New Bigfoot Audio Sounds Like Language

It is heavily debated in the bigfoot research community if these creatures have an actual language, or if they just communicate using various types of calls. There are quite a number of reports where people do hear what sounds like a language being spoken. Kirk Stokes plays some audio he recorded that sounds somewhat a language being spoken. Check it out:


  1. Replies
    1. And this is awesome! Sounds Native American!

    2. And hair-raising to boot. I've no desire whatsoever to hear that noise when I venture outside.

    3. The first part sounds like the Browns' Yip Yeller, and the second part sounds like Sasquatch Ontario?!

    4. Not sure. I'll have to look those up, Iktomi. I know Klamath '93 and Snohomish'78 are two of the scariest. At least to this listener.

    5. I'll check them RIGHT out. In the mean time, check these out;

    6. Got them!

      ... The Klamath sounds are like a giant chimp!! Terrifying!!

    7. Thanks for the link. The scream at 7:01 was quite abrupt. Great observations and comments by Sharon Day if you decide to youtube it.

    8. I want to hate r ape Sharon. R ape her juicy ass.

    9. One of the words mentioned in that compilation is "Adena". Fascinatingly enough, the Adena were an ancient North American people known for their mound building... And we all know what's been uncovered in burial mounds up and down the US.

    10. 1:48... Do you realise you could have the police investigating your identity for posting stuff like that?

    11. ^ I doubt he has the intelligence to realise .

    12. ^
      That kind of garbage is totally out of line...I don't care what anyone thinks about Sharon, sexual assault is heinous crime that leaves victims with scars that last a lifetime. That comment was at best, in extremely poor taste, and criminal at worst. Forget the police, that's FBI territory. We all bicker and insult on this blog, but that's out of line.

    13. I'm all for Cool audio, but to me, that's a human being. I don't see this as credible in the least, it may well be recorded in his backyard.

    14. He seems to be having a living outdoors situation going there, I can empathize

    15. ^ Hey Tim ... can I get the exclusive on your retirement story this year ?

    16. Struetalfart, Wayne da poopstain & Mitchell Wilson must be paying off Matt to keep others from trolling. They dont like the competition. Is OK they will always be the #1 hoaxers in bigfooting. losers

    17. I'm not going to drive a cab, can't afford gas, but I will still be collecting cans and bottles

  2. BIGFOOTS speak Apache and some Navajo
    Comanche not so much

    1. native american have known for years they have a language. some tribes had specific people that dealt with them and were able to speak their language in my videos I have given lessons on what their language speak is. The people that use the lessons that I give them for speaking with the Bigfoot/ sasquatch have had very positive results so that they can have a discourse with them. this audio is very fascinating and I'm glad that he caught it

    2. I am a professional bigfoot/forest people professional, you are full of crap,they speak in your head while you sleep, they talk in English about Jesus and portals

    3. Hmmm...seems you have gone down the path that I warned you about not going down when I spoke with you on the telephone 4 years ago. I want you the interaction continued interaction with allowing them to head speak inside of your head makes you crazy. I have not spoken to you since that phone call as I saw that you were hell bent I'm going down the path of no return. they speak but they also make you crazy. I am sorry for you doctor Johnson.


    4. SR1!! How might I see your videos, sir?!

    5. She's crazy, thinks the forest people of love are lizards,lizards! She's just jealous of SOHA 2 but it's all mine, the forest people gave it to me

    6. Wow just wow.....nice try abholi fitsgerald..the kh was a nice touch.but you can't stop yourself...meglomaniac to a tee


    7. Iktomi, here is a link to one of the videos. I have spoken before on their habits and how to communicate with them. ^ As for the ( Dr.) either is a troll or he really has slipped. I consult with different researchers and have nothing to prove to trolls.

    8. You know nothing about them,I know everything, you'll see my evidence and eat your words

    9. Bless ya SR1!!

      Oh... And Johnson above is 100% a troll.

    10. ^ has collection of various store bags of differing colors to prove it

    11. For those of you who are interested stonereader1 is Khat Hansen a professed Choctaw medicine woman who has a life-long association with various spirit beings. The link below will explain it in her own words which are printed from an interview done with her. You be the judge of what she says is true.

    12. I find it fascinating, thanks for the link.

    13. ^ Thanks...very interesting.

    14. You are Welcome. It has been a long learning process to say the least. I understand that people detest what they feel threatens their own beliefs. I simply put up what I have learned along the way. Thank you for being civil.

    15. Absolutely awesome read. Thank you Khat.

    16. Well khat.....kryder and a few others think your a lying pos....seems you were busted lying about consulting him

    17. I have already addressed that ridiculous fiasco that I believe YOU were behind Mr-Ms. Troll. I had to have my account recovered because of hacking. You are just pathetic and I have added you to a prayer group since you obviously need help and refuse to get it.

    18. bullshit! got busted. nobody hacked your account to post here

    19. methinks he doth protest too much.

    20. Methinks you're full of crap, you should kiss troll butt you hack and swindler,apologize to these good people and get off the Internet

  3. Les Stroud knows where the bigfoots goes

    1. He follows Todd,I wish he hung out with me,I hear he has sandwiches

  4. When I crap in the woods I often make moaning sounds and samurai chatter, I do this frequently because I live in the woods and have no choice but to crap there,I probably shouldn't crap where I eat,that's just bad judgement on my part leading to sickness and increased crapping in the woods, a vicious circle.

    1. ^^^psychoanalytical models of repression, the ego, and the libido may affect a person's understanding^^^

  5. Oh man, had a good laugh reading these comments.

  6. S.S. & or R.R. are most likely some very severely butthurt trolls here on this site. Maybe a little M.M. as well.


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