Les Stroud Tweeted This Great News About Survivorman Bigfoot

Les Stroud's Survivorman series was great to begin with, but adding bigfoot into the mix made it phenomenal! Survivorman Bigfoot is something that everyone enjoys, and introduced bigfoot to a lot of people that normally wouldn't think twice about it. Les Stroud tweeted that the show was nominated for 4 Cdn Screen Awards this year! Hopefully that means it will be coming back for many more episodes.


  1. "All tracking and evidence gathering begins with ruling out what it isn't, before jumping to conclusions to what it might be. Scientific objectivity is not served by ignoring the question of Sasquatch. By ignoring the mounds of evidence that accumulate year in and year out. At some point, we've got to do the math, and come up with some real answers."

    Les Stroud Survivorman.

    1. "If Sasquatch is only mythical, then shouldn't the description of it vary as widely as the hundred different names given to it by the native cultures of this continent."

      Les Stroud Survivorman.

    2. Is there any wonder why pseudosceptics don't champion Stroud anymore?

    3. "You've got to recognize that, there are thousand year old rock paintings spread though out North America that depict large hairy upright walking human beings. They are depicted right along side normal animals, wolf, raven, eagle, you name it... bear, coyote. So something has been going on here for thousands of years, long before we got here. And long before someone coined the phrase Bigfoot."

      Les Stroud Survivorman.

    4. One of the oldest native names for this creature is "Shoonshoonootr", one of the few native words out of well over a hundred to literally translate as “big foot”?

    5. "Certain Native cultures say that Bigfoot knows when humans are searching for them. And that they will choose when and to whom to make an appearance. They say, they have psychic powers, and that's what accounts for their ability to elude the white man's efforts to capture, or hunt them down, or film them. In Indian culture, the entire natural world, the animals, the plants, the rivers, the stars, is seen as a big family, and Bigfoot is a brother, a grandfather. So maybe if they exist, they know I'm here and I'm looking for them."

      Les Stroud Survivorman.

    6. We know people can remote view... Do I think that Sasquatch are psychic? I don't know, but there is a thing experienced hunters call the domino effect, in that there is a chain of signalling from the smallest animals upwards, that goes right way through the wilderness as soon as a hunter steps into it.

    7. Please provide evidence that people can remote view.

    8. Go look for yourself kid, I'm not your school teacher.

    9. "This is British Columbia, a stunning landscape in Western Canada. Since the first days of exploration, the stories of a big hairy ape living here, have endured. They are not considered a myth by the local residence. Lots of jokes can be made of the loch ness monster, unicorns, and even ogopogo. But no one ever jokes about their encounter with a Bigfoot."

      Les Stroud Survivorman.

    10. "And it would seem the myth, the legend, or the fact of Bigfoot, symbolizes the power of nature. Perhaps that's why it seems to becoming more important. If Bigfoot is just a myth, or is real, then disappears, what does that say about our connection to the earth itself?"

      Les Stroud Survivorman.

    11. I have been saving this one for you clive ;)

      "I'm going to do a perimeter check with the thermal camera. If anything, just to make myself feel better. Of course the thing about looking through with the thermal camera is that, if I see something, it's going to be freaky as heck. What if I see a big red blob standing there? This is one of those things where you don't really want to see anything. You know? You just want to see trees... Because the minute I see something large, and glowing red with its heat signature, is probably the minute I walk out of this forest. Well no, let me correct that, I run out of this forest."

      Les Stroud Survivorman.

    12. This is not the first time I have placed myself as bait. Smack dab in the middle of a place others dare not go. I'm not overly brave. Hopefully not overly foolish. I just want to find out for myself.

      Les Stroud Survivorman.

    13. Put some water in a cake tin or roasting tin and set in the bottom of the oven. Prepare the sandwich tins (2 x 7in sponge tins) by lining with baking parchment. Cream together the butter and sugar with a wooden spoon or electric hand whisk, until pale and fluffy.

    14. I made this for our daughter first birthday. It was yummy and she loved it. Easy to make and lasted 3 days in an air tight container out of the fridge.
      I added an extra egg white to the cake batter and a few drops of vanilla extract as well and it was light and fluffy. I did have to cook it for 24 minutes though. I will be making this again soon.

      Les Stroud Survivorman.

    15. if Les going after BIGFOOT he needs to pay TRAPPER from Mountain Monsters AIMS team an get some pointers on tracking BIGFOOTS ...

    16. Mountain Monsters is a big joke! They Supposedly are within a few feet of a monster and can't get a screen shot of it, or they will supposedly trap a monster and don't show what it is they have captured. If anyone captures a creature, they would want everyone to see it.

  2. Les Stroud's tv show has been proven to be faked on more than one occasion, so his opinion does not carry as much weight.

    1. BS!!

      This is where you are asked to provide evidence for your misinformation, and you end up providing zero substance.

      Dirty liar.

    2. Go look for yourself kid, I'm not your school teacher.

    3. Wow... How original of you. It's a shame that you still have no substance for your lies, eh?

    4. FFS! Les is the real deal period, every show has back responders...You seem to be just running your mouth here. FFS!

    5. You have that feeling of knowing, the one that everyone said would be a sign that you've met your Prince Charming. When you're with him, he makes you feel alive and beautiful. When you're away from him, it's like you're missing your other half. He's everything you've ever wanted, and more.

      Les Stroud Survivorman.

    6. Les needs to check in with BOBO , BOBO seen bigfoots when he was deep in the bush
      BIGFOOTS real and BOBO knows where the BIGFOOTS goes

    7. >>This is where you are asked to provide evidence for your misinformation, and you end up providing zero substance.

      Is Survivorman Staged?

      Executive Summary

      I realize this post is long, and many people don’t have the time or patience to read something this long, so here’s the executive summary: I found the locations where Survivorman was filmed in the Utah Canyonlands episode. One of those locations was very near a highway, but the major issue is not that he was close to the road. Rather, the major issue is that he was deceptive about many of the things he filmed and said in the episode. Simply put: he said many things and implied many things that simply were not true.


    8. So, What is Faked?
      Les Stroud gets intense training on the terrain before he is dropped somewhere. He meets the locals, gets to know the edible plants, animals like snakes nearby and even spots some and goes back to the same place to shoot. In the Australia episode he sits under a tree which is allegedly occupied by snakes due to snake nests. Later it is shown that Les Stroud actually checked out the tree before hand and knew there were no snakes before being under it. He shows that he did not know and was lucky that there was no snake to add suspense to the show and gain viewers. Just like Mermaid Documentaries, do not believe everything Animal Planet and Discovery Channel shows you. Not everything you see on TV is real. Many clips are edited and faked to make them more intense and entertaining to gain viewers.


    9. Ayyyy Joe --- shuddefackapyouscahnt

    10. Programmes are edited, TV productions have contracts, are expensive, locations and the local wildlife need to be researched, people have to make sure they survive to meet those requirements as insurance wouldn't cover them, the list of very obvious television requirements continues, you busy idiot. His programmes are meant to demonstrate what to do in danger situations, and being put in unnecessary danger to demonstrate that wouldn't be conducive to production deadlines.

      But that's not what I was alluding to... The topic here is Survivorman Bigfoot, and what is presented in those episodes as credible information. Sorry to p*ss on your parade...

      Now shaddap-a-your face!

      : )

    11. Les Stroud is a television entertainer. He gauged interest in his possible encounters (he has not seen a Sasquatch), and made the shrewd decision to focus on the subject for financial gain. He was successful. His position as a television personality gives him no authority, and since he has not brought in a specimen, it even some modern footage, his views on bigfoot carry no weight either. Enjoy his show, but you make the mistake of placing your hopes with this man at your own expense.

    12. I can't possibly disagree more. The pseudosceptics would no doubt rhetorically demand that someone of Les' stock be invested in this topic if it were a legitimate one, and now that someone IS, they're "in it for the money". How many times has that BS been pushed as to any of the researchers in this topic?

      Ad hominem rubbish.

  3. Make a prediction. What's the probability that Bigfoot will be proven this year with a specimen? Give a number out of 100.

    1. What's the probability that someone will stumble upon a burial somewhere in 70% of the country's wilderness?

      They should be left alone.

    2. Are you saying zero percent? Or what? Your expertise should give you some ability to make a forecast.

    3. Your pretty obvious attempt at baiting is typical of a little troll too... I'm staying the chances are as remote as stumbling on a burial in 70% of the country's wilderness.

    4. Why are you jumping to calling me a troll? I'm asking a legitimate question. Forecasting can be one way to check out understanding of a subject.

    5. My "forecast" is that it is as unlikely as a consorted effort on the part of mainstream science.

    6. Describe what you think would be a sufficient effort by mainstream science to prove Bigfoot. Be specific.

    7. You don't want to answer? Mainstream science's lack of interest seems to be a major problem. How would you fix that? Be specific. Propose a legitimate solution. Otherwise it looks as if you're making excuses and I'm sure that isn't the case.

    8. When bigfoot is found it will be likely by accident just like when Patterson filmed his creature . Either someone will be lucky enough to stumble upon a recently deceased one which may be hard since it seems like they travel in families or clans and probably bury their dead or some hunter with zero remorse will shoot one but again since they seem to travel with others finding a rogue one may be harder than we think


    9. So how would you move the research from anecdotal and accidental to mainstream and predictable? Be specific.

    10. 5:07... I don't want to answer? Use your ******* imagination. How would anyone propose mainstream science get involved? Look at how the Bili Ape was tracked, do a little research into how primatologists/wildlife biologists do things, you ask the questions of a ten year old would, and then suggests anyone else is using excuses because they don't want to state the obvious?

      For starters, I would point mainstream science towards the PHYSICAL... And then go research what's "predictable".

    11. How would you do that? Be specific. Spell out the obvious. Do so without attacking me.

    12. I would think you'd be excited to share your specific ideas. How do we make Bigfoot research predictable and mainstream?

    13. According to Iktomi, mainstream science is functionally incompetent in recognizing all of the obvious evidence for bigfoot -- yet, at the same time, he claims that the amazing expertise of mainstream science is desperately needed to discover bigfoot! I wouldn't expect him to have much success in straightening out the pretzel into which he's twisted himself!

    14. Serious bro, I'm not trying to be rude... But just read my comments, ok?

      You would have to take the existing physical evidence, and take the time to track that and research it's predictability. Bearing in mind that the best trackers in the world refer to this creature as things like "Boss of The Woods". It took primatologists a year to track down the Bili Ape... But we're talking about something that is far bigger and can think like a human.

      I really don't endorse thes ideas though, I think it should be left alone. I really don't know what to suggest about the mainstream, I would suggest though that as time goes on and more and more reputable scientists become enthusiastic, that there will be an air of general acceptability, just like UFO's today.

      You are not going to put one of these things in a zoo.

    15. 6:13... Would you like to quote me with all your "--" where I have claimed that mainstream science is incompetent?

    16. Mainstream scientists study what they are allowed to study... They have careers to look after. That's all I've ever claimed. They are either uninterested or restricted... More often than not swayed by what mainstream media feeds them; hoaxes and Finding Bigfoot. Not even enough enthusiasts are aware of the genuine scientific evidence for the existence of relict hominids, what chance does the average mainstream scientist have?

      Have you got a quote, 6:13?

    17. Here are a few claims that I recall that you've made:

      1. Scientists will not investigate bigfoot evidence because they have been "compromised" by pseudo-skeptics.

      2. Scientists are more concerned about their careers than investigating bigfoot evidence because they fear that they will be belittled for embracing a "fringe topic."

      3. The scientific peer review process is inherently flawed and not capable of objectively addressing bigfoot evidence.

      If that is not "incompetence," then I don't know what else could be!

    18. 1. Quote me... Simple as that. I could say that you've made claims about believing in fairies, I would need to prove where you've said it.

      2. Very true.

      3. The peer review process is in fact anti-scientific, has no business representing mainstream science and is subeject to publication bias. Mainstream science suffers and is a victim of this process.

      It seems like the only incompetence here is the manner in which you portray what people actually.

    19. So you have a group of petty, self-interested cowards who are working within a broken system and who cower in fear that their careers will be ruined if they investigate a controversial subject, and you're telling me that that is not incompetence? Got it, thanks for clarifying!

    20. The key words I used were "uninterested" and/or "restricted".

      You're quite good at sensationalising and exaggerating the comments of others... Probably because you're generally not that good at arguing your stance and need to make it up, one for the psuedosceptical bible. I would suggest you drop it if you want people to believe you can read properly though.

    21. You once wrote that, ". . .and forensic experts get compromised for a short fall in falsifiability, in so called sceptics."

      I admit that the murky diction of that sentence taxed my reading comprehension abilities!

    22. ... That would have more to do with the general approach to their credibility on blogs like this, by so called "sceptics" like you who fumble the concept of falsifiability so wonderfully. There is nothing you, or any like minded can ever offer that would have any adverse effect on the credibility of forensic experts.


      It's not the first time though that I've had to hold your hand through the actual meaning it a comment... Laters!

    23. Aside from claiming that scientists have been "compromised" by so "so called skeptics," you wrote the following:

      "To state the obvious that these evidences have not penetrated mainstream scientific mediums, is an oversight of what I've already stated. However, how can an anthropologist or a wildlife biologist come out mid-career and state that he/she would like to analyse the readily available data, without it effecting his/her career?"

      Aside from your inability to recognize the difference between "effecting" and "affecting," how could such an "oversight" not be an indication of incompetence, regardless of the motivation or alleged "compromise"?

    24. We've all been there. Dressed up and ready to party when your high heels start to sting your feet. Nothing can kill a dance floor faster than sore toesies, so keep you & your guests dancing all night with Rescue Flats wedding favors. Save your dance floor & enjoy the best night of your life.

      Les Stroud Survivorman.

    25. This comment has been removed by the author.

    26. Okay Iktomi, I acknowledge that my responses to you have been a bit too snarky. I don't visit this blog often and, in reading previous posts, I am utterly stunned by the massive amount of material that you have submitted here!

      You are obviously quite passionate about this subject and that itself is impressive. Sorry for criticizing your writing -- I guess sometimes typos do occur when someone is using an iPhone to post messages.

      Anyway, good luck on your continuing quest!

    27. In a previous comment to that statement, I had stated the obvious that mainstream scientists are not aware of the evidences I reference... And that this was not acknowledged by the troll repeating the same sentiment like it was damning, and that this was an oversight being alluded to.

    28. A dream is a wish your heart makes ...

      Les Stroud Survivorman.

    29. what science needs is a type of investigation like the bili ape expedition where they spent quite a while out in the jungle looking for it. if they had only spent a few days like they do on finding bigfoot the odds of them finding the Bili ape would have been quite remote . There are academics who do believe or are open to the existence of bigfoot but mainstream science as a whole is still not warmed up to that possibility . But hey, things take time when it comes to progress and if you need examples just look towards society and all the things we now except that took so long to do so


    30. Chase me!!!

      Les Stroud Survivorman.

    31. Joe, Patterson did not get his film by accident. He had a camera with him for the express purpose of making a Bigfoot film. He was prepared, had horses to traverse the terrain, and plaster for casts. He succeeded in his goal, that's not an accident. It is chance, but that's not the same thing

  4. FFS! As a outdoors man and a self reliance kind of guy who practices bush craft, I am excited to hear this news! I also hope this means we'll see more episodes :) FFS!

    1. FFS! Whats up bro! I see you're still having to school these wanna be trolls :)
      They never learn lol! FFS!

    2. Excellent, simple recipe, my granny called this a "gleichgewicht" which is German for "equal weights" the same weight of sugar, butter, flour and eggs..
      However, I prefer cutting each baked cake horizontally so that I fill it with 3 layers of filling. I just love multi-layered cakes.

      Les Stroud Survivorman.

    3. His survivorman show is totally fake.

    4. Trapper Mountain Monsters AIMS team real they been hunting and tracking BIGFOOTS for years

  5. Don't feed the Trolls .... Note, if you feed them you will give them the attention that they crave.

    1. You`d be best off sending Joe an email privately as he sure doesn`t seem to understand the basic premise you advocate - he needs acknowledgement from whatever source he can get it from - and in this case it is the trolls - he figures it is better than being a nobody ,which is kinda ironic,doncha fink ?

  6. Once you are familiar with the patterns that are out there go to a dress shop and try on some wedding dresses. You need to do this, I know from experience that the dresses I had in my head (and millions saved to a flash drive) did not look as good on me as I imagined and instead I ended up going for a dress style that I initially thought I wouldn’t like.

    Les Stroud Survivorman

    1. WILD BILL from Mountain Monsters AIMS team FAME ... he can give Les his words of wisdom on how to find a BIGFOOT

    2. That happens quite a lot Les with dresses generally :) xx

    3. 69 posts fuck that, you need 70 and Les is the father these guys always wanted as theirs shagged their sisters or even them.

    4. not including BILL BROCK Bigfoot GURU hunter

    5. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Keep the Les Stroud comments coming! We of Bigfoot Evidence demand it! Take THAT skeptics!


    1. folks thinking that they seeing Les in the bush , but its just some homeless veterans living in the bush and off the grid

  8. Geez, Les is getting long in the tooth. Won't be too long before Survivorman needs a walker.

  9. Bigfoot is real. Yes I have seen them at a particular area. I have casts and some photos. Anyway, one needs to understand sasquatch doent have to be hundreds of miles away. They can and have been living right under our noses. 10 min from society. We know more about the ocean floor than the woods of north america and to put that into perspective. We know more about space than the ocean floor. Now. That said some type of upright hominid does exist. We are just reluctant to say so. Get out there do your homework and the bible said seek and ye shale find.

  10. Bigfoot is real. Yes I have seen them at a particular area. I have casts and some photos. Anyway, one needs to understand sasquatch doent have to be hundreds of miles away. They can and have been living right under our noses. 10 min from society. We know more about the ocean floor than the woods of north america and to put that into perspective. We know more about space than the ocean floor. Now. That said some type of upright hominid does exist. We are just reluctant to say so. Get out there do your homework and the bible said seek and ye shale find.

  11. ask les if he beleives in todd standings videos i don't think he;s ever said!!


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