True Scary Banshee Encounter

Mr. X delivers a scary story about an encounter with a banshee!

TRUE SCARY STORY: Banshee Encounter Cryptid. Greetings, friends! Here is a sad, but somewhat redemptive story of a young man who lost his Grandfather. He never would've believed what happened next if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes...


  1. Mike Brookreson told all of us guys about Joe Fit...ld Iktomi,,
    at the 1St falcon project briefing.. as you will notice
    that is when Joe F changed his name to "IKTOMI &VEGAS THE DOG!

    WHAT he had to say makes perfect sense considering Iktomi's psycho persona .WE CAN GET INTO THAT LATER!

    AC collins

    1. Please reveal all AC. Joe is probably sweating bullets.

    2. On the 24th of October, AC Collins, typically looking for that sense of belonging to a community, published the following comment and got Chick's response;
      AnonymousTuesday, October 25, 2016 at 4:15:00 AM PDT
      G night Chick, don't worry ,
      As I will be here to protect iktomi till 4:15
      AC collins :-)

      CHICK CHICKTuesday, October 25, 2016 at 11:29:00 AM PDT
      Iktomi needs no protection from trolls here! Hes been kicking troll butt and taking names here for years. A legend!

      After that, on the 25th, filth was posted on this comment section;
      ... Though I have no intention of republishing the vile comment, please take note of his typically dense grammar, not using capitals where he should ("I..."). AC turns up here about an hour and a quarter later and gives himself away with the same terrible grammar;

      AnonymousTuesday, October 25, 2016 at 4:50:00 PM PDT
      Hey Uno,,! Chick chick is going to give us all rimjobs,,are you in,,?

    3. Basically... As is typical of someone who's got an inferiority complex from being rejected his entire life, not only is he so desperate for a sense of community that he'll troll on the bandwagon because his existence really is that sad... But when someone rejects his hate campaign, he resorts to posting the most perverse filth imaginable in retaliation. There are LOADS of articles about the psychology of rejection. I'll proceed to define AC next time he's drunk and needs to forget about his pitiful existence.

      Oh... And I speak with Vegas regularly via email. I'm sure he'll be happy to chime in to set his latest bat **** crazy delusion straight in due course.

      : )

    4. Look fool ,,shawn and Matt know exactly who posted the "Rimjob"post's,Why dont you ask them who's the culprit!

      and 1:03. im going to call MKB
      to see if he will join me here
      also I would like to announce some things when DM DC ect.. are in the house ,my friend!

      AC collins

    5. Do they know? Have you actually spoken with them, AC?? That's your writing right there, clear as day, loon! Considering how much filth is allowed to be posted here, I think it's fair to say that they don't have an opinion on it. I know for a fact that Matt K doesn't even read the comment sections. Nothing will come of your empty, crazy little threats; another delusion. You have nothing but rejection and your twisted little mind.

    6. Wow ! YOU shure project alot!
      now I know why you are here 24/7 ,,
      do you live in wales???

      AC collins

    7. "Projection"... not only is this a word you've learned from others in recent times, but for you to suggest anyone else is susceptible to it is nothing short of audacious. Oh... And anyone who's spent ten minutes around a computer knows you can have an IP Addresses from anywhere, and it can also be altered to get around being banned.

      You'll hate me a lot more by the time we're done, loon.

      : p

    8. Don't leave us hanging AC. Let Joe have it. Reveal who he really is and where he truly lives. Its time for him to be exposed.

    9. Pfffft!!

      You'll be waiting a long time, troll.

    10. Ok , 2:01 hang on.lets wait till more folks are in the COMMENTS section bro ..

      AC collins

    11. You've got nothing. You know nothing about me, and you never will. Loon.

    12. capture plus much you sick freak?? Too late now! Oh when was the last time I ever used different spelling for the noun "BITCH" ?? Huh??

      You are the sicko iktomi AND IM GONNA SHOVE YOUR PUSS IN THE DIRT!
      AC collins

    13. Stop your threats and man up... deliver! I'm waiting!

      : )

      When you're not simply trying to draw people into negativity to have some control over your pathetically disruptive emotions... You're just full of hot air.

    14. Yea like nobody can express an opionion without you butting in with your tired old 5 cut& paste's ,PISS OFF CREEP,YOUR HISTORY!!

      AC collins

    15. Got the negative creep going on tday

    16. AnonymousSaturday, October 29, 2016 at 11:53:00 AM PDT
      You can't have an opinion without first running it by joe ikobolme. How dare you! Take it back.

      Is this another troll personality that you have, AC? Hurry up and post my details already! Your alter ego is waiting!

      Ha ha ha ha!!

    17. Also... On at least two other separate occasions in the past has an anonymous psycho threatened to post my personal details (with nothing materialising). It's all coming together rather nicely...

    18. no one cares who you are joe. we already know you are a loon. that is enough for me anyway.

    19. Now that one of the craziest trolls has been driven to drink himself to sleep... Would you like reminding why you're so butthurt?

    20. So I'm Iktomi? I take that as a compliment.

    21. Pretty cool article right here:

    22. Aaaaaargh thanks for that NC! As usual you provide me with some great reading!!

      Hope you are well... Any other news?

    23. You're welcome, brother. No news, just getting ready for Halloween.

    24. It's a massive holiday in the States compared to out here... I think everyone local to me is worried about this clown nonsense kicking off again!

      Hope you're well NC, always good to see you pop by.

  2. Wow every time I come to this site in hopes that something engaging might be discussed, it's the same old thing one troll dominating ever conversation with nothing new....that would be you Joe/Iktomi....or as someone else put it....Idiotomi!!
    Keep up the lame trollish behavior it's fascinating if nothing else.

    1. I don't see you attempting the subject matter, troll! And we both know why that is.

      : )

  3. Replies
    1. Zabo... No offence bro... But if someone was following you around and posting filth, I wouldn't have no issue with you putting him in his place. I apologise it's to the detriment of another comment section, but people need to know who's the person trying to bring down 90% of those comment sections.

      I mean that respectfully man.

    2. The problem is that you never put anyone in there place Joe. You simply argue the same old things over and over again with the trolls. This is why you are lumped in with the "children".

    3. I have to agree with 10:22

      You claim victories where there are none. You constantly copy and paste the same old tired nonsense and then insult the other person right before you declare that you won. You argue exactly like a four year old.

    4. I'd have hoped you'd have been observant enough to notice that the same trolling comments are simply going to command the same responses. It's either reading me cracking skulls, or reading the filth and lies they publish. I'm absolutely appalled at the comments directed at some people here and think the psycho needs naming and shaming... Nobody else is gonna do it. It's a matter of weighing things up. Luckily these drawn out exchanges are only as frequent as a certain person's chances of raiding his parents' liquor cabinet these days.


    5. Aaaaaaaargh, I was wondering when you were gonna chime in. How many times have you signed in under an anon account to hurl abuse, "dmaker"? You're a lying, hypocritical sack of **** who's simply upset his little ego's taken a knock. Would you like me to post where you've been caught out? This comment section's ruined anyway...

    6. Joe, I have never posted anon. I have told you this numerous times. Yet insist on living this delusion where you think I logon daily and post anon. I've never done so.

      By all means, post where I have been caught out. Bear in mind, you have done this before, and all you had to offer was some weak example of me using a common phrase here. If you cannot do any better than that this time, then don't bother. It only makes you look like an idiot.

    7. Do you honestly think I give two squats about what you've told me? Notice Don's "still confused" comments, the exact same circular reasoning & cart before the horse logic he uses in the link below? I used this thread of comments to make fun of him with some of my academic friends;

      ... That was on the 8th of August 2014. He does not appear in any BFE comment sections (I can source this if you like though it will take me a little while), until the 11th of August 2014 where he uses the exact same "still confused" comments as a signature;

      ... Now anyone can read for themselves, though nobody in their right minds would believe that he doesn't post anon anyway. Here's another example;

      dMaKeRWednesday, June 1, 2016 at 9:51:00 AM PDT
      But when the reports from those areas are brought up, you find yourself in a predicament, don't you Joey?

      ... And on the same comment section...
      AnonymousWednesday, June 1, 2016 at 7:13:00 AM PDT
      I imagine Joe watched this show and had a total meltdown. When are you going to finally face the overwhelming lack of Bigfoot evidence and move on Joey?

    8. So, because I said "still confused" and "Joey", as did some anon(s), that is your proof?

      LOL. Nice try. That is so weak. You keep trotting this out and it convinces no one.

      I will say again: I have never posted anon. Simply never. It's funny, sometimes, to see you simpletons labelling some random anon comment as me. It always makes me chuckle. You think you're so clever, but you are wrong every single time.

      Let that sink in.

    9. That... With the fact that the time stamps are almost identically as quick as you like to post, and the fact that you basically continued where you left off the next time you showed up, yeah! Pretty much!

      You're a troll... Nothing more and nothing less. And when you're not coming to the aid of racists and perverts with the same insufferable circular logic and special pleading, you're rehashing old arguments where you've embarrassed yourself trying to grasp the simplest of scientific theory. Indont consider myself overly clever... Just clever enough to spot a prized prat when I see one.

    10. I'll be back later... I'm not done yet.

    11. Ooooh, now he has timestamps.

      Joe, you're the one who cannot grasp even the most fundamental of scientific concepts. You pretend like you know what you're talking about, but you really just make an idiot of yourself. I suppose that in your head you think you are correct. I don't really know.

      You say I cannot grasp simple scientific theory. Please post which theory or concept with a non copy and pasted explanation as to how I got it wrong. You can't just mention non-existent scientific friends or whatever nonsense that was.

      Also, I have never come to the aid of anyone here, and I have certainly never supported some of the disgusting comments made here by some individuals. I would never support that horrendous behavior. Accusing me of such, really questions your morals and ethics. You cross the line with that stuff, Joe.

    12. Falsifiability, just for starters. You present a means of falsifying the evidence I reference, and then contradict yourself & backrack that the evidence isn't falsifiable when your means of falisifying said evidence falls flat. And how many times have you whined about it? There are innumerable comment sections when you bring this up in this manner, and you then have the nerve to suggest anyone else hangs on to the "same tiring nonsense"?

      Next... Cart before the horse logic in biological research. You expect the physical sign for an unclassified primate to be peer reviewed before it is credible, yet there are examples, namely other previously unclassified human sized primates in the last 20 years, that required no such lengths before their physical sign was used to track it. You expect a paper review of Sasquatch for it to be credible, before Sasquatch has been adequately researched. Rhetorical goal post moving at its most chronic.

      This is the most painfully basic stuff that you get wrong every single time you come try and repair that self esteem of yours, and there are probably too many people who could so easily point out your shortcomings & set you straight about if they could be bothered. But you're a mean person who likes to belittle and bully people around and this probably keeps people at bay. Not me. And to aiding your little friends who name drop you ten times a comment section like you know what you're talking about. Too many times you've referred to me as Joerg in the same comment sections as the nut job racist who things he's being attacked by a psy-ops experiment from some airforce base, and too many times you've supported the most embarrassingly illogical arguments initiated by them... only to whine about "how much of a horrible person I am" in comparison. One can only deduce you're either as dense, or sympathetic to what they do. Don't like it? Maybe you should take some responsibility for the people you choose to swing with on comment sections, sorry!

    13. Researchers Find Hidden DNA of Previously Unknown Species

    14. Saw it on the next comment section!! Brilliant, thanks for that!!!

    15. I don't agree that your proposed methods to falsify the evidence are capable of what you propose.

    16. The reason for that being the evidence you harp on about is not falsifiable in the first place.

    17. Christ on a bike... I'm knackered... Another time.

    18. So Iktomi is still on the "dmaker is as bad as the worst posters here" kick because they happen to hold the same basic opinion. That is weak and cowardly.

      Iktomi you bully more people here other than the obvious trolls. Even people who are more open to Bigfoot have suggested that. What does that say about you?

    19. dmaker gets hammered so many times on here he should be a 2x4 for halloween
      enjoy your pumpkin spice latte donny boy !


    20. This comment has been removed by the author.

    21. I only bully around people like you, who are racists, perverts and psychopaths who attack people from behind cowardice. And do you know what? I'm pretty much proud of it.

    22. I never did anything for a reasonable person to conclude that I was any of those things. While you may disagree with my assessment of you, I'm not basing it on blind assumption. You apparently have no problems doing so.

    23. Sorry 1:18... While your defensive comments may give away how sore you are from previous exchanges, I have no proof that you're guilty of such posts and quite frankly, you're not that important to me. But if you think that setting straight the people who ARE guilty of such comments are the victims of "bullying" on my part... Then to me, you have pretty screwed up values, and are just as bad. I have no issue in stating that whole heartedly.

    24. You don't get it. The point is you lump people into racists and "psychos" simply because they disagree with you. Apparently dmaker is a racist sympathizer because he hasn't protested other posters enough (whatever number that is). You've brought that up several times that I've seen. Now I'm a psycho person because I'm calling you on it.

    25. Nope! I get it pretty clearly actually. The people who I label "perverts and racists", actually post racist and perverted material. I have all the links to prove it. The people who I label psychopaths, are trolls who by the opinions of psychologists are just that. I have links to prove it.

      "Dmaker" is not a racist, nor is he a pervert. Even when he's being easily spotted posting anonymously, he doesn't stoop that low. What dmaker needs to realise, as well as you, is that coming to the defence of people like the racist and perverted nut jobs who post the most embarrassingly illogical arguments, whilst adopting their ridiculous insults... Someone could quite easily call him just as bad. And he's only ever objected to that behaviour after I've made him do that on one occasion.

      So I'll say it again, as I don't know if you're trying to be offended, trying to bait dmaker into another exchange, need the attention or would enjoy being lumped in with that for some sort of purpose... But if you think that setting straight the people who ARE guilty of such comments are the victims of "bullying" on my part... Then to me, you have pretty screwed up values, and are just as bad. For all your finger pointing... I've yet to read from YOU how vile such comments are.

      Funny that.

    26. Sorry referring to you as "Joerg" does not make for some sort of bond between racist and sexist posters because they happened to have used it also. I guess we'll disagree on that.

    27. "Sorry" but it does. And not only that, but as was put you, supporting illogical nonsense and accusing me of wrong doing in light of that sort of behaviour... Just like you're doing now... Is pretty much siding with the anti-social psychos.

      I still haven't read you condemn such behaviour. Maybe you do have screwed up values?

  4. Replies
    1. Sure!!

      Got magic monkey suit?

  5. Wonderful post. and you Nice used words in this article and beautifully post it.


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