Will These Tricks Result In Getting A Video Of Bigfoot?

Robert Dodson continues his out of the box thinking when it comes to bigfoot, and how to obtain some good evidence. This time Dodson turns his attention towards his trail cameras, and how to trick bigfoot into getting caught on camera. Check out what he has planned:


  1. "Out of the box thinking" - well, that's one way of putting it.

    1. I have a theory that researchers are in fact looking for the wrong thing...bigfoot is in fact just a pair of hairy feet that stomps the forests of the world leaving prints...that`s all there is to him.

    2. At least hes staying busy.

    3. but not TRUMP he's like BIGFOOT unstoppable ....

    4. 12:01... The concept is no doubt as alien as thinking for yourself.

      12:24... Yes, stompers that leave forensic details, and make thousands of people hallucinate. Great thinking.

      12:49... I would be make-believing an excuse for lying to yourself this long.

    5. The irony of talking about lying to oneself...

    6. If I was to deny hundreds of years of contemporary reports, that are supported with forensic evidence, and that's one of many sources of evidence... Then I'd be lying to myself.

      Come to terms with your fears, stop taking them out on cleverer people and move on, that's what a real man would do.

    7. Perhaps the key lies in interpreting those reports and judging the quality of the evidence.

      A real man would probably be doing something more manly that talking about Bigfoot on the internet.

    8. Interpreting thousands of reports that have thousands of years of cultural acknowledgement as hoaxes or misunderstanding is a leap of religious proportions.

      Judging the evidence as unsubstantial whilst bringing nothing of a countering equivalent for tens of scientists is as anti-scientific as religion gets.

      Spending your days worried about what other people think on the internet; a fundamentalist... Pseudoscepticism is a fundamental, quasi-religion.

      Be a man and come to terms with your shortcomings.

    9. A bigfooter talking about self lying. The irony.

    10. You got schooled. Repeating yourself doesn't make you look any less dense.

      Just sayin.

  2. Short answer = No

    Long answer = Not on your nellie

    1. It is only a good idea if it works. Other wise its a piss poor waste of time.

    2. ^ It is pretty obvious which it is - guess they`ve lots of time to waste.

  3. Replies
    1. Monkey is about all there is to it.

    2. awww poor little ffs living in his make believe world of delusion ...never mind,maybe the future will hold better fortune for you .. somehow i doubt it

      ha ha hahaha

    3. What's for sure, is that the future doesn't hold much promise for you... Not until you can start feeling better about yourself. Maybe then will you move on from waiting all day to aggravate people you've never met.

    4. FFS! Hey mr.anonymous lol! I guess when you can't take it you recycle it :) you sir are small time...can you at least make an effort? you do still have that job sucking farts out of the seats on metro right? and the part time planting tulips? Anyway I find your response lacking and it saddens me to think you fail at trolling :( give it a rest you're out of league son FFS!

    5. I think anonymous has the ultimate comeback when he simply states you believe in Bigfoot. Not to mention the retarded posting style.

    6. You believe that thousands of years of reports and accumulated physical evidence is a hoax... You shouldn't really be too quick to judge what people believe, conspiracy nut job.

    7. Only in your world would not buying that sh*tty evidence be considered conspiracy. It's clear who the nut job is.

    8. In actual fact, that's the way the world of science works... I've even done your job for you, because you're so desperately pathetic, and there's no countering scientific equivalent for the evidence I reference.

      Keep on with the conspiracies though, chump... It appears to be your level.

    9. government black ops cover up Bigfoots and keep the public in the dark ....

    10. 1:17 at least he has a future..unlike you with a lifetime of failure behind him..no wonder you`ve ended up in unison with the fruitcakes.

    11. Failures? A future? Sweetheart, you would have to know a single thing about me to make such a bold claim, and as dire a life as you would like to believe about others... You have real psychologists defining your actions as a result of anger issues, low self esteem and likely depression.

      I hope one day you can feel better about yourself.

  4. How can you get a video of a creature that doesn't exist?

    1. Take video of blurry stump
    2. Put on Internet
    3. Wait for bigfoot evidence to use it
    4. Have a bunch of retards verify on bigfoot evidence ( Itkomi/Joe, tripledickeater, vegastheflog, Dr No Squatch and the rest of you flogs.
    5. You now have a bigfoot video


    1. Get a magic monkey suit and stop blubbering like a cry baby.

    2. Well so now i'm considered a flog ? hahahaha. Listen luv, by you coming on this site you have only shown that you are either :
      A) someone who is interested in bigfoot
      b) you do not believe in bigfoot therefore you should be wasting your time on the playstation forums instead
      c) A hopeless lonely single troll who uses up all his spare time and bandwith coming on here trying to anger us in which case please go back to your xbox games tosser
      tiddly doo mr troll


    3. ^ has his eyes closed if he thinks he has seen any evidence here of bigfoot

    4. ^ has his eyes closed when he looks in the mirror and for good reason

      Tiddly doo old bean


  5. Too late. The raccoons already have his number. If you're wanting bigfoot pics, prepare to be sorely disappointed.

    However if raccoon selfies are more your cup of tea, you're in for a treat.


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