Investigator Finds Large Tracks In Remote Wilderness Of Utah

Utah Sasquatch on youtube would like to know how skeptics explain large tracks like this one found in the remote wilderness.


  1. Replies
    1. ^
      Hi ISF'er. Why are there so many pathological liars in your tiny little sub culture ?

    2. ^ joe posting anonymously and angry that he didnt get the first comment never gets old

    3. ...That aint Joe: That is "closet believer theorist guy"...He's pretty funny...

    4. It's odd how Bigfoot is the only fringe topic where its "skeptics" are more bizarre and obsessed than its "believers".

    5. What say you? If I am wrong and Sykes publishes a ground breaking paper proving that relict hominids are wandering this earth in the here and now, I will leave this blog and never return.

    6. Joe will never agree to it dmaker. He is cowardly and ashamed.

    7. Joe is taking one of the worst beatings of his life today.

    8. ...The skeptical side seems to have more people well versed in the history of the subject...

    9. Joerg, shouldn't you be spending less time posting comments on this blog and more time addressing your personal financial difficulties that you referenced here last week?

    10. Ha ha ha ha ha!! Donald, I've never seen you so unstrung, chill out bruv, here's my answer to you AGAIN...

      Your baiting is so much similar to Danny it's incredible. I've never ever claimed that as far as Zana and the Yeti stuff is concerned, that Sykes has the evidence to show that Yeti's are walking the earth today. What's more... Is why would I take a bet with someone who posts anonymously? Hopefully you'll actually read this comment this time, you're letting your emotions get the better of you. I don't want you to leave if Sykes ends up supporting my ideas. I want you around.

      I wonder if he'll acknowledge that third time trying??

    11. Joe is just trolling at this point dmaker. Notice he never answers the questions put to him, and he just keeps repeating the same phrases and deflecting. He is just trying at this point to get a reaction. He knows he was beaten bad by you today dmaker. My suggestion is to now ignore him. He is just trolling at this point.

    12. ..C,mon Dmaker, Joe never claimed that Sykes was going to prove such a thing..The most Sykes can say is Zana and her son show that early humans were around longer than previously supposes and may come from a group that accounts for so called almasty sightings...admittedly that is a reach too..Anyway, that is what I think is Joes position..

    13. What say you? If I am wrong and Sykes publishes a ground breaking paper proving that relict hominids are wandering this earth in the here and now, I will leave this blog and never return.

  2. Move along. There's nothing to see here.

  3. Burrowing animals create spaces, under the topsoil - weathering and erosion conspire to collapse these burrows, leaving depressions that form all sorts of shapes.

  4. Hey Itkomi/Joe, do you have any proof that people had encounters with bigfoot ten thousand years ago.

    1. Yep he sure does. Joe has secret acess to top secret documents written in sumarian about bigfoot sightings.

    2. There are over 100 Native American names for the creature commonly known as Sasquatch. If you plug these names into the US government’s geographical names and informational system, you’ll get 2,300 places in America named with reference to these Native names. On a map, these places follow the summit ridges & peaks of all the mountain ranges in America, particularly in Oregon and Washington. The Native place names and contemporary reports of Sasquatch follow the summit ridges and peaks of the coastal range, the summit ridges and peaks of the Cascade range, and in particularly, the highest density is between the three mountains of Mount St Helens, Mount Adams and Mount St Rainier… With the triangle within those three places having the highest density of Native American place names that have reference to these creatures. Sasquatch reports are as old as the mountains.

      The Natives actually claim to have been aware of these creatures for 50,000 years. 6:30mins mark here;

      ... And to support the idea of that being a possibility, read here;

    3. He claims that Native American oral tradition supports the idea of Bigfoot. Never mind the absurdity of the argument, it's pathetic that Joe's only interest in Native history is related to his Bigfoot obsession. If not for Bigfoot, he wouldn't give rat's ass about Native people.

    4. Just read through the earlier threads and wow what a bloodbath... no wonder joe is having a meltdown posting at 2am

    5. What say you? If I am wrong and Sykes publishes a ground breaking paper proving that relict hominids are wandering this earth in the here and now, I will leave this blog and never return.

    6. That doesn't prove s- hit Itkomi/Joe. There are many different names for bigfoot now in English but bigfoot doesn't exist.

    7. I'll give you £20 to leave this blog Dmaker and I'll throw in a bluberry cupcake with sprinkles on top.
      Is that a deal ?


    8. 7:52... Grow up and move away from circular reasoning, it's what adult do.

  5. Why does no one like Joe/Iktomi? What is the deal with that? Never been able to see any reason why he gets attacked all the time.

    1. You must a dyke. You apparently don't recognize a dick when you see one.

    2. ...He may have over-reacted(attacking almost all who do not tow the party line), but he was provoked first and many people post anon... it is hard to tell who is who...Cryptozoology is the only topic where a good percentage of the enthusiasts deny its validity and attack and discredit the field..Some who have a positive take find this annoying and as a result become hardened and unwilling to give in on any point...This in turn frustrates nay-sayers and personal attacks take the place of debates..I take a very, very conservative to all this but Joe has never been rude to me...

    3. ...^"conservative approach"...


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