John Bindernagel Featured In New Bigfoot Documentary

From the MountainBeastEntertainment youtube channel:
John Bindernagel - Wildman: My Search For Sasquatch - Bigfoot Documentary 2016

A short clip from my upcoming Bigfoot documentary WILDMAN: MY SEARCH FOR SASQUATCH. Wildlife biologist John Bindernagel talks about tracks.


  1. Bindernagel is REAL folks!!!!!!!!!

    1. He is!! Also... Don't you think it's odd how Bigfoot is the only fringe topic where its "skeptics" are more demented and obsessed than its "believers"?

    2. Haha nice slip up joe. Knew it was you posting that drivel.

    3. Sorry... Wasn't me, I love it though. So, so true.

      : p

    4. Morning Iktomi!

      I also enjoy the fact that It's odd how Bigfoot is the only fringe topic where its "skeptics" are more demented and obsessed than its "believers".

      I also was not the original poster of that true and well said statement. It really seems to get under the skin of those it applies to.

    5. It wasn't you, Joe? But you used the same phrase as an anon. Isn't that what you claim proves that I ever posted anon?

      Or is this another double standard?

    6. It's odd how Bigfoot is the only fringe topic where its "skeptics" are more demented and obsessed than its "believers".

    7. Donald... Don't you think it's odd how Bigfoot is the only fringe topic where its "skeptics" are more demented and obsessed than its "believers"?

    8. It's odd how Bigfoot is the only fringe topic where its "skeptics" are more demented and obsessed than its "believers".

    9. Joe...Don't you think it's odd how Bigfoot is the only fringe topic where its "skeptics" are more demented and obsessed than its "believers"?

    10. It's odd how Bigfoot is the only fringe topic where people like Donald are more demented and obsessed than its "believers".


    11. Odd, like when I address something to Joe, and then Iktomi responds. Or odd how IktoJoe has one standard for himself and then another for everyone else. Odd.

    12. It's odd how easily the footers are amused by copying the same sentence over and over. But then originality and wit is not their forte.

    13. I have a bad case of the hubba bubbas for my sexual dark chocolate, Ladyboy MMC.


    14. Dmaker, did you see last week where Joe slipped up, exposing himself as either a mod or a paid troll? We all have seen the comments here done anonymously promoting dogmanevidence. Well it has been Joe all along. He left a comment last week, and apparently slipped up, and made a comment promoting dogman evidence in the exact same way the anon person has been. Joe was called on this immediately! And what was his excuse? That someone made a fake lktomi account. LOL!!!!!!!!!!

      He actually claimed that someone made a fake lktomi account to troll him, and yet noone was ever trolled. Joe tried to make others believe that a troll created a fake lktomi account just to make one comment about dogman evidenece. It was pathetic!!!! Nope, the account wasnt created to troll joe, or make fun of him, or do anything else. Nope, just to make one comment about dogman evidence. LOL!!!!!!! And he expects people to believe this!!!!

      Then after a couple days of getting his exposure thrown in his face, he makes a series of comments, and claims they were from the troll lktomi account. And what were those comments?? Making fun of joe perhaps? trolling perhaps? NNNNOOOOPPPEEEE. Instead the supposed fake lktomi account just went around and for a couple threads wrote the word "weirdo" after a couple of posters comments. This is pathetic, and was obviously Joe.

      Dmaker, this is why i no longer am trolling Joe or paying him any attention. He is a paid troll or maybe a mod himself. But he is definetly someone assoicated with the blog. It explains the rampant stupidity, refusal to go to other sites, the lack of embarassmet, the huge number of fake accounts, etc . It was all just to drive the view count up. It was a good strategy, and people have been questioning this for years. But with Joes latest slip up, it is now confirmed. My advice is just to ignore Joe dmaker, daniel style. Let him fade into obscurity. I advise all other trolls to do the same. Stop your trolling of him, its what he wants. This is all for youtube views.

      To respond to this, of course Joe will talk about some air force base, or might even make some off the wall comments, and then blame it on a fake lktomi account. But the jig is up.

    15. Big shocker ther Joe. You just keep posting your air force base comment. People know the truth now about you though. It won't be long before trolls will completely ignore you.

    16. Isn't it odd Donald?
      so bloody odd


    17. I'm just popping over to Dogman evidence xx

    18. The air force base tantrum never gets old either! HAHAHAHA!

    19. 10:10- your conspiracy theories are worthy of the comic books but not much else. keep wearing your tin foil hat mate and maybe one day aliens will send you the right info bro

      Rule Britannia !


  2. Its such a shame to see kindhearted scientists believe the tall tales of footers and persue such pointless endeavours.

    1. Did you not see the casts he was holding up? Spending every day of your life worrying about what other people think = pointless endeavour.

    2. Decades of casts. Time to expect better. That's OK kid. You're learning. Cringe.

    3. Decades of casts and no consorted mainstream effort from mainstream science to use them. Expecting better does not lessen that frequency of physical evidence.

      One day... You might... Just might have an original thought.

    4. It's odd how Bigfoot is the only fringe topic where its "skeptics" are more demented and obsessed than its "believers".

    5. Those casts are really good.There's some good researchers out there xx

  3. It's too bad that no one has provided definitive proof that sasquatches exist.

    1. It's fortunate then that we have repeatable scientific evidence to warrant the enthusiasm then, eh?

    2. Here is another supposed researcher with ZERO evidence! Has he ever been in the woods? He is doing nothing to prove the existence of this creature.

    3. It's odd how Bigfoot is the only fringe topic where its "skeptics" are more demented and obsessed than its "believers".

    4. Yo tell them Dr. Squatch. Expose these charlatans. YOU are the only researcher on the cutting edge!

    5. Thanks...I'm going to call all of them out!!

    6. He is a wildlife biologist, so yeah probably been in the woods before. He actually got into the subject because he personally found some tracks he could not explain. I have great respect for the guy but I think he's lost some of his scientific objectivity, falling for hoaxes in an earnest attempt at finding the truth.

  4. It's odd how Bigfoot is the only fringe topic where its "skeptics" are more demented and obsessed than its "believers".

    1. The funny thing is isn't it odd how Sasquatch is the only fringe topic where the loony skeptics are more demented and over the top obsessed than it's core believers?

    2. It's odd how Bigfoot is the only fringe topic where its "skeptics" are more demented and obsessed than its "believers".

    3. Let's prove that Bigfoot is real. That will show them!

    4. The bleevers must really be feeling the pressure - their "motto" needs to be posted several times each thread because they`re so insecure with their beliefs.

  5. I can only assume the repeated comments are by joe having a meltdown because he slipped up badly earlier and got exposed as posting as anon, using it as an attempt to deflect from his grave error and being exposed for his double standards by dmaker.

    1. ^
      Hi ISF'er. Why are there so many pathological liars in your tiny little sub culture ?

    2. That's Stuey the n*t shiner alright! It's just soooooooooooooo odd.

    3. Yeah, they've definetely become the laughingstocks of the Bigfoot community. Kitakaze pretending to find the P/G suit pretended to be stalked, pretended to make a living in the music business and then pretended to be an international Then you have simpletons like William Parcher and the rest believing and supporting these lies. Not to mention the obviously mentally ill Alaskabushpilot being propped up as a "sceptic" hero over there. What a bunch of ignorant mouth breathers.

    4. How do you know so much about all those people?

    5. Umm..Maybe because they post on public forums ?

    6. And you voraciously read all of their posts?

    7. ^
      What, are you a moron ? When the ISF footers who are deriding and pestering their fellow footers who don't pretend to be skeptics, are they voraciously reading their posts ?

    8. It's official - Trump reaches the magic number of Republican delegates to clinch the nomination .....
      GAME ON Bernie

    9. 10:07 is William Parcher. Typical mealy mouthed Lib.

    10. I just thought it was interesting that you are so obsessed with "ISFers" that you know all of the intimate details of the different personalities in their community. I have no idea what the hell it is.

    11. ^
      Hi ISF'er. Why are there so many pathological liars in your tiny little sub culture ?

    12. @10:38
      Intimate details ? They're posting intimate details about themselves on the internet ?

    13. Trump will get the TSA working again....

    14. @10:52
      The use of "intimate details" and "obsession" is just skeptic speak because he couldn't defend the original post. Because he's embarrassed he's just projecting his/their own flaws on the OP. Pathetic really.

    15. 10:50

      Do you care to tell us what the "lies" are ?

      Or are you caught up in your own lies and so muddled you don`t know your arse from your elbow ?


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