Close Observation Of A Sasquatch In Alabama

A person submitted a report to the BFRO after having a close encounter with a bigfoot. The person was originally alerted to the bigfoot being there by the family dogs barking.

It was July 5th 2015 it was late about 3:30am I had fallen asleep on my cousins sofa about 10pm after a long day at our family reunion. All of a Sudden the dogs started going crazy it woke me up so I kinda laid there thinking to myself I wish they would shut up then all of a sudden I heard one of the dogs yell out like it was hurt. Then I heard the sound of something coming up on the front porch so I sat up to look out the front window, it just so happens that we left the porch light on and what I saw was unforgettable and unbelievable. It was squatting down right in front of me I guess it was too big to stand straight up on the porch. I don't know why it was there but we had left the empty beer and soda cans and leftover food scraps in a couple of trash bags to be thrown out the next day. But to make a long story short I was no more than 8 to 10 feet away from it. I looked at for what seemed like an hour but I never saw its face because its back was to me the whole time and I never leave my 45cal but for some reason I did not have it with me. If I had you would have had a corpse to show to the world but this thing has become aggressive in this area of Alabama where my family lives. July 8th it kills my cousins bulldog, in May it chases another family member. June it looks into a family members window in broad open day time so I am trying to get some of the guys together and try and kill it because no one will do anything to research and capture this thing. We know where it lives and how it travels, all we want is for someone to capture and remove it. I live in Texas but my family lives in Alabama, and they are living in fear of this thing so it has to go one way or another

Read the full report with photos here. 


  1. It's odd how Bigfoot is the only fringe topic where its "skeptics" are more demented and obsessed than its "believers".


    1. What can we do to make Bigfoot not a fringe topic?

    2. Remember when "finding Bigfoot" came out and how mad it made footers. The show DID make this topic mainstream. It also drew the interest of many new people to the zany world of footery. Footers can't stand to be exposed for the fools they are.

    3. ^
      Hi ISF'er. Why are there so many pathological liars in your tiny little sub culture ?

    4. Ad hominems usually work better when we know what you're talking about.

    5. Add hominy grits ? This is not a cooking blog. I was just insulting your insignificant azz.

    6. That comment made me lol! (Said no one ever)

    7. ^
      A demented and lonely ISF loser.

    8. Ad hominems usually work better when we know what you're talking about.

    9. Mad footer is mad that his secret club has gone mainstream. Mad footer is angry that instead of gaining converts he is losing more everyday. Mad footer really should take some time off.

    10. ^
      Hi William Parcher. Holed up in mommy's basement pounding out posts while surrounded by Bigfoot props again ? Although you're like 50.

    11. Ad hominems usually work better when we know what you're talking about.

    12. MMC, my sexual little monkey man, DEHUMANIZE ME!!! PPPPPPLLLLLEEEEEAAAASSSSSEEEE!!!!!!!

    13. 6:58... Everybody knows you'll never catch even a deer in the wilderness at night, screaming with a film crew. Someone who spends his entire time around a topic that makes him so hateful = a fool.

      "It's odd how Bigfoot is the only fringe topic where its "skeptics" are more demented and obsessed than its "believers"."

    14. 4:59

      To answer your guestion, A specimin is needed


    15. Odd. Hundreds of years and no specimen.

    16. ^ so says you.

      Believe it or not there are people out there in the know who don't really care wether you no or not.

      What makes you think you are so special ?

    17. I'm not special. Just trying to figure out why Bigfoot remains a fringe topic.

    18. Hi ISF'er. Why are there so many pathological liars in your tiny little sub culture ?

    19. 11:14... There's actually 150 years worth of 7-8 foot skeletal remains documented in the US. Let me know if you want pointing in that direction.

    20. And yet Bigfoot remains a fringe topic. I'd say that is odd.

    21. Not so "fringe" anymore though is it? Kind of like UFO's in the 90's. Now nobody would believe there's no alien life out there.

      Maybe one day you'll be able to think for yourself. Odd how some grown men can't do that?

    22. Big difference between life somewhere out there and space craft visiting us from distant planets. The latter is still fringe for a reason.

    23. Here's a doozy... Read up on string theory. Quantum physics is far crazier than a UFO visiting us. Nobody with half a brain believes UFO's are bunk.

  2. ^ Hey bro stop calling believers slightly less demented than "SKEPTICS"-----Sheesh!!

    Uno who

  3. CBS News was reporting just a few minutes ago that a "bigfoot like" animal was shot and killed by a rancher on the Idaho/Washington border. This could be it folks, the proof we've all been waiting for. I just had to get on here right away and post the news.

    1. This is awesome news ! Buckle up folks !

    2. Maybe this is what it will take to go mainstream.

    3. Bigfoot proof, here we come!

    4. The skeptics must be really bummed.

    5. Why aren't we seeing a blog post on here about this? This is 'uge!

    6. William Parcher again? Come on man, you've spent several years of your worthless existence pretending to be a skeptic on JREF/ISF, sock puppeting on the BFF and posting here day and night. You're Bigfoot obsession is making you lose what little marbles you started with.

    7. Ad hominems usually work better when we know what you're talking about.

    8. No, I think this clown is Alaskabushpilot's lady "Drewbot".

    9. Whatever happened to the Bushpilot ? He's not even posting on the ISF as his sock Jaime K or EXFooter. It was funny how the mouth breathers over there got all excited thinking they were getting inside information on the NAWAC'

    10. it's odd that it turned out to be the lady with the laughing chewbaca mask


    11. It's odd how Bigfoot is the only fringe topic where its "skeptics" are more demented and obsessed than its "believers".

    12. Let's stick it to the skeptics by proving Bigfoot real!

    13. Yeah like that has been going great in the last fifty years.

    14. It has been going great, right iktomi? Odd that it still remains a fringe topic though.

    15. For 50 years and no consorted mainstream scientific effort, amateur researchers have accumulated every source of evidence to warrant further research.

      Go figure!!

    16. Now what's very odd, isn't it.

    17. Only as odd as hoaxes getting the limelight. How do you feel about being obsessed with a fringe topic only to have zero decent arguments?

    18. You don't need to convince me. It's those demented skeptics you need to worry about.

    19. Such strange folk, spending every day of their lives around a topic that makes them so hateful, right?

    20. Don't you mean a fringe topic?

    21. Yes... Why all the bother for a fringe topic?? Anyone would think this fringe topic isn't so obvious after all.

  4. Unfortunately there is NOTHING, anywhere about this bogus breaking news story.

    1. It's the government covering it up AGAIN!
      Just like they did with the giant skeletons at the Smithsonian. They won't allow us knowers to ever have the satisfaction of being proven right. It just makes me so mad and frustrated that I .... wait, I know what to do!

      "It's odd how Bigfoot is the only fringe topic where its "skeptics" are more demented and obsessed than its "believers"."

      THERE. That will show them!

    2. Did you ever get around to explaining this conspiracy you adhere to? You know, the culture hopping conspiracy spanning hundreds of years out to get your money? Instead of putting words in people's mouths, why don't you provide an explanation for that?

    3. Sad that Bigfoot continues to be a fringe topic after all these hundreds of years.

    4. Hi ISF'er. Why are there so many pathological liars in your tiny little sub culture ?

    5. 11:05... Unfortunate more like, that hoaxes have taken the awareness of mainstream scientists as opposed to the repeatable scientific evidence.

    6. Why are there so many con men and deluded fanatics in the Footer fold?

    7. Odd that Bigfoot is the only fringe topic that science is unable to separate the hoaxes from the real proof.

    8. We can say the same for the "skeptics" who are easily satisfied with hoaxers like Bob H, who are more demented and obsessed than its "believers".

    9. 12:59... Yeah... Doesn't make the repeatable scientific evidence go away. Isn't it odd how Bigfoot is the only fringe topic where its "skeptics" are more demented and obsessed than its "believers", and don't seem to be able to explain away the evidence for their time spent?

    10. We can only hope that someday it will stop being a fringe topic.

    11. ... Where its "skeptics" are more demented and obsessed than its "believers".

    12. Yes, where you stick it to the skeptics by proving Bigfoot is real.

    13. When people like you fail so comprehensively in explaining away the evidence, then it makes that job a little easier every day.

    14. It will be great when it's no longer a fringe topic controled by those darn skeptics.

    15. Controlled? I'm sorry... I thought being as obsessed as you are, you'd know a little more about this subject. You're disappointing. You spelled "controlled" wrong too.

    16. If you were as obsessed with critical thinking as you are with spelling, maybe Bigfoot wouldn't still be a fringe topic.

    17. It's not so much critical thinking as it is denial. Why that approach for a fringe topic? Surely it's not worth the worry?


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