This Woman Is One Of The Top Bigfoot Researchers Out There

From After Hours With Rictor: Diane Stocking Neiss

When it comes to Bigfoot research, there are very few female investigators out there who have a golden reputation that take Sasquatch seriously. Diane Stocking Neiss is one of them with 40 years under her belt. Join us for this special 2-part interview on After Hours with Rictor where Diane lays out the ground work on how to be an investigator. Do your homework. Read. Get out in the woods. Use scientific method. Don't lie about your work. Credibility is everything. And credibility is relative.


  1. Replies
    1. And a big honking Hensiek.

    2. my girlfriend likes dick so much that her eyes roll back into her head when she sucks it...

      true story !

    3. Makes sense because his "girlfriend" is a rotting potato.

    4. ^ the girl in the story is in fact a real woman,pal...but you`ve never had a woman suck anything of yours i bet


    5. 9:23 that doesn`t have a lot to do with bigfoot so please refrain and perhaps aim your porn stories elsewhere.i think you`ve probably got lots of them.

    6. Diane in Stockings is very Neiss

    7. Rictor Riolo runs around with the biggest know hoaxers in the Bigfoot world. Rick Dyer, Steven Streufert, Jamie Wayne & Mitchell Wilson. What motivates a person to befriend hoaxers?

  2. Replies
    1. It is funny how Khat Hansens avatar photo she uses on this site, doesnt match the girl in the youtube videos who is claimed to be Khat Hansen. Just google Khat Hansen and you will see where basically every site she has been on, has questioned the validity of this person.

    2. So many people here hang on your every word. Tee heee.

    3. It's funny how you show your scars by constantly name dropping and following certain people around on a hate campaign. Khat Hansen is most certainly doing something when the resident psycho-nerd gets all emotional.

    4. I recall there was quite the discussion about Khat on the website (now apparently defunct). Her stories involving what we call Sasquatch were . . . controversial (to say the least). I am now in the skeptic camp as relates to Bigfoot so I don't subscribe to them but like everyone else she is certainly entitled to her opinion.

    5. Don't listen to Stoned reader, only if can guide you in the ways of the forest people, all others are hacks and fools, Indian language, ha, they speak English in your head while you sleep

    6. ^ oh yeah ? ..dahn sarf dey speeks in da mex ways

  3. Finally!

    Three weeks between episodes? Especially with that teaser at the end of the last episode? That's like waiting 16 years for a prequel trilogy. Well, maybe not that bad, but still…

    1. I agree! Someone show flog him! Demand our money back.

    2. Oh no. You can't trick us out of a hot flogging that easily. You're going to have to earn it. Maybe with a second season of Off The Rictor…

      But seriously, excellent show, like always. Worth the wait (unlike Phantom Menace).

    3. Actually it was very lame,if you follow my rules I shall grace your sad little show with REAL Bigfoot knowledge

    4. Actually I would love to see Matt Johnson appear on After Hours, but I don't think it's ever going to happen. Mr. Johnson seems to make a policy of avoiding discussions with anyone who might question him.

    5. ^ that`s because he has secret knowledge and he won`t divulge it

    6. Rictor Riolo hangs out with Rick Dyer. I wouldn't watch a thing that comes with a guy that surrounds him self with hoaxers.

    7. ^ i agree that seems highly suspicious .. why would anybody allow themselves to be linked and publicly too,with a hoaxer if they wish to be taken seriously .. maybe Dyer has raised the ugly spectre of filthy lucre to dampen any qualms of conscience .

    8. I am not a serious researcher. I am a Bigfoot media attention personality. By being friends with an archeologist, does that make me one? No. Your argument is invalid.

      Rick Dyer has been my friend for over a year now. He's a good man. I know people don't want to hear that but that's their issue. I have chosen to get to know someone throughly before I send them to the trash like I have done with the drug addicts in bigfooting.

    9. You have become a hoax addict. Liars aren't good people Rictor. You seem so surround your self with many of them.

    10. Mitch, poostainwayne, stru-farts, Dicklyer all your BFFs. Shame Rictor. You are scraping the bottom with the bottom feeders dude. Birds of a feather.

    11. Oh FFS people, haven't you been watching the shows? After Hours doesn't research bigfoot. After Hours researches the Bigfoot Community. It's not the same thing.

    12. After hours is hard to watch with the reverberation of Rictors echo. I cant understand him with his head so far up his rectum. Stroking the egos of his hoaxing buddies. He doesn't have a single friend with a grain of credibility. Think they call them the Coalition of losers. Basement dwellers pretending to be scientists. Comical group of sewage people.

    13. Shut up, fool.
      Just look at yourself a minute, sewer man.

    14. Karma fool. Run with corruption & live on lies & gossip, your going to have a hard life rectum riolo.

    15. HEY Rictor! That was a damn Good Interview,looking foward to the 2nd half .

      AC collins

    16. Was a horrible show Rectum

  4. Rictor is the only person other than Todd Standing and MK Davis, who writes posts to compliment their own posts on BE.

    Diane Stocking/Neiss failed to mention her NO.1 rule in Bigfoot research. Which is, "CHERRY PICK, CHERRY PICK AND EVEN MORE CHERRY PICKING in your own research". Her NO. 2 rule is "Set a conclusion first, then fit all of your observations to support that conclusion". Her No. 3 rule is, "Make sure that standards are set up, whereby all paranormal evidence is excluded from documentation". That rule is essentially, "if you can't see the perpetrator even when a nearby Bigfoot sound is heard, then you sure as heck, better not log it in the log books as anything other than an unidentified sound". We just can't have any unexplainable events in our log books that could potentially open up any new roads, because we are quite comfortable with the dead end road we are now on, thank you very much.

    Yep, Dianne has a golden reputation all right. Why? Because the only two people that are voting, being Todd and Rictor, either want to get their invites to next years Beachfoot clewster feuken, or they don't want to get kicked out of bed.

    1. Oh whatever. Say something nice and don't post anonymously. So cowardly.

    2. Talk about cowardly. Why do you have comments disabled on your video? Coward. Still waiting on your 65,000 twitter followers to view your video?

    3. Rictor hooks up with sewage people & then complains about those that give him a hard time about the stench.

    4. Rictor has Stru-dal-fart stench all over him. He belongs with that poopstain gangoflosers.

    5. Rictor has Stru-dal-fart stench all over him. He belongs with that poopstain gangoflosers.

    6. I'd like to bring one of those giant trained grizzlies into "Sasquatch Hollow" sometime, and sick the thing on him. The bear would only want to wrestle, but Kelly would be shitting his drawers, on camera. If he ever ran into something large that wasn't a blob, he'd run squealing like a little piggy. He'd emerge from the hills, stinking to high heaven, claiming bigfoot made sweet love to his "hotspot." Finally, he knows where the *real* "Sasquatch Hollow" is.
      "I don't need no BFRO for that, lemme tell ya. Th- th- that was a real encounter, " exclaimed the astonished and smelly little pig. "Saaaaaos-quaatchh," he muttered under his breath, "my Jenny ne'er done me like that."
      "Did you catch that action on the drone, Dereck? That'll g- g- get me back on Survivorman I tell you!" he exclaimed ecstatically.
      "I can hear those Youtube pennies just-a rolling my way already!"

    7. coalition of poostain-ed floating out of the sewer. Don't you have another hoax to plan guy?

    8. What hoax do you keep talking about, Kellyboy? What hoax was done or planned? A bunch hot methane is all your words are.

    9. ^^ Look another turd has floated up out of the coalition sewer. Some body grab the plunger before more turds & spewfarts escape!

    10. ^^ Look another turd has floated up out of the RMSO sewer. Some body grab the plunger before more turds & Kelly Shaw escape!

      Kelly Shaw, grow the F up already and get a life. Go find a Bigfoot already, man. This obsessive trolling of yours is getting tedious.

  5. poor Rictor Drops mud every time the Elevator stop's !!!!!!!!

    1. And he gets a Boner every time he see's Stacy and half a boner when he see's Tim.

  6. Rictor demands that people say something nice or don't post at all. Now isn't that a hoot. The most vicious butthole in Bigfoot research, demands that people say something nice. Dianne is just another mis-quided skeptic who specializes in criticizing, and has made no contribution to Bigfoot research. There is no legitimate reason to feature her in any interview, other than to suck up to her for the 2016 Beachfoot invitation.


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