The Wendigo Is One Of The Scariest Legends Out There

Some believe they are evil spirits, others believe if a human eats the flesh of another, they will become this monster. There are even stories that describe it as a bigfoot type creature. Regardless of the description, the Wendigo is one of the creepiest legends out there.

The Wendigo (spelt also as Windigo and Windego) (the plural form being Wendigoag) is a creature that can be found in the legends of the Native Americans, most notably amongst the Algonquian peoples. These peoples are some of the most extensive and numerous of the Native American groups in North America, and they once lived all along the Atlantic Coast and the Great Lakes Region. However, Wendigo-like creatures are also found in the legends of other Native American tribes, including the neighbors of the Algonquians, the Iroquois. Amongst these peoples, a creature known as the Stonecoat bears some similarities to the Wendigo.

A Wendigo’s Insatiable Hunger

Roughly translated, the word ‘Wendigo’ means ‘the evil spirit that devours mankind’. Another translation, said to be made by a German explorer around 1860, equates the word ‘Wendigo’ with ‘cannibal’. Wendigoag are said to have an insatiable hunger for human flesh - no matter how much flesh they eat, they remain hungry.

This hunger is reflected in their appearance, which, according to some, is extremely thin. Despite their gaunt physiques, Wendigoag are described by some as giants, measuring at about 4.5 m (14.8 feet) in height. Whilst there are slight variations as to the physical description of this creature amongst the different Algonquian peoples, it is generally agreed that Wendigoag have glowing eyes, long yellowed fangs and long tongues. Most Wendigoag are also said to have sallow and yellowish skin, though others say that they are matted with hair or have decaying skin.

For the rest of the article, click here.


  1. The Wendigo looks like a guy i picked up at the Blue Oyster Bar. He was ugly but his c ock was huge. I took the whole thing in my mouth and ass. Getting hard just thinking of his hard c ock covered in my own s hit getting rammed down my throat.


    1. Your sick!!!! Can we please get Joe banned. He is a disgusting racist and sexual deviant.

      Concerned parent

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. "You're"

      Concerned school teacher ;) xx

    4. 1:09 is not me, it's the psycho troll who tries to besmirch my name on here. what a huge tosser


    5. ^ Your "name" was self-besmirched many moons ago.

      You`re hardly a fellow to be looked up to or admired as you are a known abusive troll who deems it acceptable to be rude to those who either don`t,or question,your views on are incapable of civil discourse and debate,resorting instead to mud-slinging and outright,in language you understand very well...sod off.

  2. Spread the word. They may be able to see electromagnetic fields. Does your dog have a SUPERSENSE? Researchers find molecule that can sense magnetic fields in the eyes of canines, bears and orangutans

    1. Awsome , Thnx MR.Unknown !!!
      Whut up with this?

      Science proves!! a head of iceberg lettuce has 100× the personality of Troll Killer!

      Ha ha ha haa lol -----Boo!

      AC collins

    2. This is why they can sense spirits and entities.

    3. Well, I will say this Joan Collins, That would be right on par with "Science's" abillity to stay in the lane!

      Then often tend to talk in truths when they can't ever get past "Theory" ---- evolution for example ---- never happened!

  3. grandma a penobscot indian say they real, and that's a fact .... tribal history

  4. This is the Closest Actual realistic drawing of a wendigo
    wendigos dont have deer skull that is a concept made up by white


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