Bigfoot Have To Sleep Somewhere, Even In The Snow

Kelly Shaw and the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization stumble upon what they think might possibly be a bigfoot nesting area. Hope they didn't walk up on a sleeping bigfoot during the investigation:

After finding large bipedal track ways in the snow we discover a possible Bigfoot bedding spot along with several strands of hair we collect for analysis.


  1. When they invent a device to capture images, we'll finally have our evidence.

    1. They already have. It's called a Cine-Kodak K-100 16mm film camera.

    2. The perfect movie camera for capturing a hoaxster in a modified Morris gorilla costume.

      Got monkey suit?

      No one has been able to find the P/G or the Mark Anders' costume so bigfoot is real.

    3. Ah yes, the "modified" Morris suit. The one he claims to have made, yet is still unable to make.

    4. Morris is a lying tosser who can't even do a simple thing like modify a gorilla costume he sells to make it look like the pgf. The time he tried was a huge fail, what a fantastic pillock he turned out to be
      That's because the PGF creature was the real deal folks


    5. always Tiddly doo.

    6. Ah yes, Roger Patterson, the ultimate hoaxer.

  2. Keep up the good work Tiddly Doo !

  3. Kelly Shaw and The Brokeback Mountain Sasquatch Organization

  4. Sasquatches have extremely heightened extra sensory perception. Their vast mind powers allow them to form protective mental barriers around themselves that can keep human and inclement weather at bay. Indeed, there is growing scientific consensus regarding the the the origins of the vast mind powers of the squatch stemming from their interdimensional characteristics, ie, the ability to move through both time and space at will and stun and disorient humans who come into contact with them by "pulsing" people with electro-magnetic energy bursts to scramble their brain waves.

  5. where have the trolls gone?
    have they gone away for good?
    not much fun here now:(

    Meso Haiku


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