Bigfoot Hiding In Plain Sight In Mississippi

From Bono Russell and M.B.E.S.T. - The Mississippi Bigfoot Diaries

This is a collection of Videos and Still Photo's , collected over the last 4 month's, with the same clan from Mississippi . in this Episode , you will see them Climbing Trees and using them for cover , and for Hiding in Plain Sight and it is a huge part of what they do.


  1. For the knowers, believers, and nice people!

    1. Look how big the skull to the far right is, found at Potomac Creek, Stafford County, Virginia, 1937;

    2. Correct. A very large human skull all the same... Did I ever mention that Sasquatch are very large hairy humans?

    3. Humans are humans. Patty (if real) is clearly not a human. At least try to understand what your arguments are.




      I see you're whining again. Don't get into it with me bro, you'll be whining for another six months.

    5. So patty is a human? Hahahahaha

    6. Honestly perhaps i am nervous for your mental health.

      Giant humans are humans. Yes they are big but they are still humans. They are not bigfoots.

    7. To make that statement... When every element of Patty's anatomy and morphology falls within what we know of both modern and ancient humans in our lineage... Is special pleading at its purest. Just think how your blood pressure will be when I'm still referencing that skull in a year's time? Start looking after yourself more bro.

    8. No i meant wat as in you just went full retard

    9. Shouldn't be too difficult to rebuttal then, eh? And if you're addressing adults online, try and use a form of English that they're likely to understand.

    10. No adults believe in bigfoot

    11. And adults believe in a thousands year old culture hopping secret society conspiracy theory?

    12. No. That is not the only alternative.

    13. Big gay john is back and trolling again. he has 2 accounts and 1 of them is joe and one of them is anonimous and he never saw a bigfoot. and harry bandini is a troll to and logs on as anonimous.

    14. Christ on a bike... That read like your butthurt list. Pray tell, are these two on the magic airforce base too?

    15. I agree with Iktomi.Patty's a type of human,she ain't no minkey xx

    16. Do you have a life Joe? Youre always on here and have been here for 4 years. You ran off harry b, big john, squatchmaster, travis and a whole of others that were bigfoot enthusiasts. You are the ultimate troll. what makes it so bad is youre trolling people that have the same beliefs as you. not to mention thata couple of those folks i mention knew how to handle dmaker. you let the guy demolish you all the damn time

    17. That's some serious fantasy world there sporto! You must really be miffed to have to resort to that type of fantasy, ha ha ha!!

      I might just email Jon and Bandini and ask them to pop by to see your cyber world crumble again.

    18. I used to LOVE it when Bandini used to rip you a new one. Funny as heck.

  2. Such clear and focused video with such a steady hand. Lol. What a piece of shit!!!

  3. When dr johnson says a cloaked bigfoot visits his bedroom at night are we supposed to just pretend he didnt say that?

    1. Cry about it some more man... Nobody else seems to care.

    2. I mean what do you joe? Must be quite damning for you after spending years here trying to gain credibility for the subject. I mean, I wonder what some of the scientists that you rely on would think about it? Where would they draw the line? The portals? The all night foot massages? The mindspeak? I mean honestly is there any credibility left? How can you side with these people?


      Apart from the sensationalised stuff that you enjoy highlighting, it's funny how in all these lists you never seem to highlight the physical, biological, audio and video footage that makes all your focus a little pointless? You should be focussing on what CAN be measured by science, dear boy. Everything else afterwards is irrelevant when the creature you're trying to sensationalise is by scienific methods being shown to be leaving its sign on the environment.

    4. Why is it irrelevent? Why is it sensationalist? It seems like you are trying to distance yourself from it? Why? When a guy who has been doing it for 16 years says they are cloaked mind speaking other worldy beings why would you know any better? Have you been out in the woods for 16 years?

      It really exposes the true nature of the beast so to speak. No beast of course just a lot of opinions and nutcases.

    5. It's as relevant as you want it to be... And in your case it seems to be ruining your life man. Let it go, do something else... You're crying like a little girl every day. It's not that I'm distancing myself from anything, I'm more interested in what can be measured with science, and considering you have a life long issue with the subject, you should be too. The "true nature of the beats" is in its physical sign.

      "Sensationalism is a type of editorial bias in mass media in which events and topics in news stories and pieces are overhyped to present biased impressions on events, which may cause a manipulation to the truth of a story."

      Now that I've tonight you another concept, how would YOU know any better? Is this a Freudian slip? Do these ideas scare you about getting your usual 100 yards from the road when you're "hunting" (euphemism for playing with big boy guns because you're **** is too small)?

    6. Good job 3:16. I admit defeat!
      Carry on.


    7. "There are seven extant species of great apes: two in the orangutans (genus Pongo), two in the gorillas (genus Gorilla), two in the chimpanzees (genus Pan), and a single extant species, Homo sapiens, of modern humans (genus Homo)."
      Ape - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Your daily reminder of how stupid you are, AC.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. ^ You forgot lovelock skull ,Brock Lesner = perfect match!

      We know, you feel stupid!

      Uno who

    10. Using a mere photographic comparison of someone like Lesner as a model for that skull can never be accurate. Even forensic facial reconstruction by a mix of artistry, forensic science, anthropology, osteology and anatomy, it is still easily the most subjective as well as one of the most controversial techniques in the field of forensic anthropology. The skull might indeed correspond nicely in the sense that a robust model might fit well via 2D with what is essentially the skull of a very robust human, but that is not to the detriment of my argument.

      As for Lesner;
      "These traits are caused by testosterone, which is responsible for bone size/density and muscle mass. Just because your testosterone levels are above average, it doesn't mean you have the neanderthalis traits. If so, your facial bones would look strange. Broad and outwards zygomatic bone (cheek bones), short frontal and parietal bones (forehead, top of skull), wide yet short nose, wide and thick supraorbital (eyebrows) bones and so on. If you have all of these traits, I recommend you to see a doctor."

    11. By joes logic lesnar is a bigfoot

    12. You said giant human skeletons are bigfoot. Brock lesnar is a giant human who if dead would leave a giant skeleton. Is he not a bigfoot? I struggle to keep up with your cherry picked notions.

    13. Lesner is 6′ 2″, and has a robust jaw... He pretty much doesn't go more archaic than that. I think you're struggling with far more than that pal.

  4. "Using a mere photographic comparison of someone like Lesner as a model for that skull can never be accurate."

    But you rely on mere photographic comparisons constantly.

    You can't have it both ways.

    1. You "forgot" to post the rest of my comment for context.

    2. Joe likes to string along a fictional narrative where he is at the cusp of one of the greatest discoveries in human history. In his fantasy he cherry picks anything and everything to support his cause while simultaneously discarding everything else. Anything that contradicts his previous statements is dismissed because, remember, he is always right. It is an absolutely fascinating study on the human psyche.

    3. Aaaaaaaaargh, I see... Doesn't look good that you're struggling for a ributtal then, eh pal?

    4. The troll's fantasy is to control everyone in thinking "Bigfoot" is a fantasy. Unfortunately, the Internet provides a platform for these people to act this way. The psychopathic personality is a particularly antisocial and predatory one, with a major characteristic being a high need for control.

      I don't have genuine psychologists studying my behaviour, 5:43.

  5. Joe, there is no point to making a rebuttal with you. All you ever do is declare victory even when shown to have been absolutely wrong on something. You just spin and spin and change what you said and pretend like you were never wrong. And then you wonder why no one will engage you on the subject matter. Stop acting like an obnoxious child and admit to erring on occasion and maybe someone may attempt an actual debate with you. You won't do this, of course, admitting to being wrong, for some reason, is impossible for your fragile little ego.

    1. Oh dear.

      That read like the biggest boo-hoo I've ever seen from you, Don. Cheer up buddy... You've always got the ISF to make you feel better.

    2. Uh, talk about not admitting you're wrong Douchebag maker!!

      I have several hundred more if you're still in denial!

    3. Dear Donald... You're upset; understandable... But your naiveties and laziness with knowing more about the subject you like to belittle aren't my contradictions, take some responsibility for once. That goes out to the anon up top that needs to look after himself a bit more.

      There's a reason why you're resorted to focussing on the trivial irrelevances, the times outside of any meaningful debate that you claim I've been unwilling to admit I'm wrong, Don.

    4. "I don't wanna saaaay."

      -Steuart Larkin

    5. Am I in the band? No.. They are just my face melting shred brothers! Listen to "what's the connection" while you sift through the comments it's very fitting

    6. Aqueous live at buffalo iron works on YouTube check it out!!

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. They're great at layers, like Blue Oyster Cult

  6. Joe got blown the fu ck and the best thing is hes sat there, still with zero bigfoots, declaring himself the winner.

    1. "Zero bigfoots"... With thousands of years of cultural acknowledgment, three databases of contemporary reports, and forensic evidence to accompany it... One can at least deduce you're not winning anything other than an ugly contest.

    2. Its ok joe maybe a cloaked bigfoot will visit you in your bedroom tonight

    3. I don't think there's a chance of even a cloaked Bigfoot visiting you in your bedroom.

    4. 7:52 is Dmaker as anon sock puppet. sometimes he gets so excited he forgets to sign in under his name or perhaps he wants to make it looks like someone is agreeing with his twisted logic. in either case Iktomi just grilled him today like a spicy sausage !
      Goes great with a large pint


    5. been a bit busy so i need to get caught up on all the latest bigfoot info and get my chuckles out of the desperate trolls


  7. Idiotomi gets spanked again....and enjoyed it!!

    1. Did I miss Bigfoot being debunked or something? Back to your conspiracy fantasy, troll.

    2. Nope, just Skeptic debunking!!

      Re-filtered your favorite pic Iktomi!!

    3. Wow that is a good one DS. Is it your favorite too DS?

    4. No, but it's in my top 5 Chick :-)

  8. Remember this image from Scott Carpenter?

    Skip to 2:26 and watch from there. He doesn't put much of any video out anymore.


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