Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum Gets Harassed By "Mike In Boston"

Some people let their emotions get the better of them when it comes to bigfoot. For whatever reason, the subject can make people outright mad. Such was the case recently, when a man named "Mike" contacted Dr. Jeff Meldrum and left some unsavory opinions about him on his voicemail. Does anyone know who this "Mike from Boston" is?


  1. wonder if the "mike in Boston" tosser comes on this site ?
    Sounds like one of the loony bin escapees who usually come on here to spout their hateful bollocks.


    1. chip chip cheerio ole chap


    2. Shut the f uck up Joe. Who are these so called people spouting hate? Your such a useless piece of s hit. Go f uck yourself!!!!


      Gotta love it!!

    4. I think we found Mike in Boston- 6:40 - you hateful berk !


    5. site admin- can you see the ISP info of 6:40 to the FBI ? We don't know what this Mike in Boston cuckoo is liable to do. He may even show up at Prof Meldrum's work place and good heavens we wouldn't want Jeff to use one of his priceless bigfoot casts to knock that pyscho silly in self defense !


    6. Yeah, Joe. I'm sure the F.B.I. will drop everything and get right on it. ISIS terrorists are small potatoes next to Mike from Boston.

    7. Well they should be doing their job no matter how small no matter how insignificant compared to other things going on. Mike in Boston isn't going to be on their top ten most wanted list but we are talking about the safety of one of the world's leading experts on bigfoot and that ain't small potatoes mate
      Go to bed Haints !


    8. any chance you from Boston Haints or should i refer to you by your real name, Mike ?


    9. fake joe where is the threat anywhere in that post? no name calling,no threats, just an offer to debate...funny how all you footer fanatics react to a question or challenge to debate.no laws broken you boob

    10. they always start off as unsavory comments and escalate from there. God knows we already know how the bigfoot skeptical community is a bit on the nutty side of things . They go on bigfoot sites and troll away , insulting people and causing endless drama. They are not to be taken lightly at all


    11. Sounds like "Mike from Boston" is as cowardly as the resident three trolls around here.

    12. HEY

      FIRST again

      Thanks guys

      I`m so cool.

      You`re so FOOL.

  2. Oh no. Someone is challenging the veracity of a Professor of Anthropology at Idaho State University, one of the premier institutions of higher learning in the US.

    Idaho State's Anthropology Program is ranked 390 out of all 437 University Anthropology Programs in the US, putting it ahead of Joe's Barber College and Clown School, and placing it securely in the lowest 20% of programs in the US.

    I'm sure that Professor Meldrum's academic reputation played no small part in Idaho State's stellar performance.

    1. so where is your PHD Haints ? Don't see one hanging on your wall
      Oh yeah, your degree in basket weaving history really isn't that much to brag about mate


    2. That's easy, StevenStuetalfart called him. He is always going after researchers for any off the wall reason.

    3. When professors at the Anthropology Departments at Yale, Harvard, MIT, Columbia, Duke, and University of Chicago confirm Dr. Meldrum's findings, I will listen. Until then, you are both full of feces.

    4. haints all these "enthusists" have left is harassing anyone who dares to question the validity of bigfoot...as they say the proof is in the pudding...so far 50 years no pudding

    5. So haints puss ------

      What your basicaly saying is you need the head of "YOUT" church to confirm something before your brain will allow conscience to accept it!


    6. Not true, Anon 8:35. They have produced a lot of man pudding.

    7. and i see troll licker has his mouth full of it as we speak........hahahhha sheep

    8. "Dr. Meldrum joined the ISU faculty in 1993, after a stint with Northwestern University. His research revolves around questions of vertebrate evolutionary morphology, especially primate locomotor adaptations. His formal study of primates began with doctoral research on terrestrial adaptations in African primates, and has since taken him from the dusty skeletal cabinets of far-flung museums to the remote badlands of Colombia and Argentina in search of fossil New World primates. He has published extensively on the evolutionary history of the South American primates and has described several new extinct species. He has documented varied primate locomotor specializations in laboratory and semi-natural settings. More recently his attention has returned to the emergence of modern human bipedalism. His co-edited volume, From Biped to Strider: the Emergence of Modern Human Walking, Running, and Resource Transport, proposes a more recent innovation of modern striding gait than previously assumed. As the acting director of the Center for Motion Analysis and Biomechanics (CMAB) he is collaborating with engineering faculty, paleontologists, and the Idaho Virtualization Lab, to model the pattern of evolution of the hominid foot skeleton. His interests also encompass the evaluation of the footprints purportedly left by an unrecognized North American ape, commonly known as Sasquatch. He has authored an expanded companion volume to the very successful Discovery Channel documentary, Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science. He edits the online refereed journal The Relict Hominoid Inquiry."

      None of this would have been remotely possible if he wasn't respected by his peers. He's also got people like George Schaller, PhD is recognized as the world's preeminent field biologist and conservationist, studying wildlife for over 50 years throughout Africa, Asia and South America. He is a senior conservationist at the Bronx Zoo-based Wildlife Conservation Society, writing forewords in his book. Some of the universities that some of those experts in his RHI are affiliated with are the Australian National University, Idaho State University, University of Tennessee, Oxford Brooks University, not to mention the IUCN - World Conservation Union, Human Evolution Foundation, Beijing Museum of Natural History and the Bronx Zoo-based Wildife Conservation Society.

      Haints... One day you might grow a pair of ***** and address his work and achievements. Right now you're not clever enough and merely have to attack reputations, ironically when reputation if your biggest integrity shortfall, hanging around and defending one of the biggest hoaxers in this subject (Biscardi).

    9. ^ stupid wannabe who`s never been further than the valley chippy

  3. It just goes to show that being a jackass is not exclusive to bigfoot believers.

    Oh, and for the record, the scientific community isn't embarrassed by Jeff Meldrum. We kind of feel sorry for him, actually. He's like that elderly uncle that knows everything about cars and home repair and other useful things, but occasionally forgets to zip up his pants. Jeff Meldrum is a good anatomist. He just has a bit of a blind spot where all this bigfoot nonsense is concerned.

    1. Meldrum is like that great aunt who ur1nates standing up all over your end table while admonishing you for taking a dump in the walk-in freezer.

    2. Meldrum is such an "embarrassment", that he's gets people like George Schaller putting forewords in his book regarding the evidence for Sasquatch. George Schaller is an International science director for the Wildlife Conservation Society. His pioneering field studies of mountain gorillas setthe research standard later adopted by Goodall and gorilla researcher Dian Fosse. Schaller’s 1963 book, “The Year of the Gorilla,” debunked popular perceptions of the great ape and reintroduced “King Kong” as a shy, social vegetarian. Schaller’s studies of tigers, lions, snow leopards and pandas also advanced the knowledge of those endangered mammals. In 1973, he won the National Book Award for “The Serengeti Lion: A Study of Predator-Prey Relations,” and in 1980 was awarded the World Wildlife Fund Gold Medal for his contributions to the understanding and conservation of endangered species. During the past decade, he has focused on the little-known wildlife of Mongolia, Laos and the Tibetan Plateau.

      Some other reputable scientists who are a part of his online journal editorial board, are John Bindernagel, PhD Courtenay, BC, Canada, Colin Groves, PhD Australian National University Canberra, Australia, Chris Loether, PhD Idaho Sate University Pocatello, ID, Jeffrey McNeely, PhD Chief Scientist IUCN - World Conservation Union Gland, Switzerland, Lyn Miles, PhD University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, John Mionczynski Wildlife Consultant Atlantic City, WY, Anna Nekaris, PhD Oxford Brooks University Oxford, England, Ian Redmond, OBE Conservation Consultant Manchester, England, Esteban Sarmiento, PhD Human Evolution Foundation East Brunswick, NJ, Zhoua Guoxing, PhD Beijing Museum of Natural History Beijing, China.

      I don't think you know what the **** you're talking about, do you?

    3. Other highly reputable names who have encouraged Meldrum to continue to pursue his work, are Russell Mitterneier who is a trained primatologist, herpetologist and Biological anthropologist, he has discovered five new species of monkey, including two very recently. Mittermeier has conducted fieldwork in more than 20 countries around the tropical world, with special emphasis on Brazil, Guyana and Madagascar. Since 1989, Mitterneier has served as president of Conservation International, which has become one of the most aggressive and effective conservation organizations in the world during the last decade. His publications include 10 books and more than 300 scientific papers and popular articles.

      Another is none other than Jane Goodall, the world-famous primate researcher and author in studies of chimpanzees in Tanzania’s Gombe National Park, surprising behaviours in humanity’s closest living relative. Goodall has won numerous international awards for her contributions to conservation, anthropology and animal welfare. Currently affiliated with Cornell University, she serves as the National Geographic Society’s explorer-in-residence.

    4. Iktomi is once again spot on and schools the trolls !
      Meldrum is smarter than all the trolls on here combined. it is simply stating a fact .
      Jane Goodall is probably the highest authority in the study of primates. The trolls just can't stomach that she takes bigfoot seriously.
      Good work iktomi as usual !


    5. Once again the usual suspects have absolutely no clue who they are talking to.

      And that's hilarious.

    6. iktomijoe jabbering to himself again

      what a tosser

    7. Your counter argument? You're out of your depth kid... Stick to COD.

    8. ^ when you have an "argument" perhaps i`ll bother to school you - until then you wallow in the delusions of your own misunderstandings.

      you`re too stupid to learn

    9. ^ You are too dumb to realize Iktomi schools you and the rest of the jolly band of trolls every time they step foot on this site


    10. Iktomi aka Joe F1tzgerald lusts after disgraced Bigfoot enthusiast Jeffrey Meldrum.
      That's a surprise.

    11. ^ today you are the biggest fool around !


    12. Sorry, typo.... Today I am the biggest fool around!


    13. ^ fake Joe is the biggest fool here


    14. 4:01... You're so out of your depth it's unreal, ha ha ha ha!!

      9:27... You're the only disgrace, to the human race... Now go save face! Youre such a waste of space.


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