This Monster Tree Could Easily Hide Bigfoot

This tree is amazing! The Trail To Bigfoot team find a monster tree, with a cavity large enough to hold four adult humans standing up. I've never seen anything like it. The tree would make the perfect shelter, and could easily hide a bigfoot. Unfortunately there was no bigfoot home at the time.


  1. Dicktomi uses circular logic and licks ballbag. F#ck Bigfoot! PS - join the KKK.


    1. there there lad let's not be picking and mincing at cross dressing welshmen. he may still come round and be a camp follower for the royal welsh fusiliers and we'd be'd bloody well happy to enjoy a prod at his meaty haunches eh?

    2. King Leonidas would have welcomed the flatulent hermaphrodite at Thermopylae, where he stood with 300 Spartans and 20 odd mighty lesbians against the Persian scum. Appointing a Welchman as Captain of our rear guard was our folly...

    3. Here`s a report of a sighting at a place called Bald Knob - I know somebody who`s got a bald knob - do you ?

      eh ? ----- is it you Mr J initial ?


    4. Why no you panty wearing yankee lout! Bald Knob is where Gen. Jubal Early outflanked the Union with three platoons of wood knocking, rock throwing swamp apes and drove those damn abolitionists to the Potomac!

    5. To the guy who keeps coming on here impersonating me - you really have proven time after time you have no life . Please get out of your basement and get some fresh air you wanker


    6. “I hated all my life. I hated everybody. When I first grew up and can remember, I was dressed as a girl by my mother. And I stayed that way for two or three years. And after that I was treated like what I call the dog of the family. I was beaten. I was made to do things that no human being would want to do.”

      Les Stroud Survivorman

    7. Bluff Creek Project has ruined the PG location, especially now that Jamie Wayne & Steven Streufert have admitted to discussing a Bigfoot hoax with Mitchel Wilson. That historical location is now being over ran by people that have 0 credibility.

  2. sometimes bears looking like bigfoots so you thinking that's a bigfoot in that hollow tree, but its just a bear

  3. and then it suddenly stands up and casually walks away, so you be thinking that's a bear but it's actually a bigfoot.

  4. Some times, Jake “Buck” Lowe, “Wild Bill” Neff, Willy McQuillian, John “Trapper” Tice, Jeff Headlee, and Joe “Huckleberry” expert hunters, trackers and trappers are on the hunt for BIGFOOT

    1. Bluff Creek Project has ruined the PG location, especially now that Jamie Wayne & Steven Streufert have admitted to discussing a Bigfoot hoax with Mitchel Wilson. That historical location is now being over ran by people that have 0 credibility.

  5. No senor- check de floor. no bigfeet- El Chapo!

  6. homeless folk living in them trees so you thinking that's a bigfoot over there but its just some homeless folks living in the bush and off the grid

  7. So true, the woods are full of homeless, like me,we can't afford shoes so you get a lot of dermal Ridge prints from our swollen alcoholic feet

  8. Bluff Creek Project has ruined the PG location, especially now that Jamie Wayne & Steven Streufert have admitted to discussing a Bigfoot hoax with Mitchel Wilson. That historical location is now being over ran by people that have 0 credibility.

  9. In many ways
    Bluff Creek Project has ruined the PG location, especially now that Jamie Wayne & Steven Streufert have admitted to discussing a Bigfoot hoax with Mitchel Wilson. That historical location is now being over ran by people that have 0 credibility.

  10. Struetalfart, Wayne da poopstain & Mitchell Wilson must be paying off Matt to keep others from trolling. They dont like the competition. Is OK they will always be the #1 hoaxers in bigfooting. losers


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