Ever Get The Feeling You're Being Watched?

Robert Dodson travels out on his ATV to check the recorder. Have you ever had the feeling you're being watched? Well, for some reason it feels like that when you watch this video. Weird.


  1. Replies
    1. Hi chick, joe, NC and all super Friends

      Channel : Utah sasquatch

      Video :high altitude hidden forest

      Pretty cool


    2. I only feel that i am being watched when my monkey man MMC peeps on me while i drain the pain, if you know what i mean


    3. It's odd how Bigfoot is the only fringe topic where its "believers" are more demented and obsessed than Scientologists or cannabals

    4. It's odd how Bigfoot is the only fringe topic where its "skeptics" alter quotations about how far more demented and obsessed they are than the "believers".

    5. Dodson coming up with nothing this year. A big fat zero! So far anyway?,

    6. lol iktomi everything you post on here is other peoples work,research etc.that you alter or just plain copy it word for word the pot calling the kettle black..and mmc utah sas is frosted forest just changed his name ryan if i'm not mistaken

    7. Ever get the feeling you`ve been duped?


    8. ^ with regard to bigfoot,yes,all the time.

      well said though!

  2. Utah sasquatch/monument wallow

    10 min into it and very good so far. I bleeve that this is some new stuff. If it's real then this guy has a lot of hairy neighbors


    1. That video is garbage and has absolutely nothing in it.

    2. ^ When did you last see anything other than useless and drivel driven videos of "bigfoot" ?

      But what can be expected from the ability lacking makers of the videos.

      To be honest I`m thinking of jacking it all in as there`s never any evidence that is worth considering.Perhaps the skeptics are right and it really doesn`t exist.It`s getting hard to see any other solution.


    3. The Monument Wallow video has undergone post-recording sound manipulation, specifically to the vocalisations. The video's soundtrack is in mono, except for some of the vocalisations. Try it for yourself. Record the video's soundtrack using Audacity. Split the L and R channels, invert one, and recombine as a stereo track, then mono. This will mathematically subtract all the mono sounds from the recording. That's all of it, even the stream, except for a handful of the vocalisations. The only way these could be in stereo when even the stream was in mono, is if they were added afterwards.

  3. Robert's blowing the whistle on the Sasquatch! Listen in on this episode of -


    SEE - lots and lots of trees - and Robert even identifies some of them!

    LISTEN - as Robert's acute hearing picks up subtle branch breaks.

    This is no fringe topic to Robert. He's determined to provide proof. Maybe it will be on the next episode of -


  4. More unbelievably bad camera work.

    As soon as something interesting is being filmed he pans away. There should be an intelligence test required before you can own an HD camera.

    1. He pans away because he knows full well there is nothing there ,but can pretend to the viewers he "messed up" his camera work (again)- there`s always a "reason" for the lack of clear shot with these footer guys.


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