Witness Observes Bigfoot Creature Swaying Side To Side

From SasquatchChronicles.com: 

Now I knew I was in the presence of some animal. At this point I was no more than 50 feet from this creature. It was squatting behind the bush peering at me through this opening in the brush. We froze all in essentially a standoff while the creature would sway from one position to the next to get a better view through its cover tree without exposing itself. It did not have hair around the exposed parts of the face through the brush. The color of the hair was similar to the account of another man on your show. He described it as darker than an orangutan which gave me goosebumps.

Read the whole thing by clicking here. 


  1. Replies
    1. Usually, Bigfooters go out of their way to try to impress me intellectually.

      You failed.

    2. Maybe i can help.I suspect the swaying is something they do when they feel threatened and reading about the low growl they do,i remember one day sitting in traffic and i felt suddenly quite unwell,i can't really explain it but just unwell and i could feel something that was a bit like the rumble you might get from a train.It turned out to be a boy racer with some really low bass coming from his boy racer speakers,after he drove of i felt alright again xx

    3. Hello luv, you can rumble me like a train whenever you'd fancy !


    4. You know it's funny fake Joe but every time you come on to me i suddenly become a lesbian :) xx

    5. Too bad luv, but if you consider yourself a transbian, I can certainly accommodate that interest if you'd fancy it !


    6. ^ I have all sizes of dildo for express delivery via mail order - let me know how many you need.

    7. WIDL BILL eggspurt traxer from the Mountain Monsters AIMS team saying YAHOO, Grassman, devildawg, sheepsquatch and the snallygasters, thays bein all reel

    8. Speaking about dildo's look who's here on cue...FFS fast free strapons..the tranny loving goober...now lets have some of your witty fart/sister jokes.Mr perv

    9. HIs comment shows who the real perv is does it not?^

    10. Hello FFS! and TCT,you're right TCT it does xx

    11. FFS! poor little mr.anonymous small brain = personal attacks = mr.anonymous
      now be a good little boy and clean up after yourself :) FFS!

    12. FFS! mr.anonymous you still have time to make things right and apologies for all the personal attacks :) FFS!

  2. I wish they had some evidence when they tell these bigfoot stories.

    1. ...The guy apparently was zapped: when that happens you forget about the iphone in your pocket..Maybe in the early days one could look for primate behavior, think about how a person would react in certain situations etc etc to assign some probability to truthfulness..Now most of these encounter stories follow a meme and have the right "buzzwords"..This one has "paralleling"..Even setting aside the zapping nonsense this story is useless..

  3. Replies
    1. sluuuurrp sluuuuurruuup drooooople sluuuuurrrrrp

    2. so then leave !


    3. ^ Go on then - turn the light out when you leave.

    4. I thought it was Joe who did the sucking.

    5. sometimes Reptilian Humanoids looking like BIGFOOTS so you thinking that's a BIGFOOT in the bush but its a Reptilian Humanoid

  4. Its not the blog, its the trolls that infect it.

    1. Would you like to "infect" me mate ?


    2. FFS! You mean little mr. anonymous he loves trying to make everyone have a crappy time just like his life :) FFS!

  5. Replies
    1. ^ Aussie version of "you`re"...backward idiots.

    2. You would know about idiots though since you are the biggest one here.

    3. ^ Who`s the idiot getting all worked up into a lather ?

      You are,Triple Dribble

    4. Interesting how you just referred to Chick as "bro"! Did you get all of your fake accounts mixed up again??

    5. FFS! I am the 1 and only FFS!
      FFS! unlike certain mr. anonymous I only post with 1 account TCT is a girl? Anton is girl? or are you just not very smart? FFS!

  6. When squatch sways like that, he's focusing his thoughts in preparation for an infrasound blast. Squatches can use infrasound to stun and confuse potential predators, but it takes time for them to focus the blast before zapping it out. This individual was very lucky; the closer one is to the epicenter of an infrasound zap, the stronger and more dangerous it is.

    1. They use thier red eyeshine to iluminate the forest ahead just like a flashlight!

    2. The red eyeshine is hypothesized to pick up colors and wavelengths that are invisible to our own human eyes that aid sasquatches in finding the portals they use to travel betwixt our forests and the dimension of their own homeworld.

    3. Thanks for the explanation and wonderful use of the word "betwixt"!

    4. Sasquatch eyeshine has some truly amazing biochemical properties. The was sasquatch corneas reflect and retain light are currently being studied by the Pentagon to help improve the Air Force's stealth fighter jets.

      Not to mention the roles that sasquatch eyes apparently play opening and closig portals (Dr. Matthew Johnson has verified this phenomenon and conducted his own scientific experiments: he was able to close the portals using a flashlight. Sasquatch eyes must be able to emit light-beams that are functionally similar).

    5. FFS! Plenty of Megafauna believed extinct, but rediscovered...so why is it such a stretch for a BF like creature to exist? let me guess, because you say so right? FFS!

  7. Wow. This place has become an ISF footer satellite forum. Goes to show how demented and obsessed they really are. All of them sock on the BFF as well.

    1. ^I'm pretty new hear and just started researching into bigfoot as a hobby. I've seen commments like this on a couple stories now. Would you mind explaining to a newbie but the "ISF" stuff is all about? I'm really curious. Sometimes it seems like the long-time commenters have their own language that I don't understand yet.

    2. Basically, the International Skeptics Forum are encouraged to go around attacking anything that doesn't comply with their religion of Scientism. They particularly stick around here because this is where they get least satisfaction and self esteem from... It's a Crusade.

      Because they haven't the slightest idea how to counter the scientific evidence for relict hominids, they spend their days religiously pretending to be multiple posters, sensationalising the paranormal side of this topic, in a roundabout way of attacking enthusiastic people's credibility. It's pretty much pseudosceptical cowardice at its purest.

      Hope that cleared it up.

    3. ^Paranoid delusions of persecution.

    4. The ISF was formerly called JREF, founded by a gay magician who was forced out of the closet when his gay lover was arrested for having a stolen identity. After his arrest and jail time, Randi married his gay lover, making him his husband.
      The footers over there (who refer to themselves as skeptics) are a group of extremely obsessed low character individuals with a good percentage of them being obvious pathological liars. They all post here and most sock on the BFF as well.

    5. 10:08... That's rich coming from someone who believes that the admins here are out to get him, and also thinks that "Bigfoot" is a ten thousand year old culture hopping conspiracy.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. 10:41... There's a mix...

      Some actually believe in "Bigfoot" but are a little too scared to admit it and for the sake of not being caught being positive on a blog like this, pretend to be "sceptical" and get there queries answered about the creature's existence by pasting the ISF's best pseudosceptical mantras.

      Others are trolls who suffer emotional issues such as depression, low self-esteem, and anger. They want to inject their own emotional turmoil into other people by luring them into negativity. It's a way for them to feel some kind of control or power over their own disruptive emotions, at other people's expense.

      And then you have the others who are quite simply on the psychopathy spectrum.

      ... Hope that helps.

    8. Talking to yourself again I see -- 10:41 was you, did you forget to go anon?

    9. You'd better delete the comment again so people don't notice your slip up!

    10. Yes I'm sure... Now proceed to be your fake MMC or Joe account...

    11. Iktomi and the post @10:28 summed up the ISF perfectly. Thank you !

    12. FFS! Plenty of Megafauna believed extinct, but rediscovered...so why is it such a stretch for a BF like creature to exist? let me guess, because you say so right? FFS!

    13. I'd love for you to "stretch" me out mate !


    14. I have no idea about the ISF, but based upon the various petty personal and homophobic attacks above, it seems like they're doing something to drive footers completely bonkers.

    15. ^
      Kinda like the attacks the ISF footers regularly posts about their fellow footers who don't pretend to be skeptics, right Parcher ?

    16. ^
      Hi ISF'er. Why are there so many pathological liars in your tiny little sub culture ? How is stating facts about J Randi homophobic when there was no opinion in the statement ?

    17. 11:43... If they were doing something, we'd be over there worried about what they think. The reality is pretty much that but in role reverse.

      D'you catch my drift??

    18. Hey mate, I would love to "catch your drift" when you're in "role reverse" !


    19. Iktomi is spot on in his analysis of ISFers and there is no doubt one of those buggers (maybe Dmaker) has been impersonating me on here as fake Joe . They pray at the church of the amazing Randi and attack all they are instructed to do so against. They are really miserable people in real life with little or no redeeming value and have troubles keeping any kind of stable relationship


    20. Wow, you footers must have really gotten your asses handed to you by ISFers to have become so bitter toward them!

    21. more weird fantasies from troll F- @2:28 and also @12:47.

    22. 2:28- Hi Fake Joe (dmaker) !


    23. Iktomi, aren't you concerned that you might have a little too much in common with the "scofftics"? You seem to place a great deal of faith in eyewitness reports when it suits you, but then you seem incredibly dismissive of eye witness reports that pertain to anything "paranormal." Numerous eyewitnesses have testified to occurrences such as mindspeak, the use of portals, and electromagnetic field irregularities. Why are you so dismissive of these testimonials?

    24. Not only that, but the Native legends (that Joe loves so much) attributed supernatural qualities to Sasqustch. That blends perfectly with modern reports of portals and mindspeak.

    25. 4:50... Basic eyewitness reports are supported by physical evidence, whilst in Native culture, the spiritual and physical are one and the same. For a creature so elusive and so much better than us in its environment, it is easy to attribute paranormal abilities to it. The truth is I have an open mind about a lot of things;



      ... But as there is no method of measuring the preternatural (I prefer that word as opposed to the paranormal, as I believe these things are merely not explanable YET with our current scientific means), it is important to measure what we can and that's the physical evidence that already been successfully accumulated over the past 50 years.

      The troll here likes using the "woo" factor because he feels that it makes enthusiasts look loony, purely because he hasn't the intelligence to counter what counts.

  8. FFS! Plenty of Megafauna believed extinct, but rediscovered...so why is it such a stretch for a BF like creature to exist? let me guess, because you say so right? FFS!

    1. WIDL BILL eggspurt traxer from the Mountain Monsters AIMS team saying YAHOO, Grassman, devildawg, sheepsquatch and the snallygasters, thays bein all reel

  9. FFS! Plenty of Megafauna believed extinct, but rediscovered...so why is it such a stretch for a BF like creature to exist? let me guess, because you say so right? FFS!


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