Bigfoot Stole Marble Left At Bluff Creek Patterson Film Site

One of the members of the ongoing Bluff Creek Project left a rare and expensive marble at the original Patterson film site. The leaving of the marble, and the marble's location was a total secret, and was meant as a prized treasure of the World's Largest Marble Hunt. So the question is, who took the marble?

So two weeks ago on July 9th we were able to retrieve the memory cards of the cams but the winter storms had drained most of the cameras and only two of the ten remained on through the spring. This was super disappointing since we were trying to capture a super rare and cryptic Humboldt Marten. While we were down at the Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film site, our project member Rowdy Kelley brought a single marble with him to hide down at the Patterson-Gimlin film site, we had no idea what he was doing but we just went with it. He ended up hiding it in a big tree that is visible in the 1967 film. This was to become one of the prized treasures of the Worlds Biggest Marble Hunt and was worth several hundred dollars. It would surely be a most difficult journey for any family that ventured to visit the Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film site!

On today's trip, ranger Robert and I headed down to service the cams and do some much needed trail maintenance so no one could get lost down there. We could tell that people had been there from the trampled grass and when we got to the film site and checked the marble hiding spot, it was gone! Someone got it! When we check the log book the last person on the log had written that they were unsuccessful in finding it.

Well, when I got home this evening about 10pm I went right away to check the memory cards to see who took the marble, I discovered we had captured some really great photos of a marten! He has been living at the Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film site! We also checked with the three other parties (via facebook) that had been to the Bigfoot site since we hid it, and they didn't find it! We had cameras on the location and they clearly show only three groups at the site!

For the rest of the article, and some great photos from the location, click here.


  1. Have a good weekend y'all!! See you Monday!

    1. I guess you need a few days to recover after the vicious throttling you suffered here!

    2. Struefart one of the most corrupt individuals associated with the world of bigfoot. States bigfoot doesn't exist, harasses all that have had sightings or have found evidence. To the point of persecution. Then he gets on national television & tells finding bigfoot he had his own bigfoot experience. What a hypocrite. Seems this guy will do anything for money & anything to get on television. Crooked Hillary has nothing on this scam artist.

  2. Keep up the good work Steven Stre*fert!

  3. So a nine foot tall, 600 pound upright apeman can't be found even by thousands of people looking for it for half a century or more.

    But a little, tiny marble gets found in a year.

    How can that be possible?

    Oh, right. Marbles actually exist.

    1. Logic is not welcome here!!

    2. Logic = Evidence (Which Trolls seem to suffer from Amnesia about) Therefore 5:49 = Fail.

    3. Logic should consider both the evidence and the lack of evidence. 6:38 = fail.

    4. Yet again your Amnesia has got the better of you because it must have been spelled out over a thousand times about evidence and not just Iktomi many others have been on this blog and pasted evidence 6:38 = Fail, go back to your "My Little Pony Set" because it seems the extent of your understanding.

    5. Who ponders the "Lack Of Evidence " anyway??

    6. 6:57, are you serious or sarcastic?

    7. 6:54, all of it weak in quality and quantity.

    8. for 6.54 you come on here and put down any evidence with out any form of proof of the Chimp Suite that you lay claim to and then have the hide to say "quality and quantity", do your self a favor and go read about it, it is all over the web not just here.

      Sock Puppets.

    9. Chimp Suite: a symphony written by a chimp?

    10. "Who ponders the "Lack Of Evidence " anyway??"

      Umm... anyone using critical thinking to find answers. Millions of people live, work, and play in squatchy environments every day and have been forever. And yet there is very little evidence and that little evidence is crappy, easily falling within the range of psychology. In fact, footers are always pondering the lack of evidence because we hear all kinds of excuses for it... bigfoots are smart, they camouflage, they are very remote, they detect cameras, they manipulate cameras, scientists are scared, there are vast conspiracies to cover it up, the public can't handle it, aliens, portals, mind zapping, no "professional effort", the public is dumb, and on and on. Yep. Lots of pondering going on, just not the right kind.

    11. You forgot portals and mindspeak, and silent farts

  4. Of course! This is a widespread phenomenon. The other day, I finishing doing a load of laundry and as I was folding my stuff, I realized that when I got to the end of the pile, I was missing a left sock. My wife didn't take it. Neither did my kids. So I knew immediately who the culprit was:

    Bigfoot. It's only logical.

  5. I object to the statement that Bigfoot "stole" the marble. How was Bigfoot supposed to know it belonged to anyone? Bigfoot gets free stuff that people leave out for it all the time. Apples, pancakes, zagnut bars, tickets to baseball games....what is Bigfoot supposed to do? Leave the marble? Bigfoot is not a thief!

  6. So in a nutshell...The bluff creek project has lost its marbles..

  7. Kelly Shaw stole it!

  8. What kind of scam is steve up to this time? He isn't crashing someone elses research area and planting hoaxed evidence? No, he is stealing marbles at bluff creek. Thought he was going to pay someone else to do this? Not interested in this guys scams or hoaxes. Next!


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