DNA Tests On The Abominable Snowman Produces Unexpected Results

The Cryptid Blast youtube channel takes a look at the Abominable Snowman and other DNA projects that have tried to solve the mystery of bigfoot type creatures once and for all. The results were unexpected, but what were they?


  1. an ancient polar bear hybrid could explain some of the sightings. The fact is they are not 100% sure what creature the sample came from. it could very well be that they have been seeing this type of polar bear and calling it the yeti or the yeti could be yet another unknown animal. At least we know they haven't been making up the sightings


    1. or they just dont exist mike. lol. Its that simple.

    2. ^ You must be amongst the ranks of the dim-witted .. there are thousands of people testify to the reality .. whether you believe that is of no consequence as you do not hold the key to reality.

    3. 10:08's anxiety is rising... That's ten prayers in 48 hours, he's not in a good place. Take pity.

  2. Well when you see them in your head when you sleep it's hard to determine what caused them but since I have a site that makes money off sasquatch I'm going to push the reality angle,it's very profitable, I mean sciencey, bigfoot /forest people woo,woo

    1. Now Khat Hansen has warned Dr. Johnson that these things are not to be trifled with but Dr. Johnson has bravely persevered and has gained their respect and trust. They have great marketing abilities and Dr. Johnson would be well advised to listen to their sage advice.

    2. But wait, her computer was hacked. Just so the hacker could post on bigfoot evidence. AHHHH HAHAHAHAHA

    3. ^ how blind some people are - they live a reality that is confined to their own experience while never questioning the small world view they have been taught - that has to be an even bigger mystery than the bigfoot question

    4. You have to remember that these psycho-nerds live their existence through a cyber reality.


  3. Woo woo, and did they tell you the name of the game boy?We're gonna ride the gravy train

  4. While one asshole can ruin a good time for all! Talking about the loser that posts all these popular names in bigfooting. Really need to get outside champ. Believe it or not there's color just outside your moms basement. But you got us all fooled right? Not Many friends in your little black and White world I guess.

    1. - and not much reality in YOUR world if you continue to believe in a myth. But hey, thanks for being an easy target.

    2. Popular with suckers and halfwits,but thanks for reading all our posts

    3. 5:32... The easy target is you being used as the archetype village idiot, and adding to this ego at your expense.

      Myths don't leave tracks... See how easy that was?

    4. Myths never produce a body to prove their existence . . see how easy that was?

    5. Not as easy as pointing out that logical fallacies surrounding this topic usually revolve around the idea that a certain something doesn't existing because it hasn't been found... When in fact gaging by the frequncy of evidence it may merely not have been found YET, not to mention considering the amount of professionals that are actually looking.

  5. Joe, alot of these trolls are paid by government, agencies, big business, etc. to coverup and confuse the issue of sasquatch. Probably most.


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