Famous Bigfoot Hunter Visits Uwharrie National Forest

When he's not drinking Snapple, Tom Biscardi is combing the woods looking for bigfoot. Propelling himself into the spotlight during the famous Georgia Hoax, Biscardi has become a well known entity in the bigfoot world. His team recently visited the Uwharrie National Forest looking for the elusive creature.

Tom Biscardi and his team will be searching for the elusive Bigfoot this weekend in the Uwharrie National Forest.

Biscardi, who says he has been on the lookout since 1967 and that people call him the “Godfather of Bigfoot,” is collaborating with Michael Greene of Salisbury, who regularly looks for signs of the creature also known as sasquatch or yeti.

Greene has shot thermal imaging videos with a remote camera at night that shows an apparition moving through trees and snatching what Greene says is a Zagnut candy bar.

The Bigfoot team was at The Courier-Tribune office Friday. Biscardi displayed molds of what he said are bigfoot feet prints. He said fingerprint experts have called the molds “the real deal. Anatomical anthropologists have said every print is museum quality.”

The molds were from prints discovered in Texas, Biscardi said.

Asked what he hoped to do at Uwharrie, Biscardi said, “We want to bring one back.” He said they would be going to a remote area that Greene has frequented.

Read the full article here. 


  1. This moron couldn't bring back a gallon of milk from the grocery store - but would still claim that he did and would charge you to see it, only to find out, its an empty orange juice container that he's trying to pass off as the gallon of milk.

  2. Searching since 1967? That is 50 years he has been searching and found nothing. Time to give up.

    1. Didn't you work for him at one time?

    2. 'sabout the same time you've been searching for a girlfriend Haints. Maybe it's time you give up too and retire the old nut sac for good mate.
      Good luck and cheerio !


    3. No, 7:18, that was a lie spread by Joe. He once asked me to be an observer on one of his operations so that if he found anything, I could attest to the fact it was not a hoax. No hoax; no Bigfoot.

    4. Joe is the Bigfoot Expert who has never gotten further into nature than the playground where he lures little boys with promises of ice cream and candy. Instead of candy, all they get is a mouthful of man pudding.

    5. Hi haints. @ 9:41 are you refering to biscardi or Joe F ?? Just wondering.

      AC collins

    6. nah, he's referring to me which is fine because being hated by Haints if a badge of honor. 50 + years and Haints still Haints got no woman. Good luck Jonny, you'll need it


  3. If you notice from the article, the only reason the newspaper covered him is because HE WENT TO THEIR OFFICE. I've heard this is s.o.p. with this showman: every town he enters the first place he goes is to the newspaper or TV station and tries to whore up coverage. I especially like how they say that biscardi "says" people call him the godfather of bigfooting. Ie nobody is calling him that except for himself.

    1. LOL. Yup. Ray Wallace is the Godfather of Bigfoot BS, and Biscardi is the Stepchild of BS Bigfooting.

  4. Lol… only in footery are known and established hoaxers allowed to come back time and time and time again and given credibility. It is astounding.

    You want to know why the mainstream scientific community doesn't take us seriously? It's because we constantly allow carnival hucksters to sell us the squelch equivalent of ocean-front property in Nebraska.

    1. Footers claim to keep an open mind. How's that working for them?

  5. This blog sucks. Why don't you promote Dyer while you're at it Matt?

  6. Biscardi was inducted into the Bigfoot BS Hoax Hall of Fame along with Fraud Standing, Rick Dyer, Paul Freeman, MK Davis, Ray Wallace, and others.


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