July 2014 Possible Bigfoot Howls Recorded In SE Oklahoma

From the Sasquatch Watch Gear team on youtube:

This audio clip was taken in July 2014 by members of the Squatch Watch Gear team. This is actually the third set of response howls out of four we received that evening. This was the best recording from that night, but we are working to get the others available for listening, as well.


  1. Replies
    1. ^robert dodson's fluff girl

    2. what does this have to do with dogman

    3. Here we go Donald! It took me a while, but I found it! Notice your "still confused" comments, the exact same circular reasoning & cart before the horse logic you use? You'll remember I used this thread of comments to make fun of you with some of my academic friends;
      ... That was on the 8th of August 2014. You do not appear in any BFE comment sections (I can source this if you like though it will take me a little while), until the 11th of August 2014 where you use the exact same "still confused" comments as a signature;
      ... Now anyone can read for themselves, though nobody in their right minds would believe that you don't post anon.

    4. Both ridiculous ideas. The drones are way too loud. And the night vision or infrared will not prove anything except 'something' big walking in the woods for it's still very nebulous. People will say 'it's was a hunter or the camera crew'
      I think the answer is, don't worry about proving their existence and leave them be. I think nature wants it this way.
      I am one of these Bigfoot believers (knowers) who feels, only certain types of people are privy to them. Not sure how that works, whether metaphysical or paranormal, I don't know....but this isn't for the average idiot to realize. Because what the average schmuck will do is get all his schmucky buddies and try to hunt them down and encroach on their territory even MORE....all for the sake of getting some 'Duck Dynasty' like award!!
      Just leave them alone. If you happened upon one?.....consider it a privilege.

    5. Membership Notice
      If you have a Bigfoot Forums membership in good standing, please login periodically to maintain your account. We check member accounts for inactivity about every 30 days and deactivate the accounts with no logins.

      Also,we are currently deleting membership accounts for those whose last login was 2 or more years ago. We now check these accounts weekly and remove those who are inactive for that period of time. Once a member account is deleted, it is not recoverable.

      BFF Admin

    6. Joerg is trying his best to bother dmaker with some nonsense. But its not working. I love it!!!!!

    7. Oh, for Gods sake Joe, that is all you got? You don't think people repeat phrases that others have said? How many times have various people said something like "Got magic monkey suit"? By your logic, they are all the same person?

      Epic fail, Joe. This is embarrassing for you. This is proof of nothing.

    8. Sorry spunky... You've been done like a kipper.

    9. I guess it should be no surprise that your big proof reveal is nothing more than one time I used the same comment that had been used by anon posters previously? If I think a popular comment is funny, I'll repeat it. I enjoy needling you just as much as the next guy. Doesn't prove a thing.

      Got magic monkey suit?

    10. Keep trying, little Joergy, you don't look like a food at all.

      This is how you spend your Saturday evening? Digging through old posts on a crappy blog so that you can completely fail to make the point you intended?

      Very pathetic.

    11. I don't look like a "food"? Seriously, you've been smoked like a kipper.

    12. The fat nerd Joerg learned phrases like "I'm having a curry" and "like a kipper" from watching reruns of "Red Dwarf."

    13. Looks like your nut shiner is getting a little annoyed at your unveiling, Donald.

    14. As I said before, there is way more evidence of Iktomi being Joerg Hensiek. It goes much further than simply using the same phrase. LOL.

    15. The only thing that you unveiled is your stupidity. Pretending otherwise, only makes you look like a child.

    16. I have to say - spending (considerable) time going through old posts to prove a not very convincing point IS pathetic. Someone needs a life.

      And no - I am not DMaker.

    17. Is it any surprise at this point? To see Joerg get blown the f#ck out by dmaker? No not at all. Lets apply some of Joes logic, shall we dmaker.

      Example 1: Trolls have often used the phrase "bust out", to talk about Joergs many accounts. And shortly thereafter Joe started using "bust out". That means by joe logic, that joe was the troll all along.

      Example 2: Trolls started using the term "metldowns" to describe Joergs mental breakdowns. And now Joe uses the term meltdown almost every other post. That means that the trolls were originally Joerg all along.

      And i could continue all day. Joerg is the sites worst at stealing phrases and using them as his own. And of course, the chronic plagarizing.

      Todays episode has humiliated Joe yet again. Dmakers point is proved and he really never had to say a word. One of joes many mental handicaps is that he doesn't understand when he is beign made to look like a horrid fool.

    18. Iktomi sure doesn't like it when more than one person calls him out.

    19. This is pretty sad even for Joe.

      It's his classic pigeon-playing-chess behavior. Crap all over the board and waddle around you like won anyway.

      It's all he ever does. When he loses a point, he just pretends otherwise. As if no one would notice...

      It's the behavior of a child.

    20. Yes it is dmaker. Too make himself feel better, he will probably make up a new account or 2.

    21. Smoked... Like... A kipper. And don't even start to think that this won't lie.

      : p

    22. It's like Bill Murray has said: "It's hard to win an argument with a smart person, but it’s damn near impossible to win an argument with a stupid person."

    23. How many posters am I allegedly, Don?

      "A hypocrite despises those whom he deceives, but has no respect for himself. He would make a dupe of himself too, if he could."
      - William Hazlitt

      ... Like I said, this won't be forgotten.

    24. For two days Donald challenged me to find where he's slipped up, not thinking I would. Just to add, that original comment section where Donald was under anon mode, has been discussed and acknowledged by himself on at least two seperate occasions, because he didn't like the idea of academics laughing at him. I'll source that next.

      Like a kipper. Laters, nut shiners.

    25. You're at least two, Joe. Are you going to deny that Iktomi is also Joe? Or at least used to post as JoeF?

    26. And you never found anything. You were just humiliated by dmaker and so you just randomly posted some anonyous comments as proof. Only you would find those as proof. But even you dont believe they are proof. You just are trolling. You know you were made to look a fool and so if you cant show that you are right, you might as well troll and try and make dmaker mad. Well guess what Joergy, its not going to work. And to date, you post as at least 10 other people on this blog alone, not counting anon posts.

    27. Dont forget "guerilla joe" dmaker, when joe admitted posting anonyously. Thats at least 3

    28. Absolutely no question lktomi is Joe Fitzgerald. Writing pattern just the same - Joe disappears and lktomi immediately appears. Occasionally he slips up and still answers to Joe. If he denies it he's an absolute liar.

    29. "For two days Donald challenged me to find where he's slipped up, not thinking I would".

      The problem is that you didn't. You just proclaim victory and put your fingers in your ears like a child. Intellectual honesty clearly is a foreign concept to you. That's why you can't hack it at other forums. You would get called out all the time and pout.

    30. Joerg, please learn how to spell the word "separate" -- your "academic friends" are going to become "cringey" and start to laugh at you!

    31. Nice to see you kelbm, please stay around.

    32. Wow! The trolls busting out the extra accounts! What a freakin meltdown! Facts are, Don asked for it... Don't blame me. And rest assured, you'll be reminded of this very frequently. You know how I like reminding you of things, tee hee!!

    33. More evidence that you are gay. What kind of man says "tee hee"?

    34. A man laughing at the best meltdown I've seen in ******* ages!

    35. As usual, you didn't prove anything, Joe.

      The more you gloat, the worse you look.

    36. I beg to differ Donald... The more his goes around, the more people will understand who's behind a fair bit of trolling around here.

    37. Donald is back for his daily shellacking !
      Oh man, this is painful to watch or in this case read . Iktomi brings him to the shed in classic fashion ! I must close my eyes and pretend I'm not seeing this annihilation .
      Donald into full on meltdown mode is simple one of the best things in life to behold
      Chip chip !


    38. And I almost forgot, tiddly doo!

  2. Replies
    1. New authenticated video of Bigfoot chasing a car:


    2. No photos have ever caused one nerd so much emotional distress. Clear photos;

      Meltdowns below...

    3. That looks like a monkey suit. I asked for a polar bear suit? Whats the matter? Got polar bear suit?

    4. I will answer that by reminding you of your biggest emotional obstacle; magic monkey suit. Go get it, give yourself some piece of mind.

    5. Blevins has the magic monkey suit and Joe is kept up at night by it. Poor Joergy

    6. And Kit saw and knows where the original suit is!!

    7. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-DiRWOLTsDyY/TY5X5k2O7fI/AAAAAAAADok/tiE7U9_Md_4/s1600/Blevins+BF+Suit.jpg

      ... Kit's word helps little kids sleep better at night. Abiding to the requirements of presenting evidence for his stories, not so much. Ironic really.

    8. Joerg, you'd better just call it a night before you humiliate yourself further, although I'm not sure that's possible at this point!

    9. Have I missed something? Surely someone who thinks he's being attacks with a psy-ops experiment from a US airforce base shouldn't be making calls as to who's humiliating themselves?

    10. I remember when you first made that airforce base comment Joerg. But i never understood why you made it to troll trolls. Its just weird. Please explain?

    11. Like I said... You and me both know how much of a loon you are, at least.

    12. so why doesn't Kit produce the suit, it would shut us bigfoot believers up for good. Oh , I know why, because he doesn't have it, the suit doesn't exist you morons !
      Get s a life ISFers , or a hotel room with your PS2


  3. It's funny how the ISF mouth breathers don't realize the poster over there named "EXFooter" is actually Alaskabushpilot ...lol

    1. Hows bigfoot fiction today DWA?

    2. ^
      Hi William Parcher. Holed up in mommy's basement pounding out posts while surrounded by Bigfoot props again ? Although you're like 50.

    3. Why does it upset you so much that people know there is no bigfoot?

    4. I think that if anyone was remotely threatened by a particular scenario... They would be obsessed with a blog catered for being enthusiastic towards that scenario. Are you picking up what I'm putting down, ISF nerd?

    5. Not on the ISF but do enjoy reading their demolition of dumb believers like you. Carry on please.

    6. Last time I checked... "Bigfoot" still hasn't been debunked. Tell them hurry up and either admit they believe or admit they're incompetent at proving what is allegedly so obvious.

    7. Last time i checked bigfoot still hasnt been confirmed.

    8. ... A lack of body does not equate to a lack of evidence.

    9. That is the ultimate in lack of evidence.

    10. Bigfoot has been debunked by the sane world. The only people who believe are nutjobs and those wishing to make profit off of a nutjob field. Thats it. Joe is getting pinned into a corner so hard, that he is soon going to have no choice but to endorse mindspeak, portals, zapping, and interdimensional travel. Mark my words and see. When Sykes comes out and says zana was regular HSS, he will have no other road of hope to travel. AHHHHHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    11. Sorry kid... Your burden still remains. Let me know when you actually debunk Bigfoot. Your little cyber world doesn't count.

      Oh... And Sykes is indeed coming... Nut shiner.

    12. You mean like the last time he was coming Joerg? And the time before that? And the ketchum study before that? And the erickson footage before that?

    13. Sorry... There has only ever been one process of delivering on Zana. Scientific studies of this nature take a little while... Considering only now he's starting to wrap up studying Zana's DNA, you'll have to meltdown a little longer about it.

      Erikson's documentary that was pulled had some groundbreaking footage in it... We might all get a chance to see it yet.

    14. He's got you there Joerg.

    15. You mean like the Chewbacka Bigfoot? That was funny stuff.

    16. Erikson was hoaxed with a Wookie mask by the land owners he was researching at. It basically finished him off.

    17. Once again Joerg, thats not what happened at all. Do you ever reasearch the things you talk about, or do you just copy and paste and archive. But we both know the answer to that.

      The actual story wast that the property owners originally sent erickson multiple tapes to get his interest up. Some he thought were real, and one or two he thought were hoaxes. He later come forward of his own acccord, long before any footage was ever released and said this, and that they threw those tapes out. He was completely transparent about that fact from the very beginning. So that didn't ruin him at all. He told everyone the truth about what he thought was hoaxing before the study gained any interest. And people were still insanely interested in the project.

      What ruined erickson, from his own mouth was financial problems in pursuing his efforts. Financial problems that took his time elsewhere, and off of the world of bigfoot. It didn't have to do with a chewbacca mask.

    18. AnonymousFriday, July 26, 2013 at 4:29:00 AM PDT
      I live in the county adjacent to the south of Crittenden, Ky, where Matilda was said to be filmed. After researching everything I could find on the matter, I've come to the conclusion that Erickson was hoaxed for financial gain by the original owners of the Mann Road habituation site.

      AnonymousFriday, July 26, 2013 at 8:32:00 AM PDT
      ... I believe that Erickson made a sincere effort to prove existence and document the discovery..Unfortunately, he was defrauded by hoaxers(the homeowners), betrayed by people he drafted for the project(Phols, Brisson and\or Standing probably hoaxed Matilda) and robbed blind by Ketchum..
      He must be thoroughly disgusted...

    19. Joe, what is that supposed to prove? Those are anonymous comments posted on this blog. So you are saying they are supposed to be accurate? lol. If you believe what that person is posting, then you must believe all the other troll comments as well. The person who posted those, likely new as little about erickson, as you do. I am going by what Erickson said out of his own mouth. Not what some person on this bigfoot site says. Would you trust an anonymous poster on this site Joe? Think carefully about your answer.

    20. ..Yeah...i followed it too and that is what seemed to have happened...The homeowners also sold him the wookie mask clip that Munns examined..He announced it was a hoax on the BFF months before any stills and his own report was released to the public...Erickson was also allegedly robbed by Moneymaker: some believe the BFRO pawned off the lousy pancake video on Erickson...A total mess...

    21. "AnonymousSaturday, April 30, 2016 at 4:48:00 PM PDT
      Joe, what is that supposed to prove? Those are anonymous comments posted on this blog. So you are saying they are supposed to be accurate? lol. If you believe what that person is posting, then you must believe all the other troll comments as well."
      ... Wow, just wow... And wait for it...
      "Think carefully about your answer..." Thinking, indeed. Narcissism is a curious thing under analysis.

    22. ummmmmm? is that remark supposed to mean something besides a random copy and paste

    23. It means hypocrisy means no boundaries when your diagnosis is psychopathy, narcissism, sadism (internet troll 4:48).

  4. Will Jevning claims to have gotten this information from a government insider he calls Mr. Black, He also claims to get regular updates form Mr. Black about the location of a family group that is being tracked somehow by the government. MmmmmK.
    BTW, Coonbo there is an excellent story teller, but everything he says is bullshit, his good friend that goes by Bear was on a podcast a week ago telling about boogers braiding horses manes and such.

    1. Was it Bear's appearance on Darkness Radio? Yeah, he also mentioned the horse rape incidents. These guys call themselves "Bigfoot Outlaws", they have a youtube channel and have done shows with Wes @ Sasquatch Chronicles. They promote the mindspeak, cloaking, and other woo woo bullshit. Funny and fun to listen to backwoods guys talk about bigfoot, and they may actually believe what they say... but it is not clear, unbiased, witness reports, and discussion.

    2. I can't stand Wil Jevning and I'm glad he left Sasquatch Chronicles. There isn't 4 types of Bigfoots. The reason some look more human is because of rape with humans.
      Dogman are not Bigfoots. This is Wil just trying to make sense of Dogman and fit it into his stupid closed mind. Dogman are just another multidimensional creature. They are canines.

    3. 4:50... Basic eyewitness reports are supported by physical evidence, whilst in Native culture, the spiritual and physical are one and the same. For a creature so elusive and so much better than us in its environment, it is easy to attribute paranormal abilities to it. The truth is there is reason to have an open mind about a lot of things;



      ... But as there is no method of measuring the preternatural (I prefer that word as opposed to the paranormal, as I believe these things are merely not explanable YET with our current scientific means), it is important to measure what we can and that's the physical evidence that already been successfully accumulated over the past 50 years.

      The troll here likes using the "woo" factor because he feels that it makes enthusiasts look loony, purely because he hasn't the intelligence to counter what counts.

    4. Got mindspeaking portal traveling human hybrid?

    5. No... I can reference physical evidence for a creature with the reported anatomy of "Bigfoot" though.

    6. Because he feels it makes "enthusiasts look loony"????? Are you kidding????? That is a job no troll could ever do. The enthusiasts do a fantastic job of not only making themselves look loony, but also stupid, ignorant, and mildly retarded.

    7. What's also not quite "explanable" yet is a fat loser bloke sitting in a pub typing comment after comment on a Bigfoot site!

    8. 2:38... It's difficult for me to argue with that, but it can't be good for your self esteem when you struggle to explain away a subject endorsed by such loons, eh?

      2:38... What's for sure, is nobody cares remotely as to what you're doing, or where you are. Maybe here in lies a major issue.

  5. It's creepy how the ISF'ers hang out here all day and night suckling on the teats of Joe and DWA. They sound like desperate and lonely losers.

    1. maybe you should go far far away to a blog that only thinks and says what you want it to....free thinking seems to creep you out.also makes you look like complete asshole..this is long overdue,your comments are petty and childish,so please don't go away mad just go away

    2. ^
      Hi ISF'er. Why are there so many pathological liars in your tiny little sub culture ?

    3. Basically, the International Skeptics Forum are encouraged to go around attacking anything that doesn't comply with their religion of Scientism. They particularly stick around here because this is where they get least satisfaction and self esteem from... It's a Crusade. Because they haven't the slightest idea how to counter the scientific evidence for relict hominids, they spend their days religiously pretending to be multiple posters, sensationalising the paranormal side of this topic, in a roundabout way of attacking enthusiastic people's credibility. It's pretty much pseudosceptical cowardice at its purest.
      The ISF's can be divided into three distinct types;
      *Some actually believe in "Bigfoot" but are a little too scared to admit it and for the sake of not being caught being positive on a blog like this, pretend to be "sceptical" and get there queries answered about the creature's existence by pasting the ISF's best pseudosceptical mantras.
      *Others are trolls who suffer emotional issues such as depression, low self-esteem, and anger. They want to inject their own emotional turmoil into other people by luring them into negativity. It's a way for them to feel some kind of control or power over their own disruptive emotions, at other people's expense.
      *And then you have the others who are quite simply on the psychopathy spectrum.

    4. Joes had a few beers. Its going to be a bloodbath while he defends portals and mindspeak

    5. I've had two pints and a curry actually.

    6. Quit pretending your in the UK Joerg.

    7. You're right... I'm at that magic airforce base...

      Zap!! Did you feel that?!

    8. I remember when you first made that airforce base comment Joerg. It was classic. I don't get your logic of making it to troll trolls though. Please explain

    9. Sorry kid... I know you're embarrassed of your antics, unfortunately everyone now knows you're a loon. And even if they don't... You and I know how crazy you are, at least.

      ; )

    10. "Iktomi" Joerg, everyone! Give him your applause!

  6. Does this blog suck? Yes, yes it does.

    1. ^ so why are you still here girl ? Go to tinder mate, shove off Beyonce


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