Dr. John Bindernagel Discusses The Current State Of Bigfoot Research

From After Hours With Rictor Riolo: Dr. John Bindernagel

There are very few living legends in the world of Bigfooting and Dr. John Bindernagel is one of them. He is an acclaimed Sasquatch author from Canada that believes Bigfoot is a misidentified creature. What are his thoughts on the current state of affairs in regards to Bigfooting? Are footprints evidence? What are the psychological problems of reported sightings? One thing is for sure, he would like his scientific colleagues to take this creature seriously.


  1. Replies
    1. Hey now

      It's not nice to call skeptics such names.

      Intellectually challenged is a kinder term


    2. Have you seen canine tooth of yeti from himalayan kingdom... I have evidence proof....

    3. Sign in and post your proof on this site


  2. The supers don't need and never have had a president!!!

    1. the funny part of this is that there are really people on here that think uno is a real person, ac collins best work so far. or is it that triple chin chick and the haw haw hillbilly are also ac collins?...ol' leon seems to be onto the hijinks thou

    2. Rectum Riolo has a hardon for Rick Dyer. He has this thing for hoaxers and liars. Spewfart better watch his rectum other wise he will be spewing more than hot air.

    3. Rictor has been trying out for the third stooge. Poostain Wayne. Steve Spewfert. If they let him on board Riolos dream part will be complete. The 3 stooges of bluffcreek

    4. ALL OF ABOVE! , Stop Thinking!
      Let me do that for you!! THAT WAY IS BEST!

      ACc :-)

    5. That's one of the many problems....you think of foreskins, pee, poop, etc.

      The supers don't need anyone to think for us.

    6. I CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSE NOT TO HAVE A GIRLFRIEND,------- Most wemon cant handle my big 5in caulk!
      Troll killer

    7. compared to Rictor who got tired of Jackin off with a twezer, he just decided to go "GIRL"

      Hey Rictor? Did you win Bigfoot Bounty????


      Geuss that makes you a -------


    8. Kelly Shaw is the biggest hoaxer in Bigfooting.

    9. Dick Liar, Todd poopsStanding, SteveSpewfart, poostainWayne = attention whores & hoax sociopathicly. Those personality disorders get Rectum Riolos juices flowing. No shortage of anal leakage there.

  3. Rectum Riolo is one of the most credible sphincters in the Bigfoot community. Second only to Iktomi and Dr. Johnson.

  4. When I look at Rictor's mouth, I can't help but think of the hundreds of male organs that have been put in there. It makes it hard to believe anything that comes back out.

    1. You seriously can't help but think about something like that? That's the last thing I'd care to think about.

      Seek professional help.

  5. Supertard of bigfoot. Rectum Riolo is my hero.

  6. John Bindernagel's basically saying what I've been saying, but he comes at it from the opposite direction. He wants more scientists to take bigfoot research more seriously. I want bigfoot "researchers" themselves to start taking it more seriously and stop being such an amateur hour clownshow of irrationality and hokum so that bigfoot isn't career suicide for serious scientists.

    1. Clownshow would be a good description, but I think it doesn't really flatter clowns when you compare them to the bulk of "researchers". I agree with you, and while we are at it, I think we need to be much tougher on evidence. There is worthwhile stuff, but it gets dismissed along with all the baloney.

  7. Dr. John Bindernagel is a bigfoot legend who has forgotten more about bigfoot than most of the skeptic tossers know about your own xbox game collections
    Great video Rictor- can't wait for part 2


    1. ^ Fasinated by big foot ,cause he equates big"FOOT"
      -W- BIG DICK!!
      Sorry folks mystery Solved!

    2. Haa haa haaaaaaaa----------
      judge not thy ye be judged--'----- So ---Sayth--the lord- thy--GOD---!#

    3. ^^^ God was pretty clear on the subject -------

      And "he" told us to be salt and light.

      Trump says "P.C." is over rated.

      So stick-it RICTOR jOAN COLLINS

    4. 10:12 - does everything you think of remind you of that ? Whatever floats your boat but just don't be such a tosser


    5. ^
      Only one here that obsessively mentions Xbox.


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