Ohio Hunter Claims To Have Shot Bigfoot, Team Finds Blood

On Destination America's hit series Mountain Monsters, the team heads to Harrison County, Ohio to follow up with a report claiming a hunter shot a bigfoot. They find blood, but does it prove the hunter's story was true?


  1. Replies
    1. Dmaker blew Joe the f#ck out today!!!!

    2. I admit it, I love it when Iktomi gets flustered and starts attacking people's typos and spelling.

    3. It was Dressmaker who brought up the grammar you dizzy muppet.

    4. Well, I do know it was Iktomi who brought up that "dmaker" should be capitalized. If you mock someone it should be at least on correct grounds, should it not? Lol.

    5. dmaker just blew 4:46 the f#ck out!!!! AHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    6. It's like Iktomi said. Dressmaker will never address the topic matter again. He has been schooled too many times. He knows better now. All he has left is simpleton trolling like you muppets.

    7. Schooled? I suppose that is matter of opinion but from what I have witnessed dmaker has gotten the better of Joe regardless if it pertained to the subject matter or not.

    8. I suppose that could be attributed to wishful thinking.

    9. Very true 5:25. It matters not what the subject matter is. Dmaker owns Joe in every single exchange they have ever had. Dmakers name alone, makes Joe meltdown. Its very funny to watch. For Joe its a double edged sword. He craves Dmakers presence here, in the hope that he might get some debate. But on the flip side, he hates dmaker because he humiliates him on a constant basis. Its a love hate relationship for Joe. But one thing is for sure. Dmaker absolutely crushes Joe every time he shows up.

    10. As far as not addressing the subject matter, I believe that was the result of Stinktomi--just not in the way he describes it. Anyone who debates him knows that Joe is intellectually dishonest. Joe avoids conceding the smallest points, regardless of how stupid it makes him look.

    11. ^ If that helps you sleep better at night then so be it. But none of your propaganda will ever cover the fact that the internet does indeed know how to read. And everyone else here knows, how wrong you actually are.

    12. Lol, even the people who have been extremely open minded have commented that the evidence Iktomi presents is not that compelling. It is what it is.

    13. Please don't talk for the "extremely open minded", you're not clever enough pal... And next time you think you're clever enough to try the evidence I reference, put your big boy pants on and come see me. You'll be hating me tens times more by the end of it... Just ask your hero d"no caps"maker.

      : )

    14. Where did he go? Maybe he's looking for his big boy pants.

    15. I wasn't speaking for the extremely open minded, I was reporting what was said. I have debated you before- but just as others have, I discovered you are simply intellectually dishonest and petty. No thanks.

      Why don't you get some courage and debate at the BFF or ISF? My guess is that you are a coward.

    16. Refusing to debate with someone you call a coward. That's Rich, or is it rich? I never know what to do with those pesky capital letters.

    17. Capitalization isn't difficult but perhaps you missed a lot of school.

      I'm assuming you read the first part of the message where I stated I have debated him before.

    18. Yes I read the first part about you being schooled by him before. You are probably better off. You'd end up having daily meltdowns like all the other dizzy muppets.

    19. I would liken debating Iktomi to that of a Holocaust denier who rejects government and university data because he says they are controlled by Jews. All along the way he has the nerve to call you an idiot.

    20. Well it kind of sounds like you're an idiot, so frankly I don't blame him, or is that Frankly?

    21. Yeah, but then you would be right alongside the Holocaust denier hissing about Jews. That's not a flattering position to be in.

    22. Dragging the Holocaust into this actually proves you're an idiot.

    23. I can see that you are having problems following the argument. It's an analogy...and just like in the analogy you are an idiot.

    24. Damn you are stupid 11,05.

    25. This is an argument 11:13? More like watching the dizzy muppet train wreck himself. Do you always choose analogies that disrespect the pain and suffering of millions of people? Idiot.

    26. Oh please, you are either not bright enough to get it or you are feigning moral outrage.

      I chose Holocaust deniers because they are notoriously intellectually dishonest debaters. I wasn't equating anyone morally with them, or "disrespecting" anyone's pain. If it makes you feel any better, substitute those who deny vaccines actually prevent diseases. In this analogy you can be the guy who cheers along those who say the government and scientist lie about the efficacy of vaccines. Feel better now?

    27. Like I said... You are invited to demonstrate how dishonest I am. Me thinks bitchin' and cheerleading is your dad little level though.

      Just like a stupid, spoiled little brat to fob off his shortcomings in the accusations of others.

    28. Because Dicktomi you are the intellectual equivalent of a Holocaust denier and I am Deborah Lipstadt. I've been down that road.

    29. I'm sorry... But someone who is so regularly used as the archetypal village idiot around here needs to be reminded of how often he lacks the b*lls to even mix it on a remotely intellectual level... That's why bitchin' is your forte. You're a cyber Nazi who's inclined to attack anything that scares you too much to put the trash out at night, and who very pathetically, doesn't appear to be any good at that either.

    30. The Holocaust just blew Joe the f#ck out!!!

    31. OH, and there are many examples of you being dishonest on this site Joe. Outright lying in fact many times. Lets refresh your memory. First, is your use of many different accounts, and partaking in anonymous comments. For instance, are you the same poster as Joe F I T Z G E R A L D? C'mon Joe, show us how honest you can be?

      Another great example is when dmaker called you out for plagarizing and presenting others thoughts as your own. But the list goes on. How about the bet with Daniel? You said you would leave the site forever if Sykes study didn't show evidence that bigfoot existed. Yet it did not. And you acknowledged it did not, as you kept your word for 3 days and left the site. Then you came back stating, "You will never get me to leave". You directly went back on your word and lied. The list goes on. Everyone here knows you can't be trusted to wipe your own rear. Even your "friends" on here know that your a liar and dishonest. Consider yourself schooled.

    32. ^ Everybody calm down... Nancy Drew is back on the case.

    33. Who's Joe??

      You've been told many times kid, you don't "reference your thoughts", that's embarrassing. **** me, I stoop to some pretty low levels around here! Everyone learns from somewhere, this is one of the biggest areas of discussion for existentialism since the beginning of time. If that was the case, you wouldn't be able I post any of your accusations, you would have to attribute these to "dmaker" and be left with only your meagre understanding of the subject matter that's made you look so stupid time and time again.

      You and Danny lost the bet when Sykes kept on researching and put all his missunderstandings of Bigfoot Files to bed, favouring the Russian Anthropologists who have studied Zana... It still makes you throb I see, good! Ha ha ha!! When I came back, I remember you in particular were thinking you were free to spout your rubbish. I just wish I could have had a web cam on you to see your face ha ha ha!! You, are a nobody. A little hater that had his schoolyard taken away the day I came along...

      And you'll hate me a lot more by the time you're done, kid.

    34. My schoolyard? lol. You were here long before me Joe. And thats a nice little meltdown you just had. So how about it Joe, are you Joe F I T Z G E R A L D?? Answer the question and quit dodging.

      You do speak your own words and thoughts most of the time Joe, of course with plenty of copy and paste. And you do typically cite. Yet, you have been caught on numerous occassions taking bits of direct quotes from others, and combining them with some of your thoughts and projecting them as your own. And im not talking about your simply adapting your own ideas or agreeing with the original authors statement. You have, on numerous occassion, posted lots of copy and paste from a particular author. Then, later on down the road, you will take direct quotes from those paragraphs you posted, paste them, and then through on some of your own words at the end. And never cite the source. You litearlly quote word for word. Daniel has called you on this, and more recently, dmaker.

      The bet is a very funny topic in and of itself. You like to bring it up because you believe that your continued presence after your loss, bothers trolls. When in fact, the opposite is true. If you were gone, we wouldn't be here, and us trolls would miss you. Do you really think that anyone thought you would keep your word?? You especially like to bring up the bet to daniel because its about the only thing you have to come at him with that you think bothers him. Him and everyone else here knows you lost the bet, and that you went back on your word. And i think your proud of that. I think your proud of your lie, and that you think it somehow is empowering.

      Here is a challenge for the "superfriends". Chick, Eva, TK, Harry, and all the others. Please confirm that Joe did not lose the bet. Please state this. I want you too, so that we know that you are all liars. Because the bet is archived, and it can, and has been pulled up many times by daniel to show that you lied. So please "supers", please tell us all that Joe didn't lose the bet.

      I don't hate you Joe, nor will i hate you by the time we are done. I love you. In fact, if i could, i would like to have a romantic relationship with you. You give me purpose, and i love you for it.

    35. It sounds like you went back on your word. You are like a turd that won't flush.

      So is Sykes coming in 2025? That will make you a 48 year virgin correct?

    36. "I don't hate you Joe, nor will i hate you by the time we are done. I love you. In fact, if i could, i would like to have a romantic relationship with you. You give me purpose, and i love you for it. "


    37. Again... I'm stooping into the gutter of human existence by responding, but here it goes for the last time today...

      Meltdown? Did you not just dominate two comment sections with, "Iktomi, admit you're Joe"? Now that's a serious break with baseline emotions, kid. I personally think people like you in particular have some serious emotional issues in your personal life... And for all your creepy little comments that make you come across bat shit crazy, I think you vent a lot by focussing on me every day of your life. Just think about that... You think of me all day, every day... And I'm the one having a meltdown? I genuinely do believe that you need this blog more than anyone else. You've probably searched the Internet for a long time looking for something that prevents you from paying out to a shrink. I pity you, you are quite clearly in need of help with your self esteem, depression and anger issues. For every one troll that attacks me on here, there are ten more decent people who read your comments and think you're far crazier than anyone believing in "Bigfoot" can be.

      How's this... How about you source one example where I've plagiarised, eh? Like it's some sort of blemish on my integrity, you're only sore because my copy and pastes obliterate you and your heroes... So much so that "dmaker" refuses to try and debate me anymore because he needs a "moderated forum". I brought up the bet? Ha ha ha ha!! sweetheart, you've never stopped referencing the bet that ruined your life, the reason I'm stooping about it now is because you cried about it. Tell me... Where is your other hero Danny Campbell? Did he run off because he feels the same, or because of a certain Dr Sykes ensuring his lies aren't accepted as fact by the majority who frequent here?

      Your heroes are dropping like flies... Soon you'll have just "dmaker" popping in and calling me names like some therapy exercise you need to make up for hoe poor your little existence is.

      : )

    38. 1:23... It might be news to you kid, but Sykes came in the form of a book that supported the research into Zana being a Yeti... With another to follow. News to a denialist? What was I thinking?!

      According to Sykes, it's due to be put through the scientific press... Don't get too scared now.

    39. Bluff Creek Project has ruined the PG location, especially now that Jamie Wayne & Steven Streufert have admitted to discussing a Bigfoot hoax with Mitchel Wilson. That historical location is now being over ran by people that have 0 credibility.

  2. The MOUNTAIN MONSTERS guy is going to have an instant orgasm when he sees this.

    1. No it wouldn't be Joe you wanker. Joe knows this show is just pure entertainment and all drama which is very entertaining but not factual.
      Joe can tell the difference between a made up TV show and a real search for bigfoot
      Joe is smart
      Don't be like the tosser trolls on here
      Be like Joe


    2. Mike B pretending to be Joe is amusing. Fairly gay, but amusing

    3. I'm confused, are Joe and Iktomi different people?

    4. lktomi used to post here as Joe F I T Z G E R A L D. He switched names due to widespread humiliation. When people speak of Joe, they are referring to lktomi, whos real name is Joe.
      This other person who has been signing posts as "joe" is one of the superfriends, and likely is Mike B. Its either him or MMC. Its most likely Mike B.

    5. ^^ all dmaker as anon trolls
      You all enjoy your cheetos tonight as well. Don't complain when your pecker is orange


    6. "Joe" so they have Cheetos in the UK?

    7. They do since last year. The usual snack is called wotsit but you wouldn't know what it is
      Hope you enjoy them there in your basement


    8. Mike had to do a quick google search for that info so that he didn't slip up in his charade.

    9. That was my thinking, 5:38.

    10. Yep 5:42, i think its what most people were thinking.

    11. Babble all you want, the fact is you can't come on here and ignore me. I have just proven how much I control all you toddlers lives ahaha


    12. "Joe" that's a two way street. Have some introspection man.

    13. You guys stop picking on my big brother !
      If you mess with him you mess with me - all four foot nine of me !

    14. more MOUNTAIN MONSTERS please Please... PLEASE

  3. Whitney Phillips is a media and Internet studies scholar who received her Ph.D. from the University of Oregon in 2012. Her work has appeared in journals such as Television and New Mediaand First Monday, and she has been interviewed or featured in the Atlantic, Fast Company, and NBC News. She is currently revising her dissertation—which focuses on subcultural trolling—for publication.

  4. Perry Lizzy: Tell me how you feel about this Joe character.
    Me: I need Joe. I sing songs about him around my house. I think about him all the time, and have even had a few dreams about him. I don't feel this is strange. His loins set me on fire.

    Perry Lizzy: What is your goal in talking to Joe?
    Me: I want to meet him in person and see if we hit it off. To be each others everything

    Perry Lizzy: And what of this Joerg fellow?
    Me: Joergy is my baby. Joerg is the real name of my secret king. He doesn't like people to know his real name, but i think its wonderful. Joerg and what he does to me make me feel like a new man.

    Perry Lizzy: When you see a new post by this Joerg fellow, what do you feel?
    Me: I just want to Joerg him so bad

    1. thank you for sharing your psychoanalysis transcript with us bro
      Now please go back to your call of duty game and cheetos


    2. it wasnt intended for you Mike. It was intended for the one and only Joe/lktomi.

    3. you are still left with a very sick obsession regardless.
      Enjoy your cheetos lad


    4. For someone who calls out sick obsessions, you seem to spend a fair amount of time yourself accusing people on it.

    5. The meds don't seem to be working for you matey


    6. thanks for the advice mikey.

    7. "Joe" your abundant use of mate, lad, tosser, etc. makes me think you are trying way too hard.

    8. I agree completely 5:45. Mike is trying way too hard

    9. Your abundant trolling is making you feel hard ain't it you sicko ?


    10. "Joe" you are the one bringing up erections...

  5. Replies
    1. Yes it is, just about as bad as Monsters Underground.

    2. NOOO... Monsters Underground gots the legend ... BILL BROCK

  6. Iktomi, just a reminder usernames don't have to be capitalized and there are variations in spelling that are perfectly acceptable. Remember "premiss"?

    That concludes today's lesson.

    1. Where's your lower case lettering then?

      Oops! School's out!

      Are you so lacking in any significant accomplishment in exchanges around here that you still have an erection about Americanised English?


    2. " I helped my uncle jack off his horse"
      "I helped my uncle Jack off his horse."

      Can you understand why ignoring established convention can be confusing for most people? Why is he always trying to make the letter "d"?

      Oops! School's out again!

    3. Cringe is a fun word. I'm glad you're using it again. Yay!

    4. "Where's your lower case lettering then?"

      I didn't say usernames had to be lower case.

      There is no erection here regarding Americanized English. The point is you shouldn't judge someone who happens to spell that way. Of course in my example about "premiss" you were simply ignorant. That's why it was so enjoyable that you made an ass of yourself. Trying to earn some sort of win as you always do, you were immediately put in your place. That had to hurt.

      The lesson was my pleasure.

      @7:56, yes ignoring convention can be confusing but the context is the key. We are talking about a username on a internet forum, not trying to discern whether your uncle was trying to jack of his horse or not.

      Now school is out.


    5. Well then Dressmaker should keep his mouth shut when criticizing someone on the "premiss" of grammar.

      Now you're dismissed, muppet.

    6. Whether he should have pointed out Iktomi's error is debatable. However dmaker was factually correct and Iktomi's retort was rather weak.

      Adios, mofo.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. joe just got blown the f$ck out!!!!

    9. Iktomi; my comment @ 7:56 was intended for 4:29, the troll, not you. Sorry for the confusion. Either way your comment was still funny ;)

    10. ****!! I apologise bro!!

      9:13... Don't you look silly now? Tell me, why did you not use lower case if it's such a liberal factor in this instance? "Trying to earn some sort of win as you always do, you were immediately put in your place." Yes... It seems hypocrisy has no boundaries that you should reference that as a means to celebration for the time I've spent baby sitting your inferiority complex. Remember, I make you look stupid every time you try and address the subject matter, and that this is the reason you don't attempt it anymore... Now that's gotta hurt. School's in whenever you're man enough to attend it.

      10:04... You took the time to come and defend your little hero, I guess it must of "hurt" at some level, and really wasn't all that weak in the end, eh? Just look at this entire comment section... I think you'd have quite a job convincing anyone who isn't aligned with the same superiority complex that my alluding to such dire contradictions on "dmaker's" part was weak, ha ha ha!!

    11. SSSSIIIIIKKKKKEEEEE!!! I think your a fool lktomi. That comment was for you at 7:56. ;)

    12. "I think you'd have quite a job convincing anyone who isn't aligned with the same superiority complex that my alluding to such dire contradictions on "dmaker's" part was weak, ha ha ha!!"

      Is the sky in your world blue bro?

    13. Don't worry... There'll be another hundred exchanges between me and "dmaker" for you to get all upset about yet.

      : )

  7. Lock and load!

    Mountain Monsters is pure fiction. Sort of like Hillary's innocence.

    1. Jake “Buck” Lowe, “Wild Bill” Neff, Willy McQuillian, John “Trapper” Tice, Jeff Headlee, and Joe “Huckleberry” expert hunters, trackers and trappers are on the hunt for BIGFOOT

  8. Its my day off and does anybody work? Oh i forgot, most of you bozos on here dont work. You are in your mommy and daddys basement living off the fat of the land, not working, playing video games and argueing about a big hairy monster that sometimes stinks like a skunk. Go get a life and and a job.

    1. I work out of my MOM basement saves wear and tear on my car and its cheaper to live in the basement


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