RMSO Discusses The Trip To The Paul Freeman Bigfoot Location

From the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization:

Two possible ways in to both of Paul Freemans bigfoot sightings including his famous video of bigfoot. We do a round table drive from one direction & leave the other.


  1. keep up the good work kekky shaw....aka the martin

    1. Keep up the good work RMSO. Loved being able to go along on the beautiful drive!

    2. This amateur crab crew is headed by a moron best known as "Kakky" Shaw - that`s about the sum total of his second hand tales and plagiarism - utter kak.

      And I know what I`m talking about when it comes to kak.


    3. ^ speaking of plagiarism - fake joe is now taking it to the next level
      haha, tosser


  2. What's this? Some kind of driving video thru the Blue Mountains by the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization? Isn't that Kelly Shaw's group?

    Not interested. Done.

    1. Paul Freeman video is a much better video to me than the patty video. 2 bigfoot filmed and a possible 3rd what many think is an infant in the video. Then Dr Kranz & Dr Meldrum both authenticate the foot prints casted at the scene as coming from a real animal. Dr Kranz turned from skeptic to believer in the phenomenon becoming the 1st scientist to take bigfoot seriously. Not only is this the best footage with evidence to back it up. It is also the start of real scientists taking bigfoot seriously. Very important piece of bigfoot history. Thanks for taking us into the blue mountains rocky mountain sasquatch. Keep the videos coming. DJ peace out.

  3. ..I will watch to see if Freeman's other, rarely acknowledged bigfoot film is discussed...I am not getting my hopes up though: the existence of the second film may, if it is an obvious fake, would convict freeman of hoaxing, thus damaging the credibility of his popular footage...Still, we should be seeking truth wherever it may lead...EEG

  4. Omg. They don't even show the investigation of the actual site. They go to two locations, but only show a lot of driving and babbling about nothing much whatsoever. Three whole hours of driving, no less. Egads.

    1. I noticed they posted a video next to this one on youtube of one of their hikes around one of the locations. Appears they found some pretty large prints that sunk in pretty deep at the spot also.


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