Survivorman Bigfoot - Where It All Began

Les Stroud takes to the wilderness, not to teach primitive survival skills, but to search for the elusive creature known as sasquatch. Check it out:


  1. No amount of forest-craft or jungle skills is going to make any difference in finding bigfoot if you don't know what they look like and can't be bothered to learn.

    1. What makes me chuckle, is that some of these people looking for "Bigfoot", would probably end up with PTS if they were somehow successful. Not that I would wish that on anyone, or think it's remotely funny for that matter.

    2. So true Joe. What we're seeing has made us frightened of our own main research area. We can't stand the thought of replacing a single ounce of camera gear with firearms or ammo so it has become necessary to take another person with us for the extra gear not to mention the fact that I have serious doubts about a firearm offering any protection against what we've seen.

      There is only one modern missing person report in the area and he is thought to have fallen while climbing so its clear they aren't eating campers. I just try to hang on to that thought when we are out there.

      We're moving to a town near this area too lol.

    3. D'you mind me ask where you're researching? I think the frequency of similar opinions as to firearms not being powerful enough to take one down, is profound. I think I may be in a little bit of denial as to how big they can get.

    4. Albert Ostman figured it just might slow one down but not kill it due to the massive bulk

    5. No I don't mind.

      We've zeroed in on a single ridge between two high alpine lakes in the Sierra Nevada mountains. While we have seen and recorded them all around the area this one ridge has many large individuals making minimal effort at concealment.

      We are hauling increasingly elaborate optical rigs up there and struggling with the balance between safe distance and optical quality. We are starting to get some production-quality imagery but the size of the individuals we are capturing is difficult for viewers or even other researcher to accept.

    6. 12:09 you are correct, but knowing where to find them is the 1st key!
      Les is walking around aimlessly, just like everyone else.

    7. 1:06 in calling total BS....Post a pic of what you claim, right here, right now!

    8. Iktomi that guy is pulling your leg ,two high Alpine Lakes in the Sierra's,yea OK ,care to name those Lakes bud?

    9. Hey Mazzini!! I was actually trying to Google it as we speak!

    10. 1:06- I can only guess your description is true. Good luck with your research and hope that you get some quality photos . When you do please share them on here


    11. Lktomi,

      We are talking upwards of 18ft! Its pretty incrdedibel and most will not believe it. I sometimes don't believe it myself. But they vanish so quickly it is hard to explain. One minute they are there, the next they are gone. They literally vanish into thin air. I hate to be one of those paranormal people, but they obviously have some supernatural ability. But it is what it is. I look forward to our move.

    12. Well 1:45 isn't me.

      Its problematic to discuss bigfoot here and I was just answering Joe's questions.

    13. 1:45 isn't me either :( But i do believe that they can cloak themselves using vector fields. I think thats pretty obvious by now.

    14. 18 inches???

      Drool!!! ; () <<caulk!

    15. ^ SHUT THE FUCK UP !!

      AC(go fuck your self)collins!
      Ha ha haa ha ha lol!.

    16. ^ fuck ac collins ?

      is he good looking enough ?

    17. ^ i couldn`t care what they look like


  2. I'm a wheel, I'm a wheel, I can roll I can feel and you can't stop me turning cause I'm the sun, I'm the sun I can move I can run but you'll never stop me burning

  3. Replies
    1. ^ got monkey breath from eating too many rotten bananas


  4. 18 feet suckers,think the government don't know about that?

  5. Good show - would have been an experience to have been with them

  6. Yes yes....where it all began, when he realized he needed a new meal ticket. Having to go from made up outdoor "adventures" to made up monsters!!

  7. If you shoot one in the head with a high powered rifle. Say a 30 06 or 7mm. It will be dead.


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