Look Out For Ghosts If You're Hiking These Paranormal California Trails

Did someone say g-g-g-g-g-g-ghost?! That's right Scooby, if you're out hiking these trails in California looking for bigfoot, you might find some ghosts instead. These 10 trails are known for their paranormal activity:

Hikers vanish from California trails every year, sometimes without a trace. No one knows what happened to them. We do know that they were not alone.

Strange things happen in the woods and deserts of California. Not all of them are easily explained by science.

These tragic accidents often occur in places with a violent history.

Hikers beware. The following trails provide more than a physical challenge.

The dangers on these trails seek your body, your blood, and your soul.

From documented crimes to alleged sightings, the level of paranormal activity in these areas is insane. Be prepared for ghost towns and Nazi fortresses, haunted forests and jealous prospectors, and everything in between.

California has a rich and violent history. From savage Indian massacres to the Gold Rush, blood stains California’s soil.

Your blood could be next.

Have you ever felt like you were being watched in the woods?

Have you seen things you can’t explain?

If so, you might want to steer clear of these hikes. The spirits here don’t like intruders.

To see the list, click here.


  1. Replies
    1. Uno......derp derp derp derp derp derp

    2. Hey lktomi. Have you been in touch with Bendover Buttcheeks Lately?


    3. That's it pal... You keep up the juvenile humourless comments, it's befitting. But just remember one little thing whilst we're all waiting for Shawn to realise why his clicks are down... For all your topic dodging and toilet humour, there's a reason why you don't address the subject matter anymore.

      Remember why.

      ; )

    4. Joe just got blown the f#ck out!!!

    5. Yes indeed he did 4:34! Big time! He had a little meltdown. Shawn dislikes Joe more than the trolls though! Hands up dont shoot, superfriends on strike. Hands up dont shoot, superfriends on strike. AHHHHH HAHAHAHAHA

    6. ... Just remember, for all the times you THINK you're controlling SOMETHING in your depressive existence, I'm actually controlling you by getting you thinking about me EVERY day of your life, all day. Let's not forget to mention that you're too scared to now ever address the subject matter, to which is the major fundamental reason you're on this little campaign, isn't it? You thought you were clever coming around bullying people, pretending to be more than one person, because they believe in things like the immediate subject matter and you ended up feeling worse about yourself. Cowardice scum who have been raised by tramps merely react in the only way cowardice scum know how... That's the meltdown of all meltdowns.

      Laters, gators!

      ; )

    7. Keep trying, Iktomi, but your circular logic just proves you're of an inferior race.


    8. Ya, Thisch morning I shvam maybe
      thirdy or fordy keelomeeters but no bigfoot to be sheen.

      Helmut Schoen.

    9. itbe tham sumbitch bigfeets takin me chickins ans hawgs knowin thays abouts whun me dawgs bein hootin ans hollerin

    10. the fake me looks like he really has no life . I wish that toddler would just push off from this site . Sigh, I have a feeling who it is
      Sorry Iktomi, please disregard the fellow who posts here under my name taking shots at you. Feel free to school him


    11. I know the real Joe when I read him.

      : )

    12. if them muzzrats be like them bigfoots we be in a world of hurt ...

    13. ^ knows what he is posting is not true

    14. sumtime tham muzzrats lookin lack bigfeets axs thar Trump fella he knowin it shure do

    15. Iktomi, if you were able to function on any other site, you'd be there. The only reason you post here ad nauseum, is because you are tolerated. In fact, I'd argue that you actually benefit this blog by generating clicks from people who can hardly believe what a dolt you are. Go ahead buddy, do what you do: dance like a marionette to my tune, you respond predictably every time. Go ahead, perform for us! Now!

  2. Don't feed the Trolls or can't you ignore this silly trollfaces? Note, if you feed them you will give them the attention that they crave and this makes you look stupid in the process.

    1. I think I've done rather well lately... Just had to get that in before I go back to starving them.

    2. ^ ho ho ho - breakdown in incremental stages - by the end of the day he`ll be rockin` in his chair.

    3. I can't wait until Shawn verifies me. It makes me feel so special.

    4. Trump da 1 ...
      Hillary , Cruz , Sanders , Rubio not so much....

  3. "Cowardice scum who have been raised by tramps merely react in the only way cowardice scum know how... That's the meltdown of all meltdowns. "

    That's not very pleasant, now is it?

    Plus, I think the word you were looking for is "cowardly". Using a noun when you should have used an adverb is a clear example of you trying to appear educated. But the simple fact is that you just end up mangling every sentence you write. What is worse is that you don't even notice it.

    1. ^ says someone who doesn't use capitals when using his own name?


      : )

    2. Surely someone so "educated" as yourself should be remembering to use capitals when writing your own name, right? Poor Donald... Doesn't attempt to address the subject matter anymore either, he needs a "moderated forum" for that. Now he's just contended laughing at pee comments, just like the average troll around here.

  4. LOL. That is the best you got? Capital usage in an username? That is pretty pathetic, pee drinker.

    1. Allow me to educate you a little, Donald... You are meant to use capitals when writing your name, OK? Hopefully this would have been some help to you.

      "LOL. That is the best you got?"... And wait for it... "That is pretty pathetic, pee drinker."
      ... Could there by anything more infantile or pathetic? Oh, and Donald, surely that should have read, "is that the best you've got?"


    2. "Capital usage in an username?"

      Now tell me Donald... Where is the poor grammar in that statement?


    3. You're really grasping, Joe. It's making you look like an idiot. You really should just drop this one, but you won't. Which is fine. You making yourself look like an idiot brings a small smile to my face.

      Carry on.

    4. An "idiot" would be someone who doesn't know to use capitals in his own name, right?

      I don't think you're smiling, Don-Donz.

    5. Oh... And I came across this the other day;

      ... If you're quick with the refresh button and catch your long comment before it gets whited out... You'll remember you actually took the time to alter the lyrics to make a painfully childish song called "Cut & Paste Joe". Isn't this strikingly similar to an anonymous troll who takes the time to write similar songs around here of late?

    6. Thanks for the memories. I had quite the chuckle while crafting "Cut and Paste Joe".

      I have no idea what you are talking about regarding similar songs here of late. I haven't been reading that many posts here.

    7. You see, anyone with an ounce of integrity would be embarrassed to have their name to that crap... But you ain't nothing but a troll.

      Nothing... But a troll.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. Tried posting it again, but it gets whited out. Not sure why. It doesn't have any profanity or anything.


    10. BIG D, Thanks for delivering a good fitzwhipping to the boy.

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. I think you mean to say, "Nothing but a troll."

      Why would you use ellipses and then capitalize a sentence fragment as if it was a complete and separate sentence? You really need to learn to use better grammar. You're embarrassing yourself.

    13. It was a pause to exphasise the first word "NOTHING". You'd better put a few capitals in your name before you suggest something about anyone else's grammar, Don-Donz. How many instances of poor grammar on your part have been highlighted in this thread of comments?


    14. Ellipses do not add emphasis. Quite the opposite, actually. They are often used in an attempt to imply ambiguity or an open question. The way you claimed to use them makes no sense at all. Also, what kind of a stand alone sentence is "But a troll"? If not intended as a complete sentence, then why did you capitalize it?

      There are no grammar rules to usernames, idiot. Everyone knows this, but please keep pushing this angle. It doesn't make you look stupid at all.

    15. Name = capitals = 5 year old's grammar.

      NOTHING... But a troll.

      ; )

    16. And what's this?! A deleted comment? Mixed up with the accounts, eh Don-Donz?? Or did you realise you posted some more god awful grammar??

    17. old's

      Old is what? You apparently don't understand when to properly use an apostrophe either.

      Keep trying kid, you might get it right one of these days.

    18. Like getting this subject matter right for 7000 posts? You're a sad little man, Don-Donz... No wonder trolling is the best you can muster these days.

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

    19. You have more posts than I do and you still don't get the subject matter right. You argue daily that an imaginary animal actually exists.

    20. Holy sh it joe just got BLOWN THE FU CK OUT. What a blood bath. Please give him some mercy dmaker its an absolute anihilation.

    21. Do I, Don-Donz? Have you been counting?? Tell me, for something that "so obviously doesn't exist", how closer are you to proving that for 7000 posts and counting?? Like I said, no wonder you're more preoccupied with trolling, ha ha ha ha!!

      Oh that's right! Don't you need a "moderated forum" to engage in anything else?! Ha ha ha!!

    22. You can change that from d"no caps"maker, to d"no clue"maker!!


    23. It's actually not 7,000. I was incorrect with my estimation. It is actually 5,488 since March 2012. That averages out to about 4 posts per day. That is not a great amount, imo.

      With your far more than 4 posts per day, how close are you to proving that bigfoot exists? We all know the answer to that question.

    24. Wow! That seems like a bit of an obsession there, you might agree? Well, I would say I'm about as close as proving that there is evidence for a currently unclassified bipedal primate in the US... Remember Donald? It was at your expense after all.

    25. Yep joe knows something that the combined force of worldwide biologists overlooked.

    26. Yep, Joe is close to a ground breaking scientific discovery, and he is content to do nothing about other than to bully people on an obscure blog with his "proof".

      Yeah, that sounds legit.

    27. I only bully you and the like minded around Donald, everyone else who isn't looking to quell a superiority complex gets along just fine with me.

      But you would know what's legit or not, right Donald? Someone who aligns himself with the most disgusting of trolls is always setting the bench mark of integrity to abide by, right?

    28. Hahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!

      Joe is getting his ass handed to him.

    29. I get the feeling Donald and some of these trolls are one and the same person
      Zing !


    30. What disgusting trolls have I aligned myself with, Joe?

    31. Joe regularly accuses others of being dmaker. It's sad.

    32. which ones haven't you ?
      Now is your chance to come clean and liberate your soul from the darkness of trollitis


    33. Iktomi,

      Is that extra chromosome still giving you problems?

    34. We come here offering you salvation and redemption for your soul Donald. confession is a good thing. Admit your sins and you will feel like a brand new man


    35. How, exactly, have I aligned myself with trolls, Joe?

      The only comment I have ever made about the resident trolls was to condemn the blatant racism.

      Please explain how I align myself with them.

    36. The troll who took on Iktomi's name and said he was drinking pee. You knew very well that wasn't Iktomi but a troll and you got a big kick out of that. For all we know you may be that same troll in disguise
      C'mon Donald - time to fess up lad


    37. Donald, every time you post here, you align yourself with the site's psycho... Even if it means you making yourself look like an even bigger prized prat. Can you remember when you came to defend the ilogical crud that Freeman was suspect for wanting to test the tracks he came across? How seriously embarrassing man... And you cared not that you looked so ******* stupid. And that wasn't the only stupidity you posted on that comment section in agreement with that nut job. This was the same troll that repeatedly used racism, homophobia, etc, as the basis of his comments.

    38. Nothing... But a troll. Remember when you bust out the Boy Joerg account, Donald?

    39. Not to mention that you push the same delusion that I'm ten or more posters around here... Where did you get that idea from, Don-Donz? Don't you call me Joerg??

      You're the same at the site's psycho... To think that you ran to Shawn to complain about me too, what a sad little man you are.

    40. I am not Boy Joerg. You are delusional.

      You have not demonstrated how I have aligned myself with disgusting trolls, Joe. It is not sufficient to simply state something. You must support it with evidence. I know this is something you are not good at, but please give it a go. I do not appreciate you making accusations like that about me.

      How do I align myself with the site psycho by simply posting here? By what logic do you get to say things like that?

    41. LOL, I have never complained to Shawn about you. You really need to get a handle on your delusions. I have never had any contact whatsoever with Shawn at any point in my life. That you think that I have is really kind of remarkable.

      Oh, I'm sorry to offend, Iktomi. So, you were not also the person that used to post here as Joe? Really? Please tell us all some more about how you have not used, at least, two accounts to represent yourself here. Yes, let's see some more of your hypocrisy.

    42. Iktomi and Joe sure get butthurt easily.

    43. Iktomi (Joe F) has run to Shawn more than once. "The complaint is in", getting verified, trolls, etc.

      What a loser.

    44. Don 10:59... Read my comments up top, you're a sick as the resident psycho.

      Don 11:01... Didn't you run and complain about a certain shooting reference that Joe posted a year or two back?? Is that the Joe you're referring to? Is that the person you're referring to when you persistently name drop this Joerg chap who hasn't the ability to defend himself or give you the dry slap you deserve, you nasty little bully?

      Everyone knows you're an anon troll around here, for all your allegation as to people being other people, you're just a big fat psycho, like the rest of em.

    45. 11:07... Damn straight I'm going to report racism. Blog's get reported to blogger for that type of stuff... I think any decent person would do the same against such evil minded cyber-Nazi's like you. This is Shawn's livelihood, of course I'm going to warn him as to someone potentially damaging that.

    46. No, as I said, I have never had any communication with Shawn or anyone who runs this blog. Ever. I did not complain about your (or was it "Joe") shooting reference. If it was reported, it was not reported by me.

      I have never posted anon nor as anyone else. I don't know if you are that Joerg person and I don't really care. But we all know that you ARE that poster that used to post as Joe. Nothing could be more obvious and you only try to deny when outright confronted about it.

      So, are you saying you are not Joe? Is that what you are trying to pass off?

      You sound a little agitated, Joe? What's the matter? Bad day?

    47. Racism isn't the only reason you complained to Shawn and you know it.

    48. Iktomi has a lot of bad days. He would benefit from a vacation from this place, but he will protest that he isn't going to "let the trolls win".

    49. That's not what I remember, Donald, I seem to remember you and Danny Campbell staying that you would be making sure that the admins found about that comment.

      Yes, yes, yes, we keep reading these long winded efforts at persuading people that you have "never posted as anon" but you have admitted to me before that you used anon mode when dropping in comments that were previously used during anon, so you and me BOTH know that this is the case. And to the idea that you align yourself with the site's psycho... Well... The proof's in the pudding.

      Agitated? You must have me mistaken for someone else... There is nothing that has ever, or could ever be posted by you that would agitate me. Remember... I'm not the one seeking you out every now and then in an obvious butthurt effort to settle the score, that some serious agitation right there. And I'm not the one who got all angry because I didn't know to use capitals when writing my name... Who's Joe?

      : )

    50. If you can find proof of me saying that I would make sure the admins would hear about it, then go for it. You won't find it, because I never said that. I have no interest at all in contacting the site admins.

    51. Anyway!

      I'm off the watch the football! It was nice to have reminded you of your twisted little ways, Donald! You know where to find me should you need reminding in future!

    52. And with that, the pigeon once again craps on the chessboard and waddles away declaring victory.

      Same as it ever was.

    53. I've never admitted to using anon mode to you. What on earth are you babbling about? Just saying something doesn't make it true, Joe. Try showing something for once instead of just blabbing your fat mouth off.

    54. While you're at it, Joe. You should start harping on Harry Bandini. He doesn't use caps in his username. You know, since you feel so strongly about grammar in an username. Right?

    55. ... I made sure I got some in your eye.

      Agitated much?

      ; )

    56. JoeTomi has been exposed once again for the nasty toad like freak he is - all and sundry see this each day and today we have all witnessed the evidence,again.

    57. Leave H B out of this ya'll ,por faver!

      B D.

    58. Girls! Girls! You're both pretty.

      Can we discuss bigfeet and ghosts now?

  5. Trapper frum Mountain Monsters AIMS team sayin Bigfeets travel the path of least resistance so sure bigfoots be lying in wait for and unsuspecting traveler ...

    1. ^^David Paulides approves this message ^^

    2. Melba Ketchum onit BIGFOOTS are hybrids

  6. dmaker again gives a textbook example of how to expose Joe for the fraud he is... Nice

    1. Whatever you say Donald, haha
      We see right through you


    2. Abe Vigoda died today, have a little respect sir

  7. Joe just got blown the f#@k out!!

    1. BOBO say BIGFOOTS real he seen them when he been deep in the bush

    2. yeah, your mom's bush...zing!


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