Florida Team Believes They Have Footage Of Bigfoot Underwater

The Crypto Reality youtube channel published this video, showing what they believe is a first ever image of bigfoot underwater. Check it out:


  1. AQUA SQUATCH ?! Yes, made my day!

  2. Watched this video and it is amazing.

  3. Replies
    1. Attention:
      I shall now try to conjure up the wisdom of Mr. Inspiration.

      Ernie meanie chili beanie
      Look into my crystal ball
      Search far and wide for our best friend
      He'll bring good thoughts for all

      It's just me,

  4. Rickys thoughts on Gigantopithecus (my serious side)

    "O Gigantopithecus, Gigantopithecus, wherefore art thou Gigantopithecus?"

    Truer words have never been spoken. Until we have more than a few jawbones and a bowl of teeth speculation is all that's on the table. Science has a history of jumping the gun on the appearance of fossils in real life. The T Rex for example was always pictured as a towering upright creature that lumbered along in a plodding fashion. Now they are constructing the bones in a more realistic sleek/swift horizontal position. In the case of the Gigantopithecus, if and when the scientists want to get serious about it's real look they should come see ME, since I have actually seen it's cousin the Bigfoot. Until then the world will just have to wait. I shall end this report now because nature is calling me to the restroom. Good day.

    It's just me,

  5. With beauty and grace,
    as swift as can be,
    watch it flying through the air.
    It travels in space,
    or under the sea,
    and it can journey anywhere.

    It travels on land,
    or roams the skies,
    through a heavens stormy rage,
    It's Mercury-manned,
    and everyone cries,
    "it's the marvel of the age!"

  6. Buckshit! Would these fuctards please go back under the rock they crawled out from under.

  7. somebody on this site needs to say it man. zasky has gone nuts. I heard he had some kind of meltdown and claimed that the little green men were coming for him and that the govt dudes were watching him cuz of bigfoot and aliens. Man he needs to stop taking the antibuse with the liquor that sh** will mess you up every time and make you see stuff like squatch hidin in the palms in the water. dude I looked in your little circle you put up for us to see your water squatch, he would have to be like the size of a little elf. I'm telling you don't go squatchin in the heat when you been drinking it messes with your head. Man I don't know whats going on down there in Florida but some of them squatchers down there are going loco! Next they going to be telling us they be seeing bat squatches fishing for marlins or something and then they be putting circles around them showing us.Just pathetic man.

    1. "somebody on THIS site"??? NEVER. Why this is a place of respectability and decorum. So where did you come across the information, including which meds were taken and what was seen in said meltdown? That's a lot of insider information there brother. You guys over there at BFF really do have your grimy feelers all over don't you. Talk about pathetic.

  8. Haaaaaaaaaa 'first ever image of a bigfoot underwater' haaaaaaaaaa

  9. The footage looks legit.

    Mark keeps scooping you guys 'cause he is down among 'em in the bush.

  10. Move over scott carpenter.....the new king of pareidolia. ZASKMAN!!!!!!

    1. What have you found? Ever?

    2. Pareidolia is cancer, it's amazing how many people fall for this garbage.


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