Family Observes Bigfoot On Mt. Washburn

Kelly Shaw of the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization is on location at Mt. Washburn in Yellowstone, where a family of four claims to have observed a bigfoot in 2002.


  1. Replies
    1. Judging from his growing waist line, Kelly Shaw is keeping up the good work at the buffet!

    2. The other day there was a post about dinosaurs in the Congo.Well i heard on the radio today that dinosaurs exist in the UK.As i was driving the traffic news on the radio said to avoid the M25 as there were huge tailbacks near the juction for Chertsey.I assume the huge tailbacks were crossing the M25 to pastures green xx

    3. Always best to avoid those tailbacks if you can Eva.

    4. 53 year old Linda Arteaga and her 56 year old brother Eddie Huff walked into the woods surrounding the tiny town of Saint Joe in the Arkansas Ozarks. Huff was going to teach his sister backwoods survival techniques. Huff walked out of the woods on Monday and told their neice Sally Friend that he had seen Arteaga safe on the porch of a relative's house. It wasn't until Wednesday that Friend and Huff realized Arteaga was still in the woods. On Thursday morning about 75 volunteers on foot, horseback, and all-terrain vehicles started searching the area for Arteaga. They found her the same day.
      Arteaga was unable to explain how she and her brother had become separated on Monday, saying"I thought I was hurt or something, so what I did, I tried to find help for him, but I didn't know there was nothing wrong with him." According to Arteaga she wasn't alone out there. She said,"I would see people. I'd ask for help.and they'd act like they didn't even hear me." She described herself as being very scared and her plight as freaky, saying " These people were hiding in bushes. They were weird people. Very weird people." Some tried to rationalize her story by saying she was hallucinating from the berries she was eating to survive. The internet media giant Daily Mail neglected to ever mention any of the strange circumstances involved in Arteaga's ordeal. Instead they give the medical opinion of backwoods Deputy DeWayne Pierce, who said that when she came out of the woods "she wasn't quite about her head."
      The distinguished deputy's diagnosis aside, Dr.John Sorg of North Arkansas Regional Medical Center said,"I suppose she could have had toxic ingestion that may have caused, a hallucinogen. In other words, but you know, she's been very consistent with that story, and today in her medical examination, she seems very oriented and appropriate in conversation."

    5. Typical drug addicted yokels from the Ozarks.

    6. but not BILL BROCK expert bigfoot hunter

    7. I like reading those NC,some very strange things go on."Hallucinating from the berries"
      some people clutch at straws to find an explanation rather than accept that there are things we don't know xx

    8. Very strange things indeed. Good one, NC.

      Howdy gang!

    9. I don't know about the squatch, but I spent a semester of high school in Fayetteville,AR. I heard some teens joke about the hillbillies that lived in the back country wilderness. Not country yokels but wild people. Coming from the back country of eastern Oklahoma I KNOW about hillbillies and deep rural yokels but never heard of wild people living in the wilderness. I remember a friend tell me about a camping trip down south just north of Mena, AR in a very secluded area (teenagers seeking to do teenage things away from prying eyes). He said the first day and night nothing happened but upon reflection said some of the group reported hearing strange noises in the woods. The next morning, however, as the teens began breaking camp and cooking breakfast these "grubby, unkept" people can out of the woodline asking if they could have some of the food being cooked. He said here were men, women, and children all slowly closing in on the campsite. Enough of them that 8-10 teens felt overwhelmed; some of these teens were pretty "hard" urban types that were no strangers to violence and at least one had brought a pistol. One of the female teens laid down a plate of food in the direction of a women and her children and then all of them jumped into their two vehicles leaving the remaining camp gear and food and sped back home. The Ozarks are a strange place for many reasons, but that is the story as best as I can recall from 20+ years back.

  2. sumtime folks asuin fur shut ors fur shur wes heers sayin fer shure shure do

  3. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie endorses Donald Trump for president


  4. Kelly Shaw needs a F*cking speech therapist for God's sake! Looking for Bigfoot in Ogden, Utah? He needs to team up with that Rictor homo in Vegas. At least that homo can speak properly.

  5. Linda Artega was found alive after 5 days, what's rarely reported is that she stated she prayed to God to keep her alive, she knew He was with her. I believe she encountered footprints of evil & by grace of God is only alive today.


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