Sightings Of The Bigfoot Creature Known As The Mogollon Monster Date Back To 1903

The Mogollon Monster is a nickname given to a bigfoot type creature that has been spotted in and around an area known as the Mogollon Rim in Arizona. Sightings of the creature date back as far as 1903, and maybe even further.

In 1903, I.W. Stevens told the The Arizona Republican newspaper that he came across an unknown creature near the Grand Canyon. Stevens described the creature (which he called “the wild man of the rocks”) as having long and matted white hair on its head and a long white matted beard that grew down to its knees. It also appeared to have gray hair covering a majority of its body. He came upon it while it was kneeling over a recently killed cougar and eating the meat of the dead animal. Even though Stevens reported being extremely still and quiet while watching the creature, it appears that creature became well aware of his presence when it quickly turned, locked eyes onto Stevens and let out “the wildest, most unearthly screech you could imagine.” This display of anger from the creature caused Stevens to take off out of the canyon and head for the safety of home.

The range in which the monster was first sighted is known as the Mogollon Rim, and it is this location that had given the creature its new name, The Mogollon Monster. But the creature appears to travel and has been sighted around Prescott, Williams, Alpine, and Clifton Arizona. The majority of the sightings occur in the Ponderosa pine forests of the area. Sightings of the ape-man like creatures are reported as going back to the early 1800’s when settlers of the area started having run ins with the monster in the canyons and forests of the region. Local Native Americans within the region have also long told stories about big hairy men who lived within the forests and canyons. But one of the biggest reports of the monster comes from the mid-1940’s encounter during an overnight Boy Scout trip.

Don Davis (who would go on to become a Cryptozoologist) was 13yrs old at the time of the encounter and a member of the scout troop that was camping. Davis stated that his troop were camping near Tonto Creek when something woke him and some other boys up late in the night. It sounded like someone was rummaging around and going through everyone’s stuff. Davis, thinking it was another boy, yelled out for the scout to stop and go back to bed when the intruder stopped and turned in his direction. The unknown visitor approached Davis (who was in his sleeping bag) and stopped above him, standing directly over his sleeping bag. This terrifying unknown creature caused Davis to pull his sleeping bag up over his head and hope the monster would leave him alone. Eventually, the monster lost interest in the scouts makeshift campsite and took off back into the wilderness. Davis reported an extremely strong and terrible odor coming from the creature and described features that many other witnesses have spotted.

The Mogollon Monster is described as standing around 7ft tall and being very large in overall body build. It’s body is covered in black or reddish hair that is noticeably long and matted. The face, hands, chest, and feet appear to be without hair and showing a dark skin tone. The hair of the creatures also appear to turn dark gray as they age. The head is almost “square like” and the eyes are set deep in the skull under a large brow. The upper arms of the creature are said to be very large (appearing to be 6in in diameter) and they hang down to the knees. Like most ape-men sightings, the feet are said to be huge, tracks left by the creature measure around 22in long. It takes gigantic, inhuman strides and sways its arms as it walks, it seems to have no problem with different types of terrain. The odor the creature produces is said to smell like that of a dead fish mixed with a skunk and bad body odor. It also appears to be omnivorous and can be extremely territorial, it is not afraid to aggressively approach people to make them leave its claimed area.

For the rest of the article, click here. 


  1. How ridiculous. Bigfoot has never, and will never exist.

    1. Dude, stop with the nonsense. Just stop being a d_ _k about it all. Just accept the fact that these creatures do indeed exist. Trust me, you'll even start sleeping better.

    2. Unlike Santa Claus and, to a lesser extent, the Easter Bunny, there are few details of the tooth fairy's appearance that are consistent in various versions of the myth. A 1984 study conducted by Rosemary Wells revealed that most, 74 percent of those surveyed, believed the tooth fairy to be female, while 12 percent believed the tooth fairy to be neither male nor female and 8 percent believed the tooth fairy could be either male or female.[12] When asked about her findings regarding the tooth fairy's appearance, Wells explained - "You've got your basic Tinkerbell-type tooth fairy with the wings, wand, a little older and whatnot. Then you have some people who think of the tooth fairy as a man, or a bunny rabbit or a mouse."[13] One review of published children's books and popular artwork found the tooth fairy to also be depicted as a child with wings, a pixie, a dragon, a blue mother-figure, a flying ballerina, two little old men, a dental hygienist, a potbellied flying man smoking a cigar, a bat, a bear and others. Unlike the well-established imagining of Santa Claus, differences in renderings of the tooth fairy are not as upsetting to children.

    3. if you can't produce the tooth fairy suit and wand, then the tooth fairy must exist. Joe F. logic.

    4. It's a shame that nobody is seeing the tooth fairy, eh?


      3:48... You genuinely seem to come across like you're trying to convince yourself of that, every day of your life, more than anyone else.

    5. actually, kids regularly report the tooth fairy and sightings. And kids minds and bigfooter minds are roughly equivalent. Your dealing with the same mentality. And many grown adults still claim to see fairies, especially in the UK. There is just as much evidence of fairies as there is to bigfoot. Produce the fairy suit joe

    6. (Cringe)

      Actually... Um... Kids do not regularly report the tooth fairy, because they wake to find money under their pillow? Anyone who has grown up in an interactive, loving and affectionate family home life would know this very simply fact.


      People don't see fairies, fairies do not leave physical evidence of their existence and fairies don't have reputable scientists endorsing their existence.

    7. I love it when you cringe!

    8. For you 6:19 xx

  2. Hello my friends. I am new to this site, so hopefully this will not sound crazy.

    I live in the northern panhandle of Texas, and my father is a DNR officer in charge of our local district. Up until 2 days ago i had never heard any serious talk of bigfoot, but that has now changed. My dad had to go out on an emergency call 2 nights ago to investigate a call about some vandals knocking things over around a farmers barn, and some potential animal theft. Dad said that when he got there the rancher was pretty upset and said that someone stole 2 of his sheep from the back of the hay barn. The rancher said he saw a figure dragging one of the sheep off by the back legs while it was bleating, and another appeared to be thrown over the guys shoulder. But these weren't baby sheep, they were full grown. The rancher said the guy was big but had the silouette of a man and took off down the road to a pond.
    Dad said he went to the barn and saw sign of a small struggle and a small amount of blood and wool. He said the tracks were easy to follow as the live sheep was scratching at the dirt as it was being dragged away. He said he followed them down to the pond and could see a figure hunched over in the small clearing around the pond. He said he shined his light on it, and could only see 2 red glowing eyes, like 2 red lightbulbs. He said the thing then stood up and it was huge, much taller than him. He already had his pistol out and so he aimed and shot the animal at a distance of about 15 yards. He said it fell after his first shot which impacted the neck area. He was pretty shook up but him and the farmer loaded the thing onto a truck and then brought it back to the barn. And here is the most disturbing part. He said that when they looked it over, it was obviously female and that they both got rather turned on. He said they then took turns running the bigfoot train. Afterwards, he said some DOI guys showed up and took it away. This has all been so frightening.
    But dad took pictures and video, as well as the farmer, and are posting it on the net as we speak. This is it guys, this is what we have been waiting for. Vindication is about to be ours! Watch your local news channel.

    1. I knew this story was fake as soon as you said your dad and the farmer lifted a bigfoot on to a truck all by themselves.What do think i am?stupid? :) xx

    2. Evan just got blown the f#ck out

    3. you know whats funny. That if you took out the part about the train being run on the bigfoot. And then had an old man or an indian read this for a youtube video. Joe and the superfriends would be saying that it sounded legit and likely was real. This sounds actually better, than 80 percent of the bigfoot reports i have read.

    4. Yeah. This close to iktomi saying that this is a great report.

    5. 4:37... Hey Eva! Looks like the site's psycho is getting little creative, eh? Pity he can't be as creative with explaining away the evidence that makes his bum wink.

      Eh, 5:07? Little Winky?

      ; )

    6. ^ that was quite a gay response joe

    7. joe is getting destroyed for plagarism in an earlier thread. Check it out!

    8. What's the matter Winky? Don't you like your new name??

    9. AnonymousSaturday, January 30, 2016 at 6:35:00 AM PST
      Do you have any excuse for your plagarism Joe? Evident here for all to see. Ive copied and saved your conversation, so if you ever try and say you have never plagarized, that your lies come to light. I hope dmaker sees this.

      IktomiSaturday, January 30, 2016 at 6:44:00 AM PST
      I couldn't help myself and I have to admit, I loved it! It made me feel all naughty and wrong and I think I might even end up doing it again!

      As long as your arguments get smashed back in your face, I don't really give a **** kid. And why you gonna do about it?

      : )

    10. AnonymousSaturday, January 30, 2016 at 6:21:00 AM PST
      you did not cite your source. Thats plagarism!!!

      IktomiSaturday, January 30, 2016 at 6:30:00 AM PST
      What you gonna do about it kid?

      : )

      AnonymousSaturday, January 30, 2016 at 6:37:00 AM PST
      I think informing the authors is a start. Not to mention show just how much you lie.

      IktomiSaturday, January 30, 2016 at 6:46:00 AM PST
      Lies? There are no lies in my comments, punk. Go ahead and email the authors, see how much they give a ****. I'm giving their work a plug! Ha ha ha ha ha!!

    11. Winky doesn't like being blown out, ha ha ha ha!!

    12. He definitely threw his xbox controller against the wall in retaliation for such a BLOW!

    13. It's ok! It'll be...

      "Moooooooom! The wall broke my Xbox controller! Go get me another one NOW, plus I'll have a foot long meatball!!"

    14. I see that Joe is trying to comment alot to try and take the focus off of him getting caught plagarizing. You can not talk your way out of this one Joe. You were caught red handed. What do you have to say for yourself? And your response to that one comment where you talk about enjoyig plagarizing and that you might do it again, is sick, and fairly gay in nature. What are you going to do when dmaker sees that you got caught plagarizing blatantly. And then you dare someone to contact the authors about your plagarism, not caring at all in the crime you committed. Plagarism is a serious crime Joe, and you did. And now everyone will know about it. Now proceed in your meltdown of commenting anonymously to try and defend your crimes. Just wait till daniel, haints, and dmaker see this.

    15. joe just got blown the f#ck out for plagarizing!!!! I haven't seen him meltdown like this in quite some time. Calling the troll a p@ssy and lashing out. Hes melting down!!

    16. Oh no! Am I going to be sent to jail?! Even worse... Dmaker finding out?! Oh no and surely not Haints or Danny?!

      (Sob, sob... Uncontrollable sob... Sob, sob)

    17. so you think that plagarism isn't a crime? Just a couple days ago you were asking trolls to show you one instance where you plagarized. Well today, it was proven and shown. So what do you have to say for your behavior?

    18. Plagiarism is not a criminal or civil offense, you ******** twat! Ha ha ha!!

      "I see that Joe is trying to comment alot to try and take the focus off of him getting caught plagarizing."
      ... That's rich considering the comment I posted blew you out of the water. So tell me... What are you going to do about it? Are you going to phone the police on me?


    19. Your grasping is becoming more and more desperate lol!

    20. Hello Iktomi.Looks like Little Winky escaped from his pen again xx

    21. Ha ha ha ha ha!! That's what I thought!

    22. I hope we don't make little Winky cry today


    23. His mom is going to have to step it up today. Hope she remembered the family size pizza rolls and the pull ups or she is screwed.

  3. It's always, "shot him," that gives fiction away


  4. The Pro Bowl, supposedly featuring the football's biggest stars, kicks off Sunday at 7 p.m. on ESPN live from Honolulu. Except the game won't actually "kick off," since the Pro Bowl's game-specific rules outlaw kickoffs. And most of the game's biggest stars decided they didn't want to play, with a record number of players declining invitations this year. I guess it's still football, technically.

    So once again, it's time to ask: Why does the Pro Bowl exist? Considering the lack of player, fan and league interest, it's hard to tell.

  5. Monsters of love, kumbaya, OOOH monsters of love, mindspeak, kumbaya


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