California Spot Yields Two Bigfoot Sightings In The Same Month

The Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization cover a couple reports from an area known as Bald Hills Road in California. This spot produced two sighting reports in the same month.


  1. What's this? Some kind of retelling of more nameless witnesses stories which occurred over 16 years ago by the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization? Isn't that Kelly Shaw's group? Does he really think he's contributing something by doing this?

    Not interested. Done.

    1. Steven Spewtard already admited it was him trolling RMSO posts on here the last two posts in a row. Yes we get is Steve. You are a worthless troll and you don't like people that search for Bigfoot. Troll on Steven Spudfart

    2. Spudfart is a troll and short bus special. What a stinking MAGGOT.

    3. ^^^ Desperate Kelly Shaw troll running out of peepee trying to mark his territory.

    4. You guys are the trolls and hoaxers. You live in some bizarro world where everything you say is a lie.

    5. Screw you Thompson, another of the sudfrod patrol. What a maggot he is.

  2. Wow great video. You guys were really close to the bug eyed freak at Willow Creek. Did it feel Wierd Bigfooting So close to a corn hole?

    1. Another post for spudford. Looking forward to your upcoming mockumentary.

    2. ^^^ Desperate Kelly Shaw troll running out of slime trying to mark his territory.

    3. ^ blub blub blub sniffle sniffle blub sob sob

  3. 2:08:00 is Gollum Trolling again. Steven sits on his can collecting welfare benefits and uses his wasted life harassing anyone into searching for Bigfoot
    Stevens daddy should of saved the world from Stupidfart and shot the loser on to the wall. Sperm on the wall is a about the same thing as a loser in a modern day bookstore

    1. ^ Kelly (I got nothing) Shaw.

    2. ^ 'ouch! that must "sting'

    3. Bug eyed welfare collect maggot troll. Damn you suck spewey

    4. ^^^ Desperate Kelly Shaw troll running out of sputum trying to mark his territory.

    5. spudford failing at being anonymous.^^

  4. Rolling eyes. That hateful little man at it again. Steven Stupidfoot does nothing but take peoples money to travel hundreds of miles and then plant hoaxed evidence. Stupidfoot hoaxes and trolls. Its what he does. Be much cooler if you werent using other peoples cash to hoax Steve.

    1. ^ Kelly (I hate Steven S.) Shaw.

    2. I dont like the bug eyed troll either. Cant wait for Steve to sell his failing business & move away from Willow Creek. He has cast a dark negative shadow upon Patterson & Gimlin success. Will be a great day for the bigfoot community when this unethical troll has moved on.

    3. Hes a triple liar: first he was selling then he said he wasnt now he IS again and is opening a crappy esty store.

  5. None of the above comments were made by me. You people are truly paranoid and deluded. I may comment here anonymously from time to time, but I'm *never* the one who starts this stupidity. I only comment to state the facts, after the idiotic lies and false suppositions start. If Kelly can't take whatever criticism comes (from others) without blaming all of it on me, he and his "evidence" are weak indeed. The truth be told, I could care less about Shaw and his videos.


    2. You are a repetitive cum recepticle. You are an not agnostic. You are full of shit as well as Merchants bitch.

    3. ^^^ Desperate Kelly Shaw troll running out of scatological material.

    4. Its come to my attention some scuzzy liar is lying about being me. But I must admit I have been trolling everywhere for some time. The obsessed troll using my picture is just some loon.

  6. None of the above comments were made by me. You people are truly paranoid and deluded. I may comment here anonymously from time to time, but I'm *never* the one who starts this stupidity. I only comment to state the facts, after the idiotic lies and false suppositions start. If Kelly can't take whatever criticism comes (from others) without blaming all of it on me, he and his "evidence" are weak indeed. The truth be told, I could care less about Shaw and his videos.

    1. ^ always here. Always Stevie is obsessed with trolling Shaw. Obviously Spewtard thinks everyone is as stupid as Steve is

    2. Forest Ranger wannabe Steveie spudtard has blessed us with his presence. We know and you know you will never be a forest ranger ol boy. Girl scouts are interested in your ablity of separating people from thier money. You should take them up on thier offer for thier spring cookie drive Stupidfoot. Thier uniform is kind of forest ranger like. Close enough.will look good on you. A little more manly than your accustomed to

    3. The butthurt seems to be speweys

    4. ^^^ Desperate Kelly Shaw troll running out of peepee trying to mark his territory. If only he spent this much time studying science.

    5. Fish and Wildlife says: "Recent population estimates based on surveys within the known, current range of the Humboldt marten were approximately 60 individuals in 2000-2001 and 40 individuals in 2008. Female occupancy showed the most substantial declines the from 2000-2001 to 2008. Since these surveys did not cover the full known range of the Humboldt marten, the subspecies may be more numerous than these estimates. However, it is likely the entire Humboldt marten population contains fewer than 100 individuals."

    6. They said its not endangered maggot

    7. Isn't endangered, also takes a physical examination to identify. Yanking everones chain saying you made a positive identification from a photo or video. More propaganda from losers trying to convince everyone they are big shots.

  7. Robert Leiterman of the Bluff Creek Project is the one who took those reports! LOL.

    STOLEN from the BFRO database without proper credit, as usual.

  8. ^ links are in the description smart guy. Steve must of taught you how to research. Take donations then use them to plant fake evidence in grants pass

    1. Wow Kekky finally started putting links in his video descriptions? That's new. It means he's responded to criticism. Imagine that!

    2. The fact remains that Kekky just read two reports investigated and written by a member of the great BLUFF CREEK PROJECT, which he claims to hate so much.

      Is Kekky exploiting Bigfoot hotspots again, capitalizing on the hard work of others? Is he a parasite or what?

    3. WHAT? The two reports Shaw just used were originally investigated and written by one of Steve's group? The same group Shaw hates so much? Wow. Just another in the long list of his embarrassments.


    4. Does Rob Leiderman help Jamie, Steven and the rest of Bluff Creek stage Bigfoot evidence? These two reports Shaw traveled to are more than likely hoaxed Bullshit Stevens group is known for. Sounds like Shaw wasted his time traveling to bald hills

    5. They just protect unendangered weasels there

    6. The scientists say there are 100 or less of the Humboldt marten subspecies left in California. And they're not the same species as a common weasel.

    7. No they dont. The government says uts not endangered you trolling scum

    8. Fish and Wildlife says: "Recent population estimates based on surveys within the known, current range of the Humboldt marten were approximately 60 individuals in 2000-2001 and 40 individuals in 2008. Female occupancy showed the most substantial declines the from 2000-2001 to 2008. Since these surveys did not cover the full known range of the Humboldt marten, the subspecies may be more numerous than these estimates. However, it is likely the entire Humboldt marten population contains fewer than 100 individuals."

    9. ^ Bullshit propaganda by Stuptard trying to justify his desperate plea of self importance. Get a job. Kick welfare assistance to the curb is a great start of impressing people Steve. A marten impossible to positively identify on a game camera video is hardly impressive. Makes you look desperate for attention making claims of a positive ID from a photo or video. A living or dead specimen in the hands of a real biologist is necessary. Give up on your proxy biology claims Steve.

    10. Spuddy is repetitive in his ocd today

    11. Funny thing for you to say, since every one of the comments followed one of yours. It's called replying.

    12. All that and teh Martin is unendangered you fucking maggot

  9. Aw, it looks like Kelly Shaw and his after school club are at it again. Recycling those old BFRO reports without crediting the sources. This is indicative of someone who doesn't have the experience or the intelligence to do their own research. Somebody needs to come up with another hoax site for him to research. Hey Kelly, I hear the guys in the suits are coming back to the hoax site in Idaho. You need to pull together that rag-tag band of fantasy role players, called the RMSO, and hurry on up there. Maybe you can throw on those pirate clothes and really impress the locals. I have to admit that you look kind of cute dressed as a pirate, Kelly. "Aw, I love that smell of a hoaxed bigfoot in a cheap costume!" - Kelly Shaw LOL! Now I will sit back and wait for the barrage of name-calling from the anonymous Shaw and his anonymous flunkies. You know you guys really give yourselves away with the tactic of manipulating the spelling of one's last name and your twisted fixation on turds and such. Most people gave up this childish behavior by third grade but again, we are talking about Shaw and his minions.

    1. MsKeltic Steve's favorite corn hole in all of Coalition of Turd Bangers. I heard he likes banging your corn hole so much he is promoting you to hear girl scout in the Bluff Creek Pansies. Comes with important responsibilities. You get to hole Spewfart hand while he sacks his wanker. Moving up fast. One day he may pay you to change batteries in game cameras. Its hard. It takes like five hours. You are the girl for the job. If Stevie can't handle it the number one corn hole receiver surely can. Keep up the good work keltic. Coalition of Turd Bangers is proud of your commitment to take it in the bungy

    2. Calling someone a girl when you have the name "Kelly" is pretty ironic.

      You also seem to have an unhealthy interest in corn holes.

    3. Kelly has a lot of sick fantasies I see. Did he ever graduate from junior high school? Is his mental age above 10?

    4. Appears MsKeltic has taken a page out of Steve's own playbook and has been online stalking RMSO memebers personal lives. Really creepy how your Coalition group stalks and harasses people. The worst is when you spend time and money to go plant fake bigfoot evidence at someone's favorite Bigfoot location. You are a bunch of mental health issues thinking your some kind of super hero's stalking and harassing people.

    5. That didn't happen. Stacy Brown sent me rest of the conversation, and apologized, admitting he'd been wrong. Jamie and I *opposed* the idea suggested (only, not the OP) by one person to try to trick Johnson. Here is what Brown said, posted here with his permission:

      "Here is the conversation. Turns out he blamed the wanting to hoax on someone else. So therefore you were not the one who he was talking about. Sounds like he was talking about the op. Either way I apologize. I was wrong. I simply 'misremembered' lol."

      You can stop babbling lies now.

    6. ^ piss pour explanation trying to cover up your hoax after the fact. Face it Steve. Not only are you the biggest troll in Bigfooting. You were also busted planning a hoax. Aside from your dozen friends you may think you have. Nobody takes anything coming from you seriously any longer. Most the community see you as the unethical chump that you truely are.

    7. Oh BS. That stupid rumor of us hoaxing anything was started by Stacy Brown's originally post of a fragment of a conversation. What you see above is him admitting in a private message that he was wrong, he misinterpreted what was said, and that I had nothing to do with a hoax. One person, not me or Jamie, merely suggesting the idea in a very long conversation is not a plan to hoax. The idea was rejected. I was the one who rejected it first. Nothing was done at SOHA save for site confirmation and observation of the area. That's the fact. Yoy have zero evidence of anything else now, and you never did have any evidence.

    8. Spewfarts track record is about as clean as a turd and smells twice as bad. He is far from holier than thou. Most he stalks and harasses have a much better track record.

    9. Stevens initial cover up for being busted in this plan to plant fake evidence was that Jamie was drunk and mis spoke. Then Jamie recanted and did not mean what he said. And now after nearly a year the cover story changes again. Jamie didn't say any of that it was Stacy Brown showing the conversation he had with Jamie is the one who actually mis spoke? This story has changed a half a dozen times. This would be tore up in court as lies covering lies. Your story changes with the wind Steve. I recommend you take the 5th because you are digging a deeper hole over your scandal every time you open your mouth

    10. Nope, all that's changed is that Stacy Brown recanted his statements and apologized, clearly stating that I had nothing to do with planning a hoax. If you can't see that you're truly blind. I don't know if Jamie was drinking at the time, but he did misspeak, as he was hardly even involved in that conversation where someone else proposed tricking Johnson into a lie. Had he been following it he wouldn't have interpreted it as anything like OP and BCP planning a hoax. That was just further propaganda spread around by you and the Merchant clan. You weren't there. You weren't in the discussion group. You have no evidence whatsoever. Give it up already. Stacy Brown stated the truth.

    11. Anonymous cowards, why don't you also come clean and post inner your real names like I am doing? Are you really so afraid? Are you really so weak that you can't stand behind your garbage convictions and lies? It's already obvious who you are, but jeez, have some integrity and stop stalking in the shadows.

    12. And get a clue. Just because one person in a group clicks on a Facebook profile and sees some public images does not make then or an entire group of 3100 people "stalkers." There is no plan or conspiracy to stalk or harass anyone coming out of Coalition group. People on Coalition do their own thing, and certainly aren't under orders from me. I don't tell Rictor or Richard Allen what to post. Facebook is a social network, meant for sharing. So what if someone found Kelly Shaw dressed as a pirate funny? Rather, what is stalking is what you guys do, constantly posting on my pages inert fake identities, coming on here as anonymous and blaming me for every comment that doesn't believe Shaw is a credible researcher. You guys want to call us trolls? What a laugh. You're the ones who are trolling and have been trolling us for nearly two years. That shows a rather deep sickness and commitment to being a troll. Do get some help, or do something to better the world. Stop wasting your life groveling in your own filth and insecurity.

    13. Steve comes in here, starts trolling and then gets his feelers hurt when blasted with the truth lmao!... You have changed your bigfoot hoax story several, several times. That is called lying Steve. Not to mention you harass everyone who has claimed to have saw bigfoot because you say they do not exist. Then you go on national tv with a bigfoot experience of your own. Somewhere another lie. Seems you have lost this debate Steve. I have to agree with the guy saying you are an unethical troll. You lose we win, have a nice day!

    14. Oh, you again. The stupid lying troll. There is no story but the one you have made up. No hoax plan and no hoax. No one is harassing and lying but you, cowardly troll. You are a troll, admit it. Just look at you. Where is your evidence for these idiotic claims you keep making? They are about as real as the "Bigfoot evidence" Kelly Shaw found at a hoax site, as they say. There is no debate here. I state the facts, you hurl Chewbacca turdz at the wall. Come out from under your childish little blanket, "Anonymous." I know you can do it, and your little gang of troll friends, too. I know it's hard to act like a grown-up, but really, give it a try sometime.

    15. "Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it."

      "...follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous."

      ---Joseph Goebbels

    16. Sounds pretty much like what Kelly Shaw did with the now infamous "Idaho bigfoot hoax". He lied about finding evidence and when busted by Meldrum, continued to weave bigger lies to cover his ass. The guy is a total joke with his make-believe bigfoot "research". It's easy to see why he has zero credibility. He should just stick with playing a pirate.

    17. Shaw and his mouth-breathing "anonymous" groupies are comedic gold! You can't read one of their comments without hearing "Dueling Banjos" from "Deliverance" playing in the background. LOL! I bet they chase each other around making each other "squeal like pigs". Who uses words like "corn hole" and "turd-bangers". In what kind of backwoods trailer park do you find expressions like that? These activities seem to play an important part in their lives but unfortunately, or maybe more like fortunately, they have no relevance to anyone else. They must have other things they can do with their time. Don't they have a toothless first cousin they can date? LOL! At any rate, I hope they keep "contributing". There comments are the best evidence of their ignorance and paranoia. Do they really think that there is some group conspiracy to call them out? Sorry, dimwits, but there are a lot of separate individuals out there that are fed up with liars, hoaxers, trolls and little YouTube hustlers like Shaw and his playmates.



    19. MrsKeltic has daddy issues is the reason she is here to hold Steve Spudfarts hand while he trolls. The mentally challenged stick together giving each other emotional support because not a one can handle life on thier own. MrsKeltic adds not a thing to the subject. She is only in it to provide drama. She holds Steve's hand when he is upset and when he trolls. I am sure MrsKeltic was there for emotional support while Steven planned his scheme to plant fake evidence and for his two minutes of fame when he blatantly lied on National tv about having a Bigfoot experience of his own. You two make a good disabled couple. Together holding hands you can make it throughout the most challenging times holding hands and offering one another emotional support. As how cute. I enjoy watching mentally challenged couple's take life's challenges head on. Like trolling a blog together. You must be so proud of each other. I am proud of both of you. You are cool Steve. Yes you Steve only you.

    20. The celtic trannie needs a life and noone cares what gatorboy said to you soudfart you fucking maggot.

    21. Amazing desperate last-ditch efforts of Kelly Shaw and friend to save their failed research. This is really all they have left I guess.

    22. Is it true Jamie Wayne got drunk & told on himself & Steven in a message to Stacy Brown that they were going to plant fake bigfoot evidence at some guys favorite bigfoot spot? I saw the message floating around facebook a while back. Doesnt look good for these bluff creek guys accepting donations & then spending money to fake evidence.

    23. It is true tht 4:10 is spudford trying to do damage control. Maggot.

  10. Recipe for fun:

    1. Make post critical of the RMSO.
    2. Watch Steve S. get the blame for it.
    3. Watch Steve S. respond it was not him.
    4. Watch him still being blamed for it.
    5. Watch both sides accuse the other of stupidity.

    All over a creature that doesn't exist. Folks, it doesn't get more entertaining than this!

    1. Except that most of the attacks are in the exact same words Shaw has posted all over Facebook and Youtube. It's him or someone with a Kelly Shaw clipboard to mine for quotes, like his woman friend. Or maybe he pays grommit kids from the elementary school to do it.

  11. What is this? A bunch of comments from a bunch of people who think they know who is making anonymous comments but actually have no idea who or what they are talking about? More liberal propaganda from the lame stream media. I'm not interested. Done.

    1. Succinct and to the point goddammit !!!!!!!!

    2. Awe come on now Redloff, it aint "that" SIMPLE!!

      AC collins

  12. "MrsKeltic has daddy issues" LOL! This coming from Shaw who has a girl's first name and who likes to play dress-up. Keep the comments coming, Kelly, what they reveal about you are totally fascinating. You are a text book case, for sure. It's so easy to discern who you are just by your third grade grammar and your playground name-calling. How do you even hold a job with your 24/7 childish trolling obsession that takes you all over the internet. All your juvenile comments, blatant lying and false accusations cannot change the facts. You fabricated fake evidence from a bigfoot hoax site - FACT. When you were busted, you quickly removed all the evidence from your website - FACT. You created some bogus story in an attempt to cover up your previous lies - FACT. In your jealousy and envy of the Bluff Creek project, you copped a photo from a professional photographer and claimed it was yours - FACT. Due to the fact that you have never found any bigfoot evidence at your make-believe "research area", you have to resort to recycling old BFRO reports, often not even crediting your source - Fact. In short, you are not a very nice person, Miss Kelly.

    1. ^ sounds butt hurt a few blog trolls handed your ass to you MrsKeltic along with your boyfriend. Entertaining watching you & Steve fight your way out of a wet paper bag.
      Fact is Steven was busted in an attempt to plant fake evidence.
      Fact is Steven has changed his cover story as to why this happened a dozen times.
      Fact is when lying to cover up the previous lie it snow balls into still more lies. Comical wondering what lie Steve will come up next to cover the tracks of being busted hoaxing.
      Fact is Steven went on national tv and lied about having a bigfoot experience of his own.
      Fact is Steven is the number one unethical troll in bigfooting & that is all he has to offer aside from acting like a bigshot pretending to have identified an endangered animal. That is really not endangered & we all know the only way to identify the animal is by a physical examination of the animal. The list goes on and on. Trying to convince everyone you are bigshots actually makes you appear to be big losers. Have steve rub your corn hole & quit crying MrsKeltic. Nobody likes to listen to a whiner.

    2. MrKeltic does nothing or even adds anything to the world of bigfooting. He is only in it to troll with spewtard. Keltic doesnt even live in an area he could legitimately search for bigfoot. Shows he is completely dysfunctional mentally. Is why there is such a major attraction to Steve. They share the same dysfunctions. I suggest setting up an appointment with Dr Matthew Johnson. He may be able to assist you in your anger management & delusions of grandeur. You two trolls lead a sad and pathetic life. Stalking, harassing. You two need some help other wise you will have aneurysm before you are out of your teenage years. I mean look both get so upset they resort to grammar & spell checking on some random bigfoot blog. Wierd

    3. "Fact is": Nope. There is only one story, and that's what happened. Mitchell proposed the idea of tricking Johnson in a group discussion, and that idea was rejected by the group. Nothing happened. The was no plan and no hoax was done. That's the story, and you know it. The only stories that have changed are your ridiculous fictional ones. Even Stacy Brown, the source of the famous out-of-context screen capture, has admitted he was wrong and apologized. So should you, if your not just a lying troll.

      The Finding Bigfoot segment was highly edited. I never said I saw a Bigfoot. You know that, too. Remember when they edited a scene showing a horse from the front that looked like a biped, removing the part where it turned sideways and suddenly didn't look like a Bigfoot?

  13. "There you have it folks

    Fairies, Aliens and Squiggles.

    This is the Bigfoot community.


    Is not as bad as kelly shaw who famously visited the location of a Bigfoot hoax site and found bigfoot evidence."

  14. Hey you all i wanted to warns you all about those trolls who are trollin that steven sturfert, they are all working with him. They are all in on it trying to take down doc johnson by foolin him. I know this for a fact because i got a email from this steven sturfert by accident and we needs to let the good doc know that he can't trust any of them. Not merchant not shaw not dill not a dam one of them! Im going to keep layin low so they dont know who i am but I did a copy of the email and will put it down be low.
    Here it is.
    That was hilarious Michael, I especially liked how you did your impersonation of me, it was classical. Jamie wasn't to impressed though but he will get over it.
    It was genius to have you and the others troll me like this, Johnson and the delusional woo fruitcakes will not know what hit them or who. Some of the admins in the Coalition are worried that we might be laying it on a bit too thick and that Johnson will figure out what's really going on and that you and the other will be exposed, I told them not too worry, that we could lighten up a little.

    1. Yeah we're all trollition trolls. You got us. Damn....

    2. We figured that's what it was, cannot trust any of these fake bastards!

    3. I knew that Shaw was a fake troll, hell he fakes everything and Merchant did seem to switch from being proscience to our belief awfully sudden, he and Steven were good friends and he was a member of the Coalition as was Dill is again a member of the Coalition. It does make sense, what better way to convince people than to have your trolls troll you. I am going to say it's true, you trolls are actually working for Steven so fuck you all to hell you fucking bastards!

    4. Ugh. I didn't write that.
      You guys are living in a fictional fantasy world.

    5. Yeah right! You and your fake trolls are fucking morons! Fuck you Kelly! You and your fake rocky mountain bullshit are going down mother fucker!

    6. Its time to come clean Boss they are on to us. Save what little pride you have left you weasel molesting maggot.

    7. Yeah its time to fess up. Stevo has had us pretend to troll him for a while now. Maybe if Steven agrees to give the coalition back to Nadia we wont post a tell all.

    8. Your such a quiff steve. Why did you tell every body what is going on. And I thought Jamie had lose lips. Are you drinking tonight Steven? Johnson is on to us now. Maybe we should just go back to plan A

    9. It's hilarious. Someone is messing with you, but it's not me. The above is fiction, like the rest of it.

    10. It's hilarious. Someone is messing with you, but it's not me. The above is fiction, like the rest of it.

  15. ^Spewey F'd up again? Only thing that impresses Jamie actually is 2nds on a triple layer buttercream cake drizzled in boston chocolate.

  16. You know it's not going to work blaming Steven for this, we are not fools, we know that you guys are all involved. You can try to fake your way out of this but the rabbit is out of the hat. We know you guys are involved, just go hide under a rock where you belong.

    1. Thats the trick though. Steven has has us doing this for weeks. We're busted. Get over it.

  17. What the hell is this crap about Steven and Jamie planning to hoax Johnson, that's not true at all and neither are the rumors that the OP was involved. I planned to draw some obvious fake looking tracks to let Johnson know that I was there to get his goat but Steven and the others said not to it, that they wanted just to check the area, not to bother it and leave no trace that they were there. I never made it down there, no fake looking tracks were made and you can ask Johnny Munson, because I told him what took place.


    1. Mitch is on the hoax. Gotcha.

    2. Mitchell just gave the 5th revamped version of this story. Makes it easy to call Bullshit on the Bluff Creek Bigfoot hoax scandal when each of you guys change your story every time the wind changes direction. At least Mitchell did have the balls to admit he wanted to plant fake evidence

    3. Nope. There is only one story, and that's what happened. Mitchell proposed the idea of tricking Johnson in a group discussion, and that idea was rejected by the group. Nothing happened. The was no plan and no hoax was done. That's the story, and you know it. The only stories that have changed are your ridiculous fictional ones. Even Stacy Brown, the source of the famous out-of-context screen capture, has admitted he was wrong and apologized. So should you, if your not just a lying troll.

    4. Maggot. You hoaxed and just said so.

  18. Mitchell just gave the 5th revamped version of this story. The Bluff Creek Project bigfoot hoax scandal changes with the wind. Easy to call B.S. When you guys can't keep the stories strait.

  19. Nope. There is only one story, and that's what happened. Mitchell proposed the idea of tricking Johnson in a group discussion, and that idea was rejected by the group. Nothing happened. The was no plan and no hoax was done. That's the story, and you know it. The only stories that have changed are your ridiculous fictional ones. Even Stacy Brown, the source of the famous out-of-context screen capture, has admitted he was wrong and apologized. So should you, if your not just a lying troll.

    The Finding SOHA group was not the same as Bluff Creek Project, either.

    1. Bs... all the same people and a multiple pronged attempt to defame the Olympic Project.


  20. First Jamie was drunk and mis-spoke. Even though he said it in a IM message. He even implicated have the Olympic project. Then Jamie recanted saying he just ment a couple of OP guys. Then oh no non of it happened at all. Then Stacy mis spoke. Yet it was Jamie's message. Then oh no he didn't mis spoke it just came up in a group conversation with 12 people. Then it's all Mitchell's fault he wanted to plant fake foot prints. Even though the story changes the fact is all of you were involved with a scandal to plant fake bigfoot evidence.Ridiculous. yep I won't ever buy a word coming from you or your group Steve. This is just one example of the consistent corruption that surrounds you. And still can't keep your stories consistent between each other

    1. Researching while drunk. Defaming perceived rivals and conspiring to hoax. This is the Bluff Creek Project and its bug eyed ring master. You maggot.

    2. The story morphes to cover the bug eyed hoaxer even after he threw hiaxers Jaimee and Mitch under the bus with the help of their co conspirators Randy and Rictor.
      HOAX! BOOM!

  21. Your obfuscating. It's simple, what happened was one person had an idea, that idea was rejected. Jamie misunderstood and misspoke about that. Stacy Brown posted an out-of-context screen shot misinterpreting what happened and characterizing what was said. Stacy then admitted he was wrong and apologized. No hoax, no plan, no scandal but in your imagination. It's obvious that all you're trying to do is smear Bluff Creek Project with a bunch of lies, when this whole thing with SOHA didn't even have anything to do with Bluff Creek Project. I've just told the truth the whole time, but I can't help it if other people say things that aren't accurate. You can't show any actual hoax that was done or any proof of an actual "plan," so your argument is pointless and fallacious. Give it up already. Repeating a lie a thousand times does not make it more true.

  22. Your obfuscating. It's simple, what happened was one person had an idea, that idea was rejected. Jamie misunderstood and misspoke about that. Stacy Brown posted an out-of-context screen shot misinterpreting what happened and characterizing what was said. Stacy then admitted he was wrong and apologized. No hoax, no plan, no scandal but in your imagination. It's obvious that all you're trying to do is smear Bluff Creek Project with a bunch of lies, when this whole thing with SOHA didn't even have anything to do with Bluff Creek Project. I've just told the truth the whole time, but I can't help it if other people say things that aren't accurate. You can't show any actual hoax that was done or any proof of an actual "plan," so your argument is pointless and fallacious. Give it up already. Repeating a lie a thousand times does not make it more true.

    1. Its not obscured its YOU lying throuvh your teeth.

  23. No need for anyone to show any proof of a anything. Through out this thread you and your accomplices have stated truths, half truths, lies and changes in you story to plant fake evidence. You all have already admitted a scandal went down. Just non of you can keep the same story going. You would be tore up in a court of law over your blatant inconsistancies between you all over your bigfoot hoax scandal. No need to produce evidence when we have five different stories on one thread admitting a plot to hoax.

    1. After trolling and stalking others since 2011 Spudford, Jamie, Mitch and Randy are themselves trolls.. gang trollers, busted as hoaxers.

      This isnt going away anytime soon. Time for a mockumentary.

  24. You act like your a smart guy Steve. I would like to point out to you. Every time you troll someone it opens up a can of worms for that person to bring up every scandal you have been involved in. Just being a troll you open your self up to questions about your personal ethics and moral standards. Although you try to convince everyone you are a smart guy you keep on trolling and opening these plentiful cans of worms. Just a plethora of ammunition on you is easy to call you out on all of your scandals you have been involved in.

    1. He demands evidence but blurs his culpability. All this from a troll who runs a bookstore with NO scientific credentials. This is your trollition. Tjis is the Bluff Creek Project.

    2. What hoax? There was no hoax. What scandal? Just one you made up. What you are doing is often called the "Chewbacca Defense." It's a bunch of fictional red herrings. Look it up:

      I'm not "trolling" anyone. You guys, from Shaw to Zen Yeti, are the ones trolling.

      If other people talk and say things, I'm not accountable for that, especially when what they say might be inaccurate. And Randy and Rictor? They weren't really even a part of this, aside from posting a few comments. Rictor helped in a very small way, connecting us with a source for what turned out to be Johnson's older research areas. But I know they are the enemies of your Zen Yeti clan, so heck throw them in to your ridiculous conspiracy theory for good measure, right?

      We went to SOHA, looked around at things for an hour or so, confirming the site, and left. No hoax occurred. There is one story: some people discussed ideas, lots of options were proposed and most rejected. We went mainly to confirm the site first, and that's what we did. It was two people who went, not the OP or the BCP, and not "the Coalition."

      Your position is weak, and pathetic really. Let's hope you use better methods in your efforts to prove Bigfoot.

    3. You hoaxed. You defamed the olympic project and you admit to researching drunk. You are a joke. And you are a gang trolling bug eyed scumbag.

      Hoaxers: Mitch. Randy. Rictor.
      Trolls: Spudford.

      Expect a mockumentary

  25. Ganglian, is that you? Ha ha. What trolls you are.

    I didn't hoax anything. Even Stacy Brown says so.
    It wasn't me who mentioned (wrongly) the OP.
    Randy and Rictor are hoaxers? What story have you made up about them, now? They aren't even involved in this business you keep spewing about.

    Look right here. The only "gang trolling" is from you guys, with your Zen Yeti and RMSO connections. Just look at you with your obsessive stalker threats of mockumentaries. Troll much, buddy? You don't see me making videos about you, Shaw, Merchant, etc., do you? You guys are the trolls, it's so obvious.

    A couple of people, or a few, from Coalition have spoken up to correct your lies here. That's hardly a "gang." We have a discussion group, of independent individuals, and we aren't trolling anyone. If Shaw and Merchant don't want links posted and their videos discussed, why do they publish them? You'd think they would invite the added views and simulated discussion.

    You don't see me or anyone from Coalition cyberstalking like you guys do. You are the real "unethical hang trolls" if there ever were any. I'm not trying like you do to undermine someone's business with lies and slander. I don't follow you around harassing you with fake identities and stupid posts mentioning you daily, like you guys do. I have ethics, where you guys clearly do not. You are the very trolls that you seek to call others. It's absolutely hilarious to watch how obsessed and insane you are, how deeply absorbed you are in a "post-fact" reality.

    Having one beer at SOHA as a refreshment after driving is hardly "being drunk while researching." Besides, beer is good for you. Try it sometime.

  26. Your words: Jamie was drunk. Mitchell conspired to hoax. Your words. This is now the 6th version?

    1. Those are not my words.

      I said I had no idea why Jamie said those inaccurate things, and that, who knows, maybe he was drinking at the time. He simply misstated the facts, and Brown took the words or of context and used town l then to imply untrue things.

      Mitchell had a momentary idea which was rejected. That does not amount to a hoax or a conspiracy to do one. It is frankly the opposite.

      One version of the facts exists, and it's what I've said. You're the one making up all the silly "versions." I already posted Brown's retraction and apology. Jamie has posted a clarification of what he meant several times. Mitchel just told you above that he had a mere idea to trick or play a joke on Johnson, which was never enacted.

      That's it. That's the truth.

    2. Phone typos.
      Brown took the words out of context and used them to imply untrue things.

      Also, like I said before, Jamie wasn't even participating in the discussion with any consistency. What he said about OP being involved was not true, and was just an impression he got because a number of the people in the discussion were from Washington.

  27. Nothing you say is the truth you fuck. We understand you fine. We understand you are a lying sack of shit.

  28. Oh, bother.
    It wasn't my idea. Nothing was done. The idea was rejected. What part of that do you not grasp?

    But oh,yeah, you're just trolling and lying. You can babble and lie and call names all day long, but it doesn't change the simple fact that there was no hoax.

    The hoax was Johnson, clearly. SOHA was a fantasy, perhaps a delusion, or else an outright hoax. And Johnson ran away when his fantasyland was exposed as nothing more than an old logging road in a clearcut.

    The hoaxer is YOU. This smear campaign of you and your buddies constitutes a hoax, otherwise known as slander. I've never seen such disgusting, unscrupulous liars in my life. Leave it to Bigfooting to generate nuts like you, so totally unaccountable to truth and reality.

    1. Its you repeating the whole I know you are but what am I. YOU troll here and everywhere. YOU hoaxed Johnson.

      You think you have some cause but truth is you have no right to demand evidence. You have no scientific credentials. You run a bookstore or try to and fail at it.

      Noone owes you evidence. You are a failed cultust. Nadia saw through you. And after you hoxed you chucked Mitchy and Jamie under the bus. You are a parasite and a joke.

      And a narcissistic psychopath. Lets not forget that.

    2. Wow he really does suck. He's had us trolling for him for months to. Sucked like a big leech he does.

    3. In every case, the opposite of what you say is the actual truth. Who is acting like a "narcissistic psychopath" on here? Just you.

      What hoax was done to Johnson?
      Name it?

      Jamie and Mitchell aren't "under the bus." They themselves have said what I am saying. It's only you who has this nutty idea that we did a hoax. Well, we didn't. I know you want to smear us, but you're completely failing.

      Saying you need to "show the evidence" does not require that one be a scientist, fool. This is a simple thing. You say there was a hoax, so flipping prove it. Show some kind of indication that you have an actual clue. I was there, you weren't. There were videos posted... did you see any hoaxing in those? Nope. It was just us looking around the supposed habituation area, and finding nothing but a scrappy burnt-out third-growth environment with not a single Bigfoot track in the snow where there should have been hundreds if one believes Johnson's claims of activity the two nights before we were there.

      I found the messages where we discussed this stuff initially. This is where the idea came up, which was later rejected in favor of just doing an objective observation. Mostly, this is just joking around. This was just one idea he had, among dozens of other things proposed and discussed. Here are the relevant things that Mitchell said:

      "What we need to do is plant a big turd right in the middle of the campsite and put some squatch tracks next to it and see what story he tells... I want to catch him in a major lie! One where we plant the evidence and he makes up a story, then we present our evidence to show he lied. Maybe we could make some simple stick structures and leave some pretty rocks that he will think was a gift from the forest people... I think we should erect two teepee type structures with rocks under them and add some tracks nearby and then let [MJ] make up a wild story. We could make a video of it being built and expose [expletive deleted]... I want to show that none of them know how to investigate and that their findings are pure crap.... I myself would like to see a proper study done of the site before we let the king of woo bullsh*t know he has been found out. For me it's not as much about making fun of Johnson as it is proving him a liar and scam artist. I do want to embarrass him beyond all hell, but I want to have evidence to do it with."

      This chat went on for months, and that is the only instance where such an idea was even mentioned. As we drove up to the site I asked Jamie what he thought about the ideas that Mitchell had proposed in this regard. We both said again, No way, and it was decided again that no such thing would be done. One of the ideas proposed was to put up a sign that said something like "Richard Allen Was Here," but we decided against that earlier as well.

    4. Its a backstabber convention. Mitch backstabs Jeff Kelly. Spudford backstabs Jamie. Rictor backstabs Merchant. All the backstabbers in one group. How sweet.

    5. More Stupidfoot lies and ocd. You are guilty on all counts. And Nadia is laughing at you.

    6. OCD? Ha ha. I notice that you keep posting, and you post here whether I am on it or not, like on every Kelly Shaw article where someone criticizes him, and you think it is me when it's not. OCD? Like you guys creating dozens of fake identities to troll. Yeah, that's obsessive.

      No one is being "backstabbed" by me. They have already posted saying the same things that I'm saying.

      You're right about one thing, though. All of this insanity goes back to the old Team Tazer mess, of which I was not a part or a member. For some reason Merchant blames me for things his enemies to. I say he should talk to them, as I'm not the one making them do what they do.

    7. No we blame you for being the epicentre of gangtrolling bigfooters on facebook. And beyond. Everytime Shaw makes a post he you and Randy and company are here to self incriminate.

      You are a hoaxer a troll and a failure.
      Mit h is a hoaxer plain and simple.
      And he and Rictor are the spin machine.
      One big happy family of scunbags.
      Fuck you

    8. ^^^ Yet another failed smear attempt.

      Nope. I never comment on *any* Kelly Shaw articles on here until after all of you start blaming me for the comments others have made and telling your usual lies.

      I never coordinate anything with Randy. He's just one member of a group of 3100 people on Facebook.

      Rictor does his own thing. He's not an admin of Coalition nor a member of Bluff Creek Project. Mitchell is also just another guy doing his own thing who has never hoaxed anything.

      I don't tell any of these people what to do.

      All of this you say is no more than the production of your own paranoid imagination.

    9. Who is "gang trolling"? YOU, and your jolly gang of trolls here, and spread across Youtube and Facebook. It's really pathetic how much time you put into it.

    10. The rest of the Coalition of turd bangers have jobs and lives. Steven StupidTard is the only with the time and mental dysfunctions to pathetically troll like a child 24/7.. Don't let the head corn hole fool you he is the only one trolling here. Anonymously and so on. Ya Steve we get it. Your a man child without any kind of a science degree trying to convince people that your some kind of a bigshot. However we all know you are a wellfare dependent knowbody that has no real life and you troll out if pure unadulterated jealousy for anyone you see as a threat to your hand puts from bigfoot enthusiests. Your mother must be so proud. She raised a welfare whore who's only ambition is to be the number one blog troll. I am proud of you too. You have set the bar low and have obtained your easy goals

    11. ^^^ Fascinatingly stupid fiction.

      Keep on trolling, and proving me right.

  29. Steven? "Are you taking screen shots with your eyes?" ROFL hahahahaMUHAHAHAHA


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