Couple See Bigfoot In Sasquatch Hotbed

A couple spots a bigfoot in a clearing late at night off the side of the road. RMSO reports:


  1. Happy thanksgiving to you all! ! !

    1. 2:11 - aren't you a bundle of bitterness and spite
      Add that to your cup of tea with a little lemon juice and you're all set to enjoy a good crowning you useless twit


    2. ^ hey dufus, did it ever occur to you that, 2:11,2:55,and12:15 are all the same person?

  2. Good video. Did you ever find the game camera?

  3. What is this? Some story on some bigfoot blog from some couple that saw some creature called bigfoot in some place called a sasquatch hotbed and some group called RMSO that investigated the story? More liberal propaganda from the lame stream media. I'm not interested. Done.

    1. Fox News has run plenty of lame Bigfoot stories so that's not something unique to "liberal propaganda". Besides Kelly Shaw is hardly a liberal himself.

      And we know you are hardly done here.

  4. Doesn't Kelly Shaw have anything better to do than claim jump other people's bigfoot sightings for attention?

    That's how he managed to find "tons of bigfoot evidence" at an obvious hoax site. Why hasn't he learned his lesson from that mistake?

    1. I imagine because it earns him money and attention. DS would love to have half as many viewers.

    2. Steven Stupidfart trolling on a holiday. Don't welfare dependants have Thanksgiving too? Apparantly Spewtard has nothing better to do than troll blog sites. Do your self a favor and get a real job Steve. You will enjoy life much more knowing your family isn't depending on handouts.

    3. What's with the welfare accusation? You constantly bring it up. Even if it's true why do you even care? You come off as pretty hateful and full of spite. All this over Bigfoot- life is too short, dude.

    4. ^ I concure 110%,,,+ Now with the American Folks electing a "NON GLOBALIST GOON" hopfully there will be more work + prosperity for the GREAT AMERICAN PEOPLE TO RISE AND EXCEL AND DOMINATE THE EVIL SCUM THAT ENDEAVOR "NOT"!!
      Oh yes!!!

      Uno who

    5. None of the above comments were made by the bookstore guy near Bluff Creek. Why does Kelly always assume that and feel like he has to trollpost his own video articles every time? What is this strange crusade he's on?

    6. ^ Maybe it's a Insecurity Trip

    7. Apparently the head corn hole from Coalition of Turd Bangers & Bluff Creek Pansies showed up with her girl friends to mole & troll. Is what they do. They dont like to search for bigfoot. That requires leaving home & that is hard. It takes like 5 hours :( & may burn a few calories. Is much easier to eat Twinkies & troll blog sites where they can be on line tough girls. Although we all know this is really a Coalition of Bronies.

    8. You all know Steven Spewfart trolls and moles out of pure jealousy. It makes him a spiteful little man. Even though he has taken hostage the Bob Gimlin bigfoot video location & is trying to move in on thier legacy in an obviously fanatical fashion. Stevens house of cards is falling apart. He has to start a gofundme to try and save his failing business. Karma Steven. You can't just steal someone else's success and then harrass and troll those that you see as competition for your disgraceful handouts and think you are going to have success with your scandalous recipe for a business plan. The house of cards will continue to fall for you and that's OK it's called Karma for your corrupt selfish plans

    9. Spudfart is apparently bored trolling Henry May and Abes podcast... you cunts really are parasites. Not one of the trolition is a scientisr except for the pudgy geologist and they think they can just demand evidence. They are led by a small hateful little man.

    10. ^ leave Steve outta this,as steve is not a troll and he would never lower his self to the depths of the Maggot above aka..4:25.


    11. The maggot is Kelly Shaw talking to himself because his so-called research can't speak for itself.

    12. 7:29 that's what Shaw is in this for $$$...I'm in this to silence the skeptics, that's why I'm out researching and gathering solid evidence, and Shaw has nothing but stories.

  5. What's with Kelly Shaw assuming anyone who criticizes him is Stephen Streufort? That's some seriously delusional paranoid behavior he's exhibiting.

    Also Canadian Thanksgiving was weeks ago.

  6. Steven Stupidfoot was exposed by his best friend Jamie Wayne discussing planting fake evidence in a hoax in South Oregon. Since then Stupidfoot & his friends in on the hoax have been doing damage control. Unfortunately the Coalition & Bluff Creek Project will forever be labeled what they really are. Hoaxers.

    1. Nope. No hoax was done.
      Michael Merchant is just a lying hate-monger seeking attention.

    2. ^ Obviously Steven StinkyFart Trolling this blog post. Nobody else would give a ratsass about a post exposing Steven for the bug eyed troll he truely is. You need a different hobby Steve. Everyone is sick and tired of your current hobby of stalking, harassing and trolling Bigfoot enthusiasts. I am sure your donars are horrified over your use donations to travel hundreds of miles to harass people and plant fake evidence

    3. Streufert never got over Nadia dumping him. He talks out of both sides of his mouth. He is the basest troll.

    4. 1:30..yes it was a hoax even if spudfuck did it. Advise him the study loves his antics.

    5. You guys are ridiculous, obsessed trolls. Don't you have anything better to do with your wretched flawed existences?

    6. Proof spudtroll is here. BOOM.

    7. He hoaxed rmso and soha all because Nadia dumped his uselessness. He now tries to ruin the bluff creek project from within. Bad spewtroll!

    8. @ 5:25 your such a idiot !,everything you say is bullsh*t...lieing jerk!!
      Oh by the way .most woman say they want me to father thier basterds!!
      SO There!!!

    9. 5:54 not spewey. A minions sad attempt at deception. Your bullshit only exposes your agenda scumbags. Do better.

    10. Cowardly "Anonymous" trolls:
      Mike "Ganglian" Humphrey
      Kelly Shaw/RMSO members
      Nigel Francis
      Jason Tickman Dunn
      Jack Tessier
      Brent Dill
      Joe Wilson
      Roy Gilliam
      Daz Jeff
      Michael Merchant
      Stacy Brown
      Plus their dozens of sock puppets and fake fan pages on Facebook.

  7. Little frightened spewfart reading off his enemies list. As if anyone cares you sick little troll.

    1. As if anyone cares? You sure seen to care. You do this all day long. How is there time in your day for a job or for Squatching?

    2. It seems he gets to the woods. Not sniff dust from books all day while facebook. Screw you trollfart.

  8. Stop being a troll then, Kelly Shaw. There will be no need to mention you if you stop creating fake troll identities several times a week.

    1. You are the troll. Have been since 2011. You usurped Al Hodgkins legacy and infest the bluff creek weasel project. You are a parasite.

    2. The study loves your stuff soecimen3. Really does. Dont ever change.

    3. Your trolling isn't working, trollbot Ganglian. Do go find something worthy of a human life to do with yourself.

  9. If you were intellectually competent you'd learn how to spell "Al Hodgson." It's obvious you have no idea what you're talking about.

    1. You usurped his kegacy and youre corrupting california wildlife conservation. You are a parasite. No original ideas just latching on to others efforts. Like a tick.

    2. You're so full of it, it's just plain hilarious. My friend Al himself told me I was doing what he did in the past, especially since he's withdrawn from public life in his old age. Studying history isn't "parasitic." What you say makes no sense whatsoever. It's the babbling of an ignorant fool. California has recognized the Humboldt marten subspecies as endangered, too. There are only an estimated 100 of them left in the state, and a few more over the border in Oregon. The protection of the subspecies is urgently needed. You are only doing harm to the effort to save them with your imbecilic comments. The images gotten by Bluff Creek Project have been recognized by conservation groups, wildlife biologists, and in many media articles. Get a clue. Stop listening to the rantings of Merchant, who believes that Bigfoot are "Trees." Holy moly.

    3. What is a "kegacy," by the way?

    4. Doesn't anyone notice that these trolls like defensively to say someone else is "latching on to the legacy" and "parasite" on all of these RMSO videos, but then they seem to neglect to look at Kekky Shaw himself, as he pillages the BFRO database, without ever giving them credit or a proper link and citation? I mean, it's just so hypocritical.

    5. Spudfarts weird addition to keg beer obviously. The fact he needs to defend his parasitic existence proves his shame.

    6. The parasite is Kelly Shaw, sucking Youtube micro-pennies off these silly videos and this blog. What a clickwhore.

    7. Obvious spudtroll comment. You suck spudford.

  10. 17 sub species of Pine Marten, none of which can be determined by visual examination. Steven is hoaxing a weasel. Bad, bad Steven.

    1. He claims to he a skeptic..hoax. the marten he is exploiting for profit.

    2. Spudfuck is a darkshadow on the community. He is trying to usurp the subject. He is nothing but a troll.

    3. The marten that lives on the Humboldt region IS the Humboldt or Coastal marten.

      Duh, Merchant.

    4. No profit is made from the Bluff Creek Project. All donations go to batteries and cameras for the advancement of knowledge, with all results of wildlife imagery provided freely to the public. The accounts of the finding drives and items purchased are available to view periodically on the blog and the Indiegogo page.

      You imbeciles are whining over a mere few hundred dollars a year that are given freely by happy donors to the project freely to support objective observation of wildlife. None of this is spent on gas or beer, despite the beer joke on the donations-level list.

      If you are going to claim someone is swindling money from these donations, where is your proof of that? It isn't, you pathetic lying scum.

    5. That you scam and mooch for if you werent having gainful employment. Suck it bitches.

  11. "The American marten occurs in forested habitats throughout boreal North America, reaching its southernmost extent in the Sierra Nevada of California and the southern Rocky Mountains of New Mexico.

    Three distinct subspecies of the American marten occur in the western United States. The Humboldt marten is known from coastal northwestern California. The Sierra marten occurs from the Salmon-Trinity Mountains east to the Cascades and south throughout the Sierra Nevada. The canyon of the Klamath River occurs between the two subspecies, suggest that the Klamath River and the less hospitable xeric forest types in the river’s canyon may be barriers to movement for martens. At the northern boundary of the coast redwood zone, the Humboldt marten is replaced by the coastal marten, which occurs in Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia. The Humboldt subspecies historically occurred in California chiefly within the coast redwood zone from the Oregon border south to Sonoma County. Since 1995, surveys for the Humboldt marten have been conducted in much of the subspecies’ historic range. Results of these surveys suggest that the Humboldt marten no longer occurs in much of its historic range. Currently, the Humboldt marten is known only from southern Del Norte County and northern Humboldt County, less than 5% of its historic range."

    1. "Historical records of the distribution of Humboldt martens suggest that the subspecies was closely tied to coast redwood forests. However, the one known remnant Humboldt marten population occurs in the north-central portion of the described range in an area dominated by Douglas-fir and tanoak [Bluff Creek area]. Coast redwood associations occur on the western edge of the occupied range and white fir occurs at the higher elevations. This population uses two structurally distinct fog-influenced forest types, one on serpentine soils and one on more productive non-serpentine soils. The combination of interstitial spaces created by rocks and dense shrub cover may allow Humboldt martens to use stands with highly developed shrub communities on serpentine sites."

    2. "Population and Habitat Status:
      Historical information and recent survey data indicate that the Humboldt marten population has declined significantly during the past 100 years. Humboldt martens were relatively common in the early twentieth century, as reported from historic trapping data. The population decline of Humboldt marten was noted as early as 1937 by noted biologist Joseph Grinnell and his associates: “…of rather sparse occurrence, though in earlier years it was more generally distributed and fairly numerous.” Subsequently, trapping of martens in California was outlawed in 1946. Recent population estimates based on surveys within the known, current range of the Humboldt marten were approximately 60 individuals in 2000-2001 and 40 individuals in 2008. Female occupancy showed the most substantial declines the from 2000-2001 to 2008. Since these surveys did not cover the full known range of the Humboldt marten, the subspecies may be more numerous than these estimates. However, it is likely the entire Humboldt marten population contains fewer than 100 individuals.

      Within the historic range of the Humboldt marten, timber harvest has eliminated most late-successional forests on private lands, and much of this forest habitat on Federal and State lands, in northwestern California. About 2.7 million acres of late-successional coast redwood forests were present in California during the early to mid-1800s. Currently, approximately 70,000 ac of late-successional coast redwood forest remain in California, representing about 2.6% of the original late-successional coast redwood forest. This remaining late-successional coast redwood forest occurs primarily in reserves on State and Federal land where it is protected from future timber harvest."

    3. The position of the fish and wildlife services in Humboldt county is the weasel in question is uncommon not endangered and spudford is full of shit.
      Google it.
      Spusfort is a parasite on the bf community. Fuck him.

    4. "Threats:
      Loss, modification, and fragmentation of habitat are significant ongoing threats to the remaining Humboldt marten population. Martens have specialized habitat requirements that include large diameter live trees, snags and logs, especially within late-successional habitat. These habitat features may take centuries to develop. Little habitat with the necessary structural characteristics to support Humboldt martens is expected to regenerate over the next few decades. Without a management strategy to maintain key habitat elements it is unlikely lands available for timber harvest will support a viable marten population. Humboldt martens and their habitat in the remaining occupied area are patchily distributed. Further loss or degradation of suitable habitat could appreciably reduce the likelihood of survival of this subspecies. Wildfire has the potential to greatly alter habitat essential to martens when it removes structural components including overstory canopy, large logs or dense understory shrubs. Projects to reduce risk of wildfire are potentially beneficial to martens by reducing overall risk of large-scale, intense wildfire, yet need to be carefully planned to minimize the loss of essential habitat components or fragmenting existing suitable habitat. Roads may fragment suitable habitat and provide corridors for movement of potential predators such as bobcats and coyotes. While direct trapping of martens in California has not been legal for several decades, incidental capture of martens while targeting other species may still occur, and should be monitored to assess the risk. Trapping of martens remains legal in Oregon. Management activities that encourage populations of other carnivores, such as bobcats, fishers and cougars, may place additional pressure on the remaining marten population, as several of these species, especially fishers, may opportunistically kill martens when encountered.

      Conservation Needs:
      A conservation strategy for the Humboldt marten should increase the size of the current population so that genetic, demographic, and environmental uncertainties are less threatening, and establish multiple populations so that a single catastrophic event (such as large wildfire) cannot eliminate the subspecies. Specific measures to conserve the Humboldt marten may include:

      Maintain currently occupied habitat.
      Restore habitat to increase and reconnect habitat patches near the known population.
      Increase the overall size of suitable habitat patches.
      Restore functional landscape connectivity to enable recolonization of suitable, but currently unoccupied habitat.
      Establish high priority restoration areas.
      Restore or maintain dense, productive understory shrub layers and reduce road densities.
      Protect currently suitable resting and denning structures.
      Establish additional populations within the historical range.
      Monitor the existing population to determine population trend.
      Conduct additional research to investigate conservation needs of Humboldt martens."

    5. The decision of the biased federal FWS went against their own scientists' data and advice. There are likely only 100 or less individuals left. That's endangered, whatever some political decision was. It's being challenged in a current lawsuit that will surely win. California has placed then and the Pacific fisher on their own endangered list. Clearly, the Feds just don't want to deal with the situation, whatever science says. That is nothing but lazy indifference.

      Official Status: Species of Concern, the Humboldt marten does not have any special status under the Endangered Species Act at this time, but is considered a mammalian Species of Special Concern by the State of California.

      Date Listed: Not listed.

      Critical Habitat: Critical habitat has not been designated for the American marten.

      Recovery Plan: The American marten does not have a recovery plan.

  12. The weasel isnt endangered by word ofvthe goverment. Trollition gang trolling is the issue.

    1. See above. Those statements are from the FWS. There are 100 left of a distinct subspecies.

      None of this had to do with Bluff Creek Project or someone trying to run a bookstore in trying times, sabre that they got some of the only photographs of the subspecies prospering in its wild habitat.

      You idiots have no case against BCP, and you just look like jerky a**holes fighting against 100 remaining endangered martens.

    2. Read this for a summary of current info. They are clearly endangered, despite the politics.

  13. The case is againt spudford. A parasite attached to the project and Al's legacy. Nadia dumps you and you turn into batshit evil. The community knows you well spewtroll.

    1. You are an idiotic troll. You have no case against the marten or against the man with the bookstore. You only show your own intellectual and ethical deficits with these utterly stupid repeated trolling posts trying to make Kelly Shaw look like he matters more than sh*t when he clearly does not.

    2. YOU are the bookstore owner. And you are a trolling maggot. You started this fight in 2011. Own it bitch

    3. Why even mention the marten, then? Just like every position you guys try to take on here, your argument holds no water, lacking as they all do anything like a factual basis in actual evidence. Just throwing sh*t at the wall hoping it will stick does nothing for anyone using logic and clear thinking. You're obviously just a bunch of ignorant liars who can hardly even read all the facts posted above, and even if you could read and learn, you'd twist them into nonsense only to disparage someone who has the truth and the facts and logic on his side. All you have is a bunch of wishful thinking, a silly belief system, abdominal some really fragile egos needing support. It's a sad thing to see, really, grown human beings acting this way with nothing better to do with their lives, and nothing whatsoever to show for it. At least BCP has the marten, the fisher, and the ringtail.

    4. Ha ha. So what if some of the above was me, the bookstore owner? WHO is the "maggot"? Just LOOK at YOURSELF. What an obsessed maniac you are, seething with lies and hatred, the very scum of humanity and foulness, full of base language and undue insults that really only apply to yourself. It's ridiculous how you troll. I don't do that. What do you think I do? None of this crap. I run a Facebook group with several others that critiques Bigfoot evidence, and sometimes, yeah, makes fun of the claims the sillier Bigfooters make. I take my positions with courage and conviction, while you creep around on blogs not even brave enough to say your own name and "own it." What "fight" do you even think you are in, and where in the world did you even come from? I've been doing these Bigfoot studies since 1999, and I talk to most of the real names in the field as a colleague, whereas you don't even have the guts to come out with your own stupid name and say what you say to the world as yourself. It is truly HILARIOUS how stupid and petty you are, that you'd lie to try to make yourself look better against something like Bluff Creek Project, which does nothing more sinister than put up trail cameras to observe wildlife and see if maybe Bigfoot exists. You can only justify your own existence by derogating others like myself who are obviously your superiors. You FAIL. You try to attack me with lies, like I supposedly steal money from donors, when I simply DO NOT. You try to attack the great photos of an endangered marten that we've gotten for no other reason than your own pathetic jealousy. We make no unusual claims. We got images of a few rare creatures up there, and we're happy and proud to have done so, and no more than that. I run a bookstore that I am going to turn into an online-only venture because the concept of a bricks-and-mortar book shop is just becoming a thing of the past. Why do you attack books? Perhaps you had a hard time reading them in junior high school? Well, heck, I have many other things to do, and I am doing them, not "living on welfare" as you so stupidly like to claim. Now look, who is a troll? The one who runs his own blogs and discussion groups and does his own thing there expressing his own thoughts and ideas about Bigfoot, or someone like YOU who creeps around like a real worm, creating fake identities several times a week simply to post juvenile comments on my pages and chuckle like a flipping imbecile who just threw an egg at someone's house? I mean, whatever, dude... get a life of your own why don't you? Is it really that fulfilling to post your stupid stuff here and on YouTube nearly every day, even when I'm not the one commenting on the stupid Kelly Shaw RMSO videos? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? What troubles you most, I'm sure, is that deep down you know I am right, and that I am just plain smarter than you, I have a better and more famous research project than you do, and people come to me from all over the world to talk about Bigfoot nearly all year long. And no, I really don't make any money from Bigfoot Studies. I just like doing it, and it's a hobby. So really, shut up already. Go mend your wounds and learn to live with some dignity.

  14. You beg for money to exploit weasels. Noone said you were good at it. Popping out of anonymity and posting a novel of a rant? You mad troll?


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