Legendary Goatman Photographed in Maryland

An insane looking photo of the legendary goatman has surfaced recently, reportedly taken in Maryland. This is either a great costume, or the real deal. Either way it's really creepy looking.

A man named Ryan Davis reportedly took the photo, and had this to say:

I’m in DC for the GRC summit starting today and was playing tennis Saturday morning at Montpelier Park while some friends played golf at Pawtucket Greens. As we were packing up we saw something on the forest bordering the park. As I took out my camera phone it came up onto two feet and I realized it was a goat. I told some people back in DC about a goat waking on two legs and they said it was some old Maryland Goatman legend. I called WBAL in Baltimore and talked to someone about it but I don’t think they believe me. They think it’s a bear holding a freshly killed goat. They ran the story this morning. As a reader, thought you might enjoy.

For the full article, click here.


  1. ..I want to start a "Goatman Evidence" blog but I'm afraid you guys are gonna troll it...lol...

    1. Carry on... Nothing to be afraid of a troll, they have so many emotional and mental issues that they ultimately end up making you feel better about yourself. Whilst as blatantly obvious it is that goatmen don't exist, they won't have a brain cell between them to debunk it.

    2. ^ something has "got his goat" pretty badly

    3. Someone would have to debunk "Bigfoot" for that to happen.

    4. ^ It would need to be proven first.

      Let me ask - does Goatman exist ?

      Is Goatman real ? .. is this picture of a real creature ?

    5. 2:24... Being "proven", in your meaning having a body, does not equate to a lack of evidence. The facts are that there is something of the reported anatomy leaving its sign on the environment of the US.

      There is no physical evidence to support eyewitness reports of goatmen.

    6. ^ 2:30 has previously has mentioned goatman and other absurd "monsters" as being real

    7. ...lols...Wow, look at all the replies under my comment..Maybe I really will start a "Goatman Blog" and make some dough...

    8. Quote me, don't joke me?

      So...you got that proof of me posting anon? I am very curious to see what you provide as proof of something that has never happened.

    9. dmaker shames joe once again

    10. Hey Dmaker, have you considered the possibility that Joeholi is a just shill hired by the blog owner to generate controversy (and thus web traffic) for an otherwise craphole site?

    11. "dmaker" I haven't bothered to look yet, it really seems to be worrying you, why would that be? What are you scared of me showing people?

    12. I'm not scared of anything. I bring it up because I want to see you humiliated when you fail to provide proof. You're not fooling anyone with your " when I can be bothered" nonsense. You flapped your stupid mouth too much and your bluff is being called and you have nothing to show. Now you try to turn it around and say that I'm scared. This is not surprising. It is pretty predictable for you, actually.

    13. Wow Donald... You've been very uptight lately... You getting it at home? Listen boio, I'll have a look for that slip when I'm ready. In the mean time you can sweat and stew nicely over it. Don't like it? Deal with it.

      Its funny, give you a taste of your own medicine and you cry like a baby... What a spoiled brat.

    14. Trapper from the AIMS team tangled with that Sheepsquatch and the Sheepsquatch left him in a world of hurt, Trapper ain't been right since

    15. Dmaker you deleted the post, I remember it clearly. I wish I had to time to find your mistake, but honestly, I just don't have the time. I'm thinking I will just wait for the next time.

    16. Anonymous posts can't be deleted.

    17. He posted the usual trash an anonymous poster would say under the "Dmaker" moniker. He then quickly deleted it, especially after a guy who used to come here, called Joe?, pointed the mistake out to him.

    18. That's two witnesses, in the court of law I do believe that is "damning evidence".

    19. Vegasthedog is correct. There is no doubt in my mind Dmaker posts as anonymous quite a few times a day.
      Can't fool us Donald


    20. ^^You're absolutely wrong.I don't post as anon. There is no point.

      Post the proof, or stop whining like little losers.

      It's just like that unknown primate DNA that Iktojo loves to talk about. He will insist that it exists, but simply cannot provide any proof.

    21. ...8:25.lols..Unreal...C'mon Dmaker, you had to have at least once mistakenly hit anonymous in the profile menu and hit "publish" rather than bothering to fix it..its not really important in the grand scheme of things....

    22. How do you mistakenly hit the anonymous?

    23. Just shut up vegas the dog E'ffer.
      Nobody cares whut you have to say!!

      Get lost "Creep" !!

    24. Sorry Don, Sasquatch DNA is human. And everyone knows you've posted anon... Why the flip?

    25. ...One can click on "anonymous" instead of "name\url" in the select profile menu..Just trying to give you
      an out..lol..maybe not you, but it is
      obvious forum members post her..all in good fun....

  2. Same suit as the Patty suit but with horns added for effect.

    Don`t fancy the goat "cheese" much.

    1. Yes... 47 year old SFX defying gorilla costumes are in abundance for the average hoaxer.

    2. ^ Seems to think the image above is of a real creature.

      Hahaha - you`re desperate.

    3. I know you have narcissistic tendencies, but if you think your comments magically make peoples understanding of what I'm saying to your preference, you're as bat **** crazy as was thought.

    4. Oldest ever human genome sequence may rewrite human history...


    5. The conclusion of the study makes it less possible for bigfoot to exist.

    6. Why? Does it explain away the cultural and contemporary anecdotes that are supported my physical evidence?

    7. Do you need me to hold your wanker for you when you pee? Figure it out yourself, it's not very complicated.

    8. I'm sorry, you used your toilet humour out of context... You're even a failure at insulting people. I would ask you to let me know when a hominid discovery debunks "Bigfoot", but unless it's extremely illustrated you're knackered.

    9. Anecdotes require no explanation, you moron.

    10. Why should I bother explaining something to you when you clearly haven't even read the link? The article does not discuss the discovery of a hominid -- the bones were found a few years ago and they were already known to be from hominids -- but instead the analysis of DNA from a tooth and thigh bone. It really gets tiresome having to explain things to buffoons.

    11. I've never once asked you to explain the article to me, I gave you a rhetorical question, you blithering idiot. The article, how ever fascinating it is, doesn't debunk "Bigfoot". Let me know when a breakthrough in anthropology does.

    12. A rhetorical question is one that is not meant to be answered. But in the same comment that you state that the question was "rhetorical," you continue to ask me for information! I guess I underestimated what a halfwit you really are.

    13. At least the day wasn't a total waste, Iktomi learned the definition of a rhetorical question!

    14. Maybe he can blame the mistake on his iPhone, which apparently is the only one on the planet that doesn't have an autocorrect feature!

    15. IktomiFriday, April 29, 2016 at 7:46:00 AM PDT
      Why? Does it explain away the cultural and contemporary anecdotes that are supported my physical evidence?

      A halfwit would lie to himself when a thread of comments doesn't.

    16. Iktomi -

      Do be the first to let us know when anthropology lets us know bigfoot is real.

    17. Donald is having his usual meltdown courtesy of Iktomi !
      Luving it !


    18. The question is, how many melt downs can one archive before one is nothing more than a cinder ?

      I think that that is all that's left of him

    19. 10:12... I've already let you know that methods of anthropology has determined that physical evidence is real... That didn't go down too well for your self esteem, bless.

  3. Yep, that's the Goatman alright. He owes me money. Won't take my calls.

  4. Here we go, from the almost sublime to the totally ridiculous. The horns aren't even goat, they are from a sheep (ram). Stupid.

  5. Here we go, from the almost sublime to the totally ridiculous. The horns aren't even goat, they are from a sheep (ram). Stupid.

  6. It's Bigfoot walking out with his kill. a goat or deer wrapped around his neck.


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