Q&A With Utah Sasquatch Researcher

Utah Sasquatch on youtube posted this Question and Answer session recently, and expressed some pretty innovative ideas and thoughts about the hair creature. He recently became somewhat viral in the bigfoot community after producing a controversial video that appeared to have direct interactions with at least one bigfoot creature.
Click here to watch


  1. Replies
    1. It must be nice to have all those deep thoughts stored in your brian. Tee Hee ...I must be very clean right now because I've been laughing most of the day. ...Good friends and the fish were biting! :)

      It's just me,

  2. I'll take Joerg to the candy shop
    I'll let him lick the lolly pop.
    C'mon Joerg don't you stop.
    Gonna give it to you all the time!!!!


  3. I had a long talk with with bigfoot last night. We discussed a great many things. Astrophysics, sprint car racing and the physical act of love. He drank me down. I had three fourths a fifth. when I got up three bottle were empty.

    1. At least you can talk to imaginary bigfoots cause you definitely don't have any real friends!

    2. That is correct. Humans bore me to death. Ignoramuses.

    3. Have no fear....it's zabo the queer

  4. Utah is hitting home runs at will. This guy is exploding and as usual the jealous,petty, look at me over here Bigfoot crowd is trying their best to deny his soaring fame. Nobody believes the T-FATS FATsanos and lying hoax infatuated Ricky dyers or the Justin "the poacher" Smeja of the Sasquatch community. So those turds try everything to bring the fresh faced new guy down! Eat a dick you losers this guy is sticking around.

    P.S. Kelly Shaw how's that drone footage working out for your credibility? Ya tool!

  5. It's odd how Bigfoot is the only fringe topic where its "skeptics" are more DEMENTED and obsessed than its "believers".

    1. Now that's not very nice. I was out all night wood knocking and tree peeking just to give you morons a thrill. And this is the thanks I get.
      Time to get out the suit. You'll like it. I made the mammalian protuberances very large. 48 EE.
      Later boobs.

    2. ^
      Hi ISF'er. Why are there so many pathological liars in your tiny little sub culture ?

    3. I really fancy the words "all night wood knocking" !


    4. 6:29 - so , you don`t have a real argument or point to make? Just a general attempt to throw petty insults?

      What a loser you have shown yourself to be.

  6. Comedian Aziz Ansari writes in the New York Times about being the son of Muslim immigrants and how Donald Trump's anti-Muslim speech has made him scared for his family.........
    GO back to PAKISTAN where U be SAFE .....

  7. Utah Sasquatch hoaxed audio 157 times into one video. The guy refuses to produce the raw footage in order to prove he just enhanced the sound. The guy is a hoaxing loser until he comes up with the raw unaltered footage and all of the sound is there as he says.

  8. I'll believe Bigfoot exists when someone provides a type specimen, live or dead, for science to study.

    1. Nobody cares what you believe.

    2. You'll get nothing and you'll like it!

    3. You'll get nothing and you'll like it!

  9. ^ They`re all hoaxers...t`is nothing new.


  10. Look at that face. It takes years of bong hits and shots of Jack in the morning to achieve that expression.

    1. Bingo!
      More fake bigfoot footage to come as well.
      Can't wait.

  11. This is going to be great! Methinks we are on the verge of another Ketchum study; someone promises the world to footers, footers lap it up against all better judgment, and then the footing community is left with nothing but egg on their faces after being hoax-pwnd.

    Don't worry, footers. I'm sure this time will be different. lol.

  12. I remember this guy when he used to be called Rick Dyer.


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