Everything You Need To Know About Bigfoot In One Minute

From the first film of Patty, to major hoaxes, to bigfoot DNA, this is just about everything you need to know about the creature they call sasquatch in just over 1 minute.


  1. Replies
    1. ^ on earth to all men and women ...but not the trolls.

      Who is this Strue-fart guy any way ?

    2. ^ only your kind do that - you whore

    3. Make your own lace ribbon with lace hem facing. You can run one or two layers through your sewing machine to improve the look of the lace. Layer your lace and run it through a ruffler foot attached to your sewing machine. •A straight stitch through a ruffler foot will result in pretty gathered ribbon for your flower.

      Les Stroud Survivorman.

    4. TRUMP - people don't know that the co-owner of Fox News is Prince Al-Waleed of Saudi Arabia ...

    5. sometimes GAYs acting mighty QUEER ....

    6. http://nycitywoman.com/files/imagecache/slideshow-in-article/guil_4304-sh2_0.jpg

      Let the sequins hit the GROUND!

    7. Around 2 A.M. I was awakened by the sound of the old wooden table and chairs being pushed about on the deck. We determined it must be a bear, and went back to sleep. Approximately 2 hours later we heard something rustling about the fire pit. We did NOT cook any food outdoors, we brought in all our empty bottles and such when we came in to discourage bears and other critters.
      In the morning, we found the table and chairs had been moved about, which a bear or even a large raccoon could have done. However, the fire pit had been scattered about, some of the smoldering logs rolled aside.

      . We were walking approximately 50 yards apart when we stopped, looked at one another and asked “What is that smell?”
      From out of no-where came the most putrid, overpowering smell. It was not the oil-seeps, which have their own sulfur like smell. This was horrid! It was like a skunk on steroids, with a good measure of open septic tank, and some rotten garbage added for good measure. We continued on our way, the smell dissipated after about 100 feet. We tried to tell one another it was a dead deer or something; but we both knew better. I worked in a funeral home while in college; and have never experienced anything that nauseating. We also had an unnerving feeling of being watched the entire time we were there.


    8. The Les Stroud quote above is most enlightening, and has special credibility, since Les has a TV show.

  2. Does it really take a whole minute to state that bigfoot does not exist?

    1. ^ it takes the extra 13 seconds to state that it does indeed exist.

    2. 5:29... No pal, in your case it takes every day of an entire adult life to get no closer in proving that "Bigfoot" doesn't exist.

    3. Iktomi is frustrated because bigfoot isn`t real

    4. Keep up the good work Iktomi....Cement Head preschool is in session!

    5. Man, 5:29 sure did put a whoopin on Joe. He is furious that bigfoot doesn't exist and that blevins invented the magical monkey suit.

    6. ^ sensible remark of the day award goes here ^

    7. That stupid suit of Blevins is a pathetic disappointment in comparison to the real one next to it. That side by side in the article features this sad sad fact. The only thing magical is your ability to overlook this obvious fact.

    8. ^ hahahahahahaha



    9. Wow, Joe and 6:38 just got blown the f#ck out!!! Keep up the good work trolls

    10. No, magical is 6:33's attendance to every post on this site.

    11. ^ secret believer in bigfoot but so angst ridden he won`t admit it

    12. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-DiRWOLTsDyY/TY5X5k2O7fI/AAAAAAAADok/tiE7U9_Md_4/s1600/Blevins+BF+Suit.jpg

      Blevins only manufactured a stronger case for the enthusiasts with that ^

    13. the veggiedogposition boy isn`t barking but yelping and yapping

    14. Lol Vegas hes as mad as a hatter! Absolutely LOONEY.

    15. The trolls are in usual pathetic form

    16. Depressed people with no self esteem and anger issues typically act like that, bro.

    17. They think that the more they type "Bigfoot doesn't exist", it makes it a reality... These are people who live their lives in a cyber reality where they can seemingly take control, unlike their real lives where the evidence makes their bums wink.

    18. If you could be a princess, which princess would you be?
      There’s so many to think of, and all of them are so special.

      Les Stroud Survivorman.

    19. Vegas (ruff) and Joe Joe are really taking a stiff one. They are getting blown the f#ck out!!! Blevins destroyed there hopes and dreams and they are still angry about it. Grow up fellas, it will get better with time. Your meltdown today has been entertaining.

    20. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-DiRWOLTsDyY/TY5X5k2O7fI/AAAAAAAADok/tiE7U9_Md_4/s1600/Blevins+BF+Suit.jpg

      ... Blown, the ****, out.

    21. Some mornings i pretend to be the Princess of Lions,
      the Princess of Pirates,
      a Fairy Princess… and those are just the start! I have so many costumes, which means i can be the princess of….... Everything..

      Les Stroud Survivorman.

    22. 7:06 is mad, lol. He literally can't stop talking about us.

      I also see the paranoia has set in, everyone is someone else.

    23. (as) mad as a hatter
      phrase of mad
      completely crazy.
      synonyms: insane, mentally ill, certifiable, deranged, demented, of unsound mind, out of one's mind, not in one's right mind, sick in the head, crazed, lunatic, non compos mentis, unhinged, disturbed, raving, psychotic, psychopathic, mad as a hatter, mad as a March hare;

      Oh yeah SOMEONE JUST GOT BLOWN THE **** OUT!!!


    24. man carrying two handguns and a Koran has been arrested at Disneyland Paris...

    25. I cant even get into 6 Flags with a bottle of water so what ever Frenchies.

    26. Good one IK @ 7:05! 6:33's new nickname: WINKY!

      Someone just got what!?

      BLOWN THE #### OUT!!!!

    27. ^ the only blowing is from your arsehole you useless piece of dog-turd


    28. Who knew saying the word "mad" would trigger this weirdo. I mean, it makes sense though, it's been proven trolls suffer with depression and other anger issues.

    29. and also proven that certain people with low to no self esteem called " clingers" find blogs and attach themselves to certain posters,never adding anything to the discussion ever. they try to befriend people by taking up there argument....hmmm this sure sounds like you vegasshole

    30. Oh really 2:47. You speak with such authority on that. Which on of your personalities is the clinger?

    31. there he is again, 11:21 pretending to be me. The poor lad really needs to get a life or better meds


  3. There is no proof that bigfoot exists. Why would anyone need to prove that bigfoot doesn't exist when it's never been proven to exist?

    1. There is evidence for a currently unclassified bipedal primate though, amd we all know what that means. To suggest that "Bigfoot" isn't real means that you would have to argue that the evidence isn't existent. If a critic asserts that there is evidence for disproof, he is making a claim and therefore also has to bear a burden of proof.

    2. Iktomi there is more crud on those crooked messed up Brit teeth of yours than there is evidence for bigfoot.

    3. 7;30

      It is correct that there is evidence that an unknown/unclassified primate exists...and that must point to a theory that bigfoot is the creature that is unknown/unclassified...that is a fact for you naysayers to choke your scrawny throats on.

    4. Might I direct Mssr. dmaker to www.denovojournal.com? a thorough multi-disciplinary scientific journal that proves not only the existence of bigfoot, but also that he built Stonehenge and ate the Loch Ness monster?

    5. Now you take that back 8:00 xx


    6. http://www.cracked.com/article_18409_the-5-most-statistically-full-shit-national-stereotypes.html

    7. Has anyone got a copy of the new Star wars I could borrow?

      M x

    8. Sounds like someone is a very bitter child who grew up unlike other kids without any toys and now he doesn't believe in Santa either. sorry kiddo, not my fault
      anyways we don't care if you don't believe . We know you only come on here to try and irk people with your views


    9. Iktomi, autism isn't funny. You of all people should know that.

    10. Oneday,though it might as well be someday,

      ...bigfoot will be found...i think not.


    11. It's not so easy to say either way. On the one hand, there are a few really good trackways and print castings, some sightings that merit real consideration. I'm not comfortable dismissing Sasquatch out of hand. On the other side of the argument, we have a big problem that is difficult to overlook: we do not have a physical type specimen. Additionally, some really questionable claims are made regarding the animal itself, and what is claimed as evidence. In my case, I don't know the answer. My baloney detector goes off a lot, but just as often I find myself genuinely intrigued. I think mine is a fair position, and I remain interested in the subject regardless of the outcome. Hope you're all having a groovey day.

    12. ^ I like you open minded fair position 3:13 . at least you haven't completely ruled out their existence but can also be skeptical about some of the weaker evidence


    13. That was me, I absentmindedly posted as anonymous

    14. LT, we do have reliable science journals that document giant human skeletons. This is often overlooked.

  4. 1. Cry for your own pain, not just for others’. Crying in movies and when listening to sad songs is a good way to let off some built-up emotion. But you may not be dealing directly with your own hurts when that happens. Remember it’s okay to cry for yourself.

    2. Let yourself cry over spilt milk. You don’t have to wait till somebody dies. You can cry about anything that triggers you, no matter how seemingly trivial.

    3. Don’t set a time limit on tears. Your heart will decide when enough is enough. If you connect with the true source of your pain, you’ll find it’s finite. But you don’t get to dictate a time limit for your sorrow. Be patient.

    4. Pick up where you left off. If you have to keep a stiff upper lip, perhaps because you’re at work, check in with yourself later and see how you feel. Reflect on the incident in private if you feel it’s unresolved. Don’t stress out if you can’t recapture the pain. Tears are like cats: You can’t lead them on a leash.

  5. the cast of FB will have walkers and mobility scooters soon, tilting at windmills

    1. yes time for some fresh blood -
      Mountain Monsters AIMS team fit the bill

  6. “And then I did what I had never done in his presence, much less in his arms. I cried.”

    Dr Mathew Johnson.

    1. Wept like a women. Screamed liked woman in labor. Get a grip old man.

    2. sounds like Ranae in the bush

  7. This morning in my Russia, I have buy my wife with many, many potatoes.
    I strong like bear. I have fire and VHS.
    I Very belive in your American Jesus.

    Cheechy the village rapist.

    1. 9;03 ...you are a very sick minded moron...anybody that even jokes about rape is a very immature little boy...grow up.

    2. keep up the rape jokes!!! very funny

    3. only if you are Muslim can you rape because its part of your culture

    4. Judging from the number of convictions that fill the prisons, I'd say it's an American Pastime.

  8. We can put a man on the moon and take naked selfies of Pluto. But I have yet to see even one photograph of this eight foot, vixen raping, diaper eating behemoth, that behaves as no other mammal on Earth planet. It has never been photographed in any of the logical feeding areas, yet still retains a vise like grip on the testicles of all it's adherents.

    Mayhaps he frolicks in the autumn mist in a land called Honali?

    1. http://www.isu.edu/rhi/pdf/Munns-%20Meldrum%20Final%20draft.pdf

      You only had to ask... Start with the basics.

    2. I saw the name Meldrum in the link. Pass. Don't trust the man since I saw him French kissing a biker at a bar.

    3. the moon and Pluto don't move Bro . How many photos of the Bili ape were taken before science officially recognised it to be a real animal ? Well the answer is at first they only had one photograph from a motion detection camera of it. in 2001 an expedition came up empty . it wasn't until 2006 after a year long hunt that they finally observed them in the wild. unless we have the same dedicated search the results for bigfoot will also most likely come up empty and we do now know Bili apes exist.
      Go back to eating your cheetos and watching the kardsahians


    4. Not really. They were found in a relatively remote area and just after a short while of looking for them.

      Bigfoot has been searched for decades and we have come up empty. Hell you have special pleading and supernatural aspects as excuses as to why they haven't been found.

    5. it wasn't a short while. 2001 expedition came up empty and it wasn't until 2006 they found them. Yes, it is a remote small area compared to the vast wilderness bigfoot lives in . if bigfoot were only found in a small area like the Bili forest it would be a lot easier but bigfeet don't stay in one area and migrate to where the food is .if the same scientific effort was put into the search for bigfoot it would make a huge difference rather than just a bunch of amateurs going into the woods yelling and knocking on trees (which may or may not scare off any bigfoot in the area) . You're just being jaded because Santa didn't bring you any toys when you were young and now you are the bigfoot scrooge !


    6. as a matter of fact the bili ape is a great argument against bigfoot...as a small number of researchers took less than a year of searching to discover the creature...and as of now thousands of people have searched for bigfoot over numerous years and nothing....thanks for the post fake joe
      perhaps you should stick with trying on your moms lip gloss and kissing yourself in the mirror


    7. 2001 was not a serious expedition....

    8. Joe just got b*tch slapped again.

    9. dang, MMG just lowered the smack down on fake Joe (mike B), and Joe!! What a massacre.

    10. 12:27... There has not been one single consorted professional long term effort to discover what is commonly known as Sasquatch, and for thousands of amateur researchers looking, they have every source of evidence short of a modern type specimen, AND those innumerable sightings reports.

      Based on the same legends by indegenous peoples, and the sightings reports and tracks found... And the fact that the Bili Ape is a man sized primate, it does nothing but indicate how greatly needed the same consorted effort is required in the US.

    11. I have to admit, I'm starting to think Bigfoot exists.

    12. Innumerable sightings reports with no real evidence. And no, a few reports about unidentified hair or footprints aren't good evidence.

    13. Iktomi, we are wasting out time trying to argue with trolls who only come on here to create anger .
      MMG- Have you any experience wearing lipstick or is it mainly with Xbox and playstation ?
      Just curious


    14. 2:14... Innumerable sigtings reports that have the same hair samples taken from actual sightings and track impressions, audio recordings out of normal human ranges, track castings that have repeated species traits in dermals, thermal hits with subjects around the 8.5 mark, and even one thermal with two subjects around the 9 foot mark...

      Something about "no good evidence"?

    15. The thermals are very interesting. I doubt we have many 9 foot humans walking around in the forest just to prank bigfoot hunters . And all the sightings over the years can't be all 3 legged bears or people wearing magical monkey suits and then we have the accounts from so many native tribes describing the same type of creature - must be all in their heads eh ?


    16. Greys often come up hot on FLIR so you thinking that's a bigfoot on the FLIR but its a GREY


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