Dr. Jeff Meldrum Releases New Sasquatch Field Guide

Dr. Jeff Meldrum's new Sasquatch, Yeti, and other Wildmen of the World Field Guide is now available! Check it out:

A field guide to relict hominoids. Most modern humans are transient visitors to the primal forests, whose dark recesses were believed to harbor mysterious creatures, including one more man-like than any other living being.

Click here to get yours now!


  1. Where`s the blog`s very own leg-end,Joe?

    Hiding from the thrashing he has received.

    1. I think the admins fired him. He did a good job of trolling for a long time, but blog traffic is really down, and they can't afford to keep him around anymore.

    2. He finally realised he lost the bet and the agreement was that he would leave the blog for good

    3. Joe/Iktomi hasn't been posting lately because he was literally CUCKED out of our own dimension: he went in too deep with the forest-people and they used their incredible mind powers to blast him through a Squatch-Portal into the nightmarish ape world of their kind. Now Cuktomi wanders the 5th dimension searching for ways to escape his giant hairy overlords and return to our world where he can once again spam the forum with hyperlinks to insane footer blogs.

    4. This sounds like it has all the makings of a Saturday night popcorn movie. :) I'm sure my friends will love it !:)

      It's just me,

    5. Also gone is the Joe who started posting the day Joe f left, funny that.

    6. BIGFOOT be reel ans tham AIMS teem fixin to trap 1 of tham thar critters thay shure is

    7. did someone mention my name ?
      god are you lads such a pathetic lot . You think just because Britain decides to leave the E.U that i'll be gone from here as well ?
      Well you have another thing coming mates
      Rule Britannia !


    8. ^ Hi dmaker. Still smarting from the constant drubbings you take on here from me and Iktomi ?
      don't worry kiddo, some desperate gal somewhere is waiting for you. God knows where mate but she's waiting for you . don't disappoint her with your crude mannerisms


    9. Shut up Brookreson.^ You can quit the bad British act.

    10. c'mon Donald. stop it before I break out the sad emojicon face my dear
      and a fine tiddly doo to you too


    11. ^ secret "remain" voter...has to be gay.

    12. ^ has gay on the brain 24-7 .
      You poor helpless lass trapped in a hillbilly's body . i do feel for you but they do have an operation that can do you wonders
      Rule Britannia !


  2. Has michael merchant jumped the squatch?

  3. Meldrum is so far from a field researcher it isn't even funny..right up there with Dodson!

  4. Dr Meldrum has apparently mastered the art of speculating about an entity, that one is living in denial of the vast majority of their abilities. Meldrum is a flesh & blood believer, which Bigfoot has always been paranormal.

    1. Not a single shed of proof that Bigfoot is Paranormal, NOT ONE!

  5. I was surprised at the price which seemed reasonable enough however looking closer it is simply a pamphlet consisting of 12 pages. It looks like it has some nice graphics and has foot casts pictured of supposed creatures which is to be expected since that is his area of expertise.

    Doesn't look like it brings much new to the table and certainly no Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science. I'm sure those interested in the subject will probably purchase a copy. This certainly looks more for fun and sales than anything that will further the cause for discovery of such supposed creatures.

    1. Announcement: I must get some beauty rest and retire to my boudoir now.:) Don't worry I will be back tomorrow and if you want I'll answer any questions concerning these interesting subjects. Other than that, I'll just blend into the conversations and you'll never even notice I'm here. :)

      It's just me,

    2. CURIOUS, I posted a reply to you on the Brenton Sawin "Man talks about Bigfoot in Texas" post.

    3. Nobody reads old threads Doc.

    4. Maybe not a week old? Ok, i'll post the comment here then:

      Yes Curious, on Youtube, you can see all my 1700+ Evidence video's.
      I was scouting Bigfoot every weekend, and family and friends said they thought i has schizophrenia, so i flipped out, and told them if they think i'm skits, then great, I'M GOING SCOUTING EVERY SINGLE DAY NOW, NOW YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAY I'M SKITZO!!
      Well Curious, it wasn't until i researched every single day, that i learned so much, and figured out where they are, and that's why i have the best evidence for Bigfoot & the Dogman.
      My Goal is to have 100 video's/Month.
      And as far as making $, getting clicks, etc, I am not partnered with youtube/Google....I monetize my video's in case it does go viral, great, but just so you know, my current income on youtube so far is $1.42, and that is the God's honest truth, it's not that i lack hits (350,000) it's that i'm not in it for the $, but to silence those who jacked me, when i told them i saw one......yeah, you should see them now, silenced!!

    5. Gaining so much knowledge about these creatures it's not even funny! Repeatable evidence, categorizing the wide variety of species, on a daily basis!

    6. They thought you were schizophrenic? What a shocker.

    7. I have to say Dr. Squatch that is a LOT of time to spend and I will be right up front with you that I don't believe they exist. It's your business how you want to spend your days of course and I suppose I do envy you for having the luxury and freedom of time to do so. if you are getting as many clicks as you say and only getting $1.42 then I don't understand why you don't take steps that will be of more financial benefit to you which you could put back into your . . . research. You may not do it for the money but it would certainly come in handy I'll bet.

      I certainly don't have time to peruse your 1700 plus videos (I barely find the time to check here every so often) so I will ask you this: Pick out what you consider your very best video proving Bigfoot exists and I promise I will take a honest look at it. I'm a hard sell so if you can convince me then I may start to give consideration to it's existence again.

    8. Sure thing, thanks for the nice post....Some may be a tad blurry, but these creatures blur the best camera's!





      I have several hundred pics, these are a few examples....clearly not bushes, CLEARLY!

    9. 10:43, the Skitzo's are the one's who deny my evidence!

    10. There must be a lot of bigfoot where you live Dr Squatch.What do you think the population of bigfoot is? xx

    11. Okay they appear to be faces. Now do you have any videos showing movement of such? If you are getting that close and with that many surely you have one or two which shows movement and a clear view of the creatures? That would be far more convincing.

    12. Movement is quite difficult to achieve. I do have several clearly blinking, and a few video's of cryptids moving, but nothing like the Patterson video yet.
      I'm zoomed in 80-100 yards on most of these pics, and i only see them about 10% of the time while filming, majority of what i find is going frame by frame.
      Keep in mind too, i'm only out for 5-15 minutes, and i'm selectively zooming, not randomly filming, hoping i will get something.

      Puss-in-the boots, i would hate to speculate on that, but i can tell you that it is a very, very large number. When i started out, i thought 1-3/ county.....WOW..I had no idea, and i did not believe in other stuff, Dogman, etc, I REFUSED TO BELIEVE, until i started filming them, i just can't deny what's right there in the camera..I'd say 70% of what i film, are Dogmen.

  6. "A US Supreme Court ruling has forced the Smithsonian institution to release classified papers dating from the early 1900’s that proves the organization was involved in a major historical cover up of evidence showing giants human remains in the tens of thousands had been uncovered all across America and were ordered to be destroyed by high level administrators to protect the mainstream chronology of human evolution at the time.The allegations stemming from the American Institution of Alternative Archeology (AIAA) that the Smithsonian Institution had destroyed thousands of giant human remains during the early 1900’s was not taken lightly by the Smithsonian who responded by suing the organization for defamation and trying to damage the reputation of the 168-year old institution.

    During the court case, new elements were brought to light as several Smithsonian whistle blowers admitted to the existence of documents that allegedly proved the destruction of tens of thousands of human skeletons reaching between 6 feet and 12 feet in height, a reality mainstream archeology can not admit to for different reasons, claims AIAA spokesman, James Churward.

    «There has been a major cover up by western archaeological institutions since the early 1900’s to make us believe that America was first colonized by Asian peoples migrating through the Bering Strait 15,000 years ago, when in fact, there are hundreds of thousands of burial mounds all over America which the Natives claim were there a long time before them, and that show traces of a highly developed civilization, complex use of metal alloys and where giant human skeleton remains are frequently found but still go unreported in the media and news outlets» he explains.

    A giant human femur uncovered in Ohio in 2011 by the American Association for Alternative Archeology, similar to the evidence presented in court

    A turning point of the court case was when a 1.3 meter long human femur bone was shown as evidence in court of the existence of such giant human bones. The evidence came as a blow to the Smithsonian’s lawyers as the bone had been stolen from the Smithsonian by one of their high level curators in the mid 1930’s who had kept the bone all his life and which had admitted on his deathbed in writing of the undercover operations of the Smithsonian.

    «It is a terrible thing that is being done to the American people» he wrote in the letter. «We are hiding the truth about the forefathers of humanity, our ancestors, the giants who roamed the earth as recalled in the Bible and ancient texts of the world».The US Supreme Court has since forced the Smithsonian Institution to publicly release classified information about anything related to the “destruction of evidence pertaining to the mound builder culture” and to elements “relative to human skeletons of greater height than usual”, a ruling the AIAA is extremely enthused about.

    «The public release of these documents will help archaeologists and historians to reevaluate current theories about human evolution and help us greater our understanding of the mound builder culture in America and around the world» explains AIAA director, Hans Guttenberg. «Finally, after over a century of lies, the truth about our giant ancestors shall be revealed to the world» he acknowledges, visibly satisfied by the court ruling.The documents are scheduled to be released in 2015 and the operation will be coordinated by an independent scientific organization to assure political neutrality"

    1. The above was taken from the World News Daily Report website. I believe their disclaimer says it all.


    2. Hello sweetie, you're making me jealous when you flirt with other blokes like that !


    3. Oh i'm sorry fake Joe i didn't mean to make you well jel.What's this i hear on Dogman evidence that you've been bottom pinching? xx

    4. Well luv, the only part of that statement that applies to me is "bottom" !


    5. ^ Mmmm,I can be your "top" man and I`m pumped right up if`n ya` get ma drift.

  7. If Bigfoot Were Real

    We have the Bigfoot vocalizations, we have the Bigfoot tracks, we have the Bigfoot DNA, right? Well…

    1. ^ Of course they are real - just don`t mention that fact here at this site for goodness sake - it would break JoTomi`s heart as he wouldn`t have anything left to live for.


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