Justin Bieber Is Apparently A Fan Of Finding Bigfoot

Ok, so I know that Finding Bigfoot is pretty popular, and more and more closet squatchers are coming out every day, but I was not expecting to see this. Cliff Barackman posted the following photo on his Facebook page:

That's right, that is Justin Bieber wearing a "Gone Squatchin" cap made famous by Bobo on Finding Bigfoot. So does that mean Justin is a Finding Bigfoot fan, or a Bobo fan? Maybe when it comes to bigfoot, Bieber himself is a "belieber".

Hit me up Justin, I can hook you up.


  1. So Bobo's proud of that? Well, I guess you take what you can get - even if it's Justin Bieber.

    1. Almost 200 years of photography, not one in-focus still photo of 9 foot tall hairy man that lives in 10 or more different states.

    2. ^ take it easy there Tarzan, there's plenty of bananas to go around for you and your friends . Maybe do some research and you'll find some really great photos. There is a thing called goggle ya know


    3. I meant google
      Tiddly doo too


    4. You are asked to supply one non-blurry photo of bigfoot and you post 8 links of blurry photos as a retort. Good job. No wonder terrorists are taking over Europe, You're a bunch of beta male cowards/morons and Iktomi is leading the pack.

      Yes, Europe, worry about a non-existent fable while Islamists rape your women and bomb your cities. Brilliant.

      B@lless cuck Joe Iktomi, the worst the UK has to offer.

    5. Easy mate, you really need to switch to decaf . it'll do ya wonders


    6. http://www2.isu.edu/rhi/pdf/Munns-%20Meldrum%20Final%20draft.pdf

      11:29... You're an angry little person, aren't you? Is it because you actually, finally opened the link to see what detail proves that the subject can't be a monkey suit?

      You would have to grow a pair for that, I guess.

    7. Oh... And by the way, primates in their natural habitat have only been successfully photographed since the 1960's. Curiously, the PGF footage was obtained when?

    8. BAM !
      Once again Iktomi schools the trolls !
      Not only has this troll been educated but as an extra bonus the PDF also includes quite a few arse photos so that 11:29 can get all excited over !
      Have a good day troll


    9. This kid still can't post one non-blurry still photograph of a bigfoot. He or she keeps posting a P/G link as some sort of response.

      Almost 200 years of photography and not one non-blurry still photo of a bigfoot. Yet, they live in over ten US states??????

    10. Are you able to read properly? You do realise that you now need a counter argument? You do realise that I've quashed both your claims? Are you feeling ok?

    11. Iktomi,

      I'm pretty sure the guy is just trying to get you wound up. His issue isn't photographs. It's lighting a fire under people to get them riled. Engaging someone with that agenda goes nowhere. Have a groovey day, don't let the Troll get you down!

  2. Bieber is working on a new bigfoot related song. The title of the song is I Suck and Bigfoot is Blurry.

  3. BOBO a bigfoot GURU, he said BIGFOOTS likes what he likes BACON, CHEESE BURGERS, DOUGHNUTS, so we need to bait that trap and find that BIGFOOT


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