Bigfoot Destroys Gifting Site - Graphic!

If stuffed animal violence offends you, please look away now.


  1. Replies
    1. Is that all you got all the time? Peace, there is no such thing champ.

    2. Oh Zabo,peace is indeed possible.As Gandhi said.."be the change you want to see" xx

    3. As long as there are the two parties of Democrats and Republicans there will be no peace politically I can assure you of that.

    4. Maybe it's a sign of the times that such a sentiment can cause agitation in some. And if that's the case, all the more important to remind people of it.


  2. this footage reminds me of the movie exists, which is probably one of the better bigfoot movies ever made...

    1. That movie was TERRIBLE! They only showed the creature at the end, and yeah, it was the best costume of all time, but another terrible Bigfoot movie!

    2. Your moms terrible...

      In bed... hahahaha

  3. Mucklegrunt Bunyip rules the blog!

  4. Dogmen are everywhere xx

  5. The definition of insanity as described in comments is trite. This expression plus the expression "think out of the box" have been used so much in the USA business and social media world that now 5 year olds can be heard throwing these expressions around on the play ground. Has anyone ever thought about the insanity quote critically? It makes no sense. If this statement were even close to being true, wouldnt the expression "practice makes perfect" be false?! When you practice at anything, one flogs thru repetitive tasks many times until satisfactory results are achieved. I dont know, maybe im being tight assed about it but i think the insanity quote needs tobe put to bed forever. Yeah, i know, Einstien (sp?) said it but heck, i bet he was having a bad day. I bet he never imagined this inane quote would be endlessly repeated with zero thought as to what is being said. No offense Iktomi but i couldnt help myself.....

    1. One is in reference to fine tuning skills, the other is in in regards to an idiot's prerogative. I think I'll continue quoting a guy who developed the general theory of relativity, thanks Winky.

    2. ^ The only dingbat! that would quote a phrase that he doesn't understand!!!! WHY ?????
      he don't know(doesn't get it)


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