

    2. and yet you tossers continue coming on this site. do us a favor and find something more valuable with your time such as eating your doritos and chugging down your mountain dew while playing gears of war
      sloppy play


    3. Haa haa haaa lol! ^

      as always,,,,, :-P

  3. After viewing this one has to ask: what is the point of posting this on YouTube? It shows nothing and the poster makes reference to a "shelter" when it's clearly not and points to what "could be" an impression which is just a mark in the soil. He speaks of hearing "something" but alas, nothing can be heard on the video. In short he has nothing of interest. Why post it? This seems to be a recurring theme of many of the videos posted here. Do these people not realize that with every posting of a video showing nothing it just places a little more doubt in the minds of many that Bigfoot exists? Not a good way to go about proving your case.

    1. Any deliberate attempt to undermine Bigfoot & Researchers, Matt will be glad to post it!!

  4. May I respectfully ask Joe, are videos like this valuable and not a waste of time to you to you? What did you assimilate from what he showed? You have every right to believe in Bigfoot's existence but if you champion and support videos such as this then you open yourself and other believers for ridicule.

    I come to this site occasionally because the subject interests me. That doesn't mean I have to believe everything shown with wide-eyed acceptance.

    1. well mr wise guy- maybe this video doesn't have the proof you have been looking for but there's plenty more that do but the skeptics wont accept anything that isn't a body shoved into their face . i suspect most if not all the people who post on here ARE NOT people with a slight in the subject but ISF agents sent on their agenda of undermining this and other similar sites.
      sorry, do not pass go, do not collect the bloody $200


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Wow - so hostile to a simple question (which never got answered). But that is the usual response I get here when I challenge beliefs. If you think I am an agent for the ISF than you would lose that bet. The only agenda I have is curiosity.

    4. ^^ Flat out LIE, or you would be on my channel asking questions, and learning the TRUTH!

    5. Dr.Squatch ,I think you and curious are merely looking for the TRUTH,,you (dr.squatch),are attempting to
      discover the truth by getting out in the woods & documenting your research,,

      Curious on the other hand ,
      is maybe in a wheelchair or somthing,,IS attempting to find out the truth via the internet,,

  5. Sooner Sasquatch and J. Odom both are always claiming they hear something but there is never anything to be seen or no sounds on their footage. If they wand sounds to be heard they should always wear a audio recorder just incase its not heard on the film. Just maybe they are just saying they hear or see something to get people to watch their videos. They wouldnt be the first to do that. just seem awful funny they see it and hear it but there is nothing ever on the film to be able to see or hear.

    1. I contacted Odom, and offered my guidance to find them...He replied that he didn't need any help....MMMK.


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