Minnesota Town Claims Rights As The Home Of Bigfoot

If you think the Pacific Northwest was the home of sasquatch, think again. Bigfoot is seen all over North America, and even though most consider the PNW the heart of bigfoot country, a town in Minnesota has claimed the rights itself as the true home of bigfoot.

While the Bigfoot may be most associated with the Pacific Northwest, a small town in Minnesota is surprisingly laying claim to the creature.

Citing over a century of sightings, the Remer Minnesota Chamber of Commerce has officially declared their town to be the 'Home of Bigfoot.'

According to the Pilot-Independent, the designation conveys the group's belief that "Bigfoot's home was, and is, within the wooded lands that surround Remer."

Astute Bigfoot enthusiasts may recall that the town popped up on the national paranormal radar back in 2009, when a trail cam produced a photo which some say depicted the elusive beast.

With their newly-declared title as the 'Home of Bigfoot,' the Chamber of Commerce hopes that the tiny town can become a research mecca in the future.

For more, click here. 



    1. Patterson has been completely discredited. His film is now considered laughable. Anything Patterson hurts the Bigfoot community. Anyone who posts Patterson's hoax is a troll.

      Mark Anders' Texas Bigfoot is what a real Sasquatch looks like. Its photographic and visual proof, we now need to capture one.

    2. right my brother! stomp the foolish hoaxing scum that try to pass it as real....and good bye to all that have worshiped at the altar of patty patterson

    3. Wow you've really gone full retard today. Thanks for the entertainment!

    4. back to farmers only please. and tell abholi fala nice hair

    5. TCT, ha ha ha ha ha ha!! I think a switch has been flicked in his head, ha ha ha!! I think he's finally gone fully crazy! Ha ha ha!!

    6. dawgman in tham woods fershure

  2. We will secede from this damnable union if you think for one minute the South will secede the Bigfoot Bandwagon to a bunch of Yankee Carpetbaggers. To arms, my black powder compatriots! We attack at the rebel yell!

  3. This is some bad Mojo. The 'foots don't like it when humankind tries to claim "ownership" over them in any way. If you ever been out in the woods and heard a low-grade humming noise, gotten that prickly feeling on your skin where your heart races, your hand stands up on edge, and your balls tense up, there's a good chance that a nearby 'foot is getting ready to blast you with a crippling mind-wave, that will stun you at best but at worst could possibly paralyze you or leave you with dementia. The creatures, especially given their angelic and interdimensional origins as documented by researchers such as in the Sasquatch DNA study, are incredibly powerful beyond our wildest comprehension.

    1. ^ Gee...I really don`t want to be mind zapped so
      do you think carrying magnets will interfere with their mental and dimensional abilities ?


  4. Minnesota, huh?

    Keep in mind that Minnesota is also the state that claims rights as the home of vikings in America based on a badly carved, grammatically incorrect, but completely-not-a-hoax according to the Minnesota Department of Tourism concrete runestone, while ignoring the actual viking settlement remains in Newfoundland.

    So yeah, Minnesota is definitely the home of bigfoot. Sure. And doubtless they have the rubber gorilla suit to prove it.

  5. I don't think that sign will work. Even if Bigfoot can read, I don't think he will obey local ordinances.


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