Grandparent's Property Had Sasquatch Living On It

From Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio:

When tonight's guest, James Crockett, was growing up, he used to spend his summers with his grandparents. It didn't take James long to figure out that his grandparents had creatures living on and around their property that would make the time he spent living with his grandparents very interesting! We hope you tune in and listen to James talk about all of the amazing experiences he had there.

Click here to listen


  1. What is this? No bigfoot again? No proof of bigfoot? No credibility at all?

    Not interested. Done.


      It's a shame you can't be more interested in addressing your b-slaps. Such a short memory.

    2. So this is the proof? How pathetic.

      Not interested. Done.

    3. "Proof" being a body, and nobody has that at this point. What people enthusiastic about the existence of "Bigfoot" have, is every source of evidence just short of a body. If I thought you had enough capacity to fathom principles such as Occam's Razor, I'd proceed to explain it to you.

    4. Oh God NO! Don't encourage him 5:21. He will cut and past the same crap that he has done a hundred times before. It's no more convincing the 100th time than it was the first!

      "short of a body"

      That says it all.

    5. If the "crap" I've pasted a 100 times before makes your rhetorical nonsense look just that, then why wouldn't I do that?For every time you wanna pretend like the day before never happened, I'll be happy to repost it.

      “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”.
      - Albert Einstein.

      No body, without one single consorted professional effort by mainstream scientifists to investigate the plethora of forensic, biological, video, audio and even thermal evidence, equates to little for you to dance about. And answering your own comments is weird.


    6. it's the "not interested, done" fella back again with his favorite mantra.
      He's so done with this site but keeps coming back which means he can't get enough of bigfoot and is a closet bigfoot enthusiast 100% !
      Don't worry buttercup, one day you'll come out and we'll all be so proud as punch for you
      sweet dreams luv


    7. It's Stuey, the same village idiot that hates on woman around here.

      "An abusive or negligent MOTHER, sister, teacher or girlfriend can plant a seed deep down in their brain’s subcortical matter."

      My guess is Stuey is too scared to admit he's a bleever around his moma who would whip his backside, so has to pretend to be otherwise.

    8. Man fake Joe, those sure were a bunch of gay phrases you threw in that comment. That gay sense of humor sounds really familiar. Hhhhmmmmm, wonder who that could be?

    9. Don't get excited, NOBODY and I mean NOBODY here is willing to get out the magnifying glass and tweezers in your behalf. NOBODY!!

    10. No proof again ? never is.

      keep praying .

    11. You stay in denial and keep prying your eyes stay tightly held shut.

    12. 11:53... Proof isn't remotely important to you. Someone with a very, very low intellect & with the amount of time you've invested in the subject, can see that there is something to this subject. You'd simply have better arguments for your time spent. I genuinely think that you're trying to convince someone that you're not a bleever. Come out of the closet man, you might find you feel much better about yourself.

    13. the skeptics are going crazy today, must be from all the black friday deals on xbox and cheetos. Enjoy your mountain dew tossers !


    14. Ha haha ha!! is right, MKB ^ thinks so to,about you.



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