Check Out These Eerie Bigfoot Howls From Ohio

Are these eerie calls the sound of bigfoot? I'm not sure what it is, but I know hearing it out in the wold would be terrifying. From the youtube channel of researcher Paul Hayes:

(Revamped) Howls that were captured on an expedition that I led here in Ohio in 2012...I added the Hz chart to the original.The howls were captured on a H2 recorder by a team member.See original


  1. Replies
    1. Bluff Creek Project has ruined the PG location, especially now that Jamie Wayne & Steven Streufert have admitted to discussing a Bigfoot hoax with Mitchel Wilson. That historical location is now being over ran by people that have 0 credibility.

    2. is it a pic of Joetomi with haemorrhoids ?

      Ho ho ho - the guy called Joe.

    3. "Jamie Wayne & Steven Streufert have admitted to discussing a Bigfoot hoax with Mitchel Wilson."

      BLASPHEMY! These are wicked men living in wicked times and seeking to undermine the shining beacon of truth which the PG site represents. Let me be clear - unless you are ordained by the Holy Prophet Gimlin you should never be allowed into that location - PERIOD! I shall pray they see the error of their ways.

      Blessed are the believers!

    4. Hes still trying to figure out what the problem is.

    5. New York Uber driver has been arrested after he allegedly yanked a passenger's service dog by its leash out of the owner's lap before slamming it to the ground.

      The Silky Terrier was left with a dislocated hip and an injured right leg following the incident, which occurred after driver Muhammad Qayyum told the passenger she could not have the dog in his car, police said.

      Qayyum, 23, of Queens has denied harming the animal according to an Uber spokeswoman, who said that all Uber drivers are required to accommodate service animals


    6. folks thinking that they hearing bigfoots in the bush , but its just some homeless hooting and a hollowing in the bush...

    7. ^ must be horrendous to converse with you in real life - sheesh,fellah,get a diction class

    8. whut youd bes asayin cawz I gots da 8 grad graduwait

    9. Struetalfart, Wayne da poopstain & Mitchell Wilson must be paying off Matt to keep others from trolling. They dont like the competition. Is OK they will always be the #1 hoaxers in bigfooting. losers

  2. That photo is a great representation of Iktomi having a meltdown.

    1. Iktomi has visions of his face underneath the squatch mouth wide open ready to recieve "The Evidence"

    2. Bluff Creek Project has ruined the PG location, especially now that Jamie Wayne & Steven Streufert have admitted to discussing a Bigfoot hoax with Mitchel Wilson. That historical location is now being over ran by people that have 0 credibility.

    3. Ok ... so i checked `em out ... now what do i do ?


    4. FFS! Mr. Anonymous back at after a hard day of sucking farts out of bus seats FFS!

    5. ^ Fraudulent Fart Supervisor.


    6. FFS - that bottle has a suspiciously crusty brown neck - you been shovin` it up yo` Pappa`s ass agin` ?

    7. I think FFS has plugged hisself back into his iron lung.

    8. FFS! Yep, that's my calling card. FFS! Notice me, notice me! FFS! It's important to always add this. FFS! These initials say it all. FFS! This makes me special. FFS! I have to add it before and after every sentence. FFS! You can make up your own words what it stands for. FFS!


      Oh such fun!

    9. ^ I agree it`s such fun..that`s why we`re here ..we love to see you all riled up and bothered..hahahahaha

      Just as has been done to you`re the guy hooked on the end of the line.


    10. well fake me @ 6:35, perhaps you should go back to playing with your xbox for your daily amount of fun and frivolity


    11. ^ much more fun seeing you breakdown and bothered - as we see the ffs moron melting down above - so ironic that he`s accusing others of being obsessedc when he`s written a longer post than anybody and is clearly wound right up.

      Hahahahah sooooo funny !!

    12. I got the new Xbox One set up in my MOMs basement...

    13. ^^ good on you lads !
      Have a ball of a time !


    14. ^ plays with his ba lls all the time

    15. ^ fake me needs to get back on his meds


    16. ^ recommend any specificly?

    17. ^ Try some that help out with spelling.

    18. i`m an avid reader of marvel comics


  3. Even an amateur cryptozoologist immediately recognizes the calls as either the North American hippogriff, or possibly a juvenile griffon.

    Prof. Algernon Fortesque Leffingwell

  4. Michael Jackson told Oprah Winfrey he'd never want to be played by a white actor

    1. Uh.....I'm not catching the part that relates to Bigfoot out here.

    2. I was deer hunting 10-12 years ago in late Nov. I was on a deer lease in Red River County. I was sitting on a stool and observed deer scrapes on trees along a creek bed. I was watching for these deer to approach. After I had been sitting there for an hour or so I turned my head and noticed what looked like an 8 or 9-foot tall stump that wasn't there earlier. It was approximately 120-130 yards away. I raised my deer rifle and looked through the scope at it. Through my 6X scope, I was able to see it as close up as if it were 30 feet away from me. It was looking right at me. It was a large ape-like creature. I kept it in my sight for 15-20 minutes. It never moved. I then heard a snap off to my left. I turned my head to observe where this noise came from. I didn't see anything. When I turned back to the creature, it was gone! It had been standing in grass that was knee-high to me, about a foot and a half to 2 feet tall. I feel that it couldn't have moved away in the short period of time my attention was drawn away. I feel that it dropped down in the grass to avoid detection. I feel that the snapping noise was made by another creature to divert my attention from the other one. At this time, I got up and left everything but my rifle and backed out of the area. I had this thing dead to rights in my scope but couldn't shoot because I did not feel threatened.”

    3. Great report. I personally think that they're just THAT fast. Thanks for that.

    4. ^ I personally like the report from the same site that is called "The Trap" from Larry Kelm...truly scary.

    5. me and cousin were out hunting hogs got into a area where we found 3 hog heads impaled 6 or 7 feet in the trees, me cousin said that aint no bear that done this ....

    6. 11.01 , I saw a video that had a series of trail camera aimed at a particular point where a bag of apples was hung .. the apples were later found to have been taken but none of the cameras had activated other than to capture a series of strange lights .. it was the only time the cameras had not worked .. this is similar to other accounts where trail cameras fail to catch anything taking a positioned bait .. at all other times the cameras work properly .. it is certainly all very strange.

    7. ^ foolishness is contagious

    8. 11:19... The amount of times you hear about trail cameras failing is pretty strange, isn't it?

    9. Some people claim that there is much more to this than conventional thinking allows .. from what I have read that the native tribes-people have to say I think they have a point .. but just what that is or how to go about it I haven`t the faintest idea .. it is all very fascinating to read though.

    10. i`m an avid reader of marvel comics


    11. I love marvel comics but ^ this is not me


    12. I used to collect Marvel as well. Now I read Daredevil maybe, but DC made a fan of way back when with TDKR and Watchmen. Been more of a DC fan since then.

    13. >> from what I have read that the native tribes-people have to say I think they have a point

      Nevermind you are again talking to yourself joe.....but what is your obsession with Native Americans? You reference their myths and legends as if they are gospel. Plus you have pretended to be one a few times. I don't get it.

    14. Don... That's pretty cool. I used to have an addiction to Spider-Man and the X-Men. I've got them all in boxes somewhere, would sure like to dig them out one day.

      1:45... Are you suggesting that their culture is not worthy of fascination? Why is that exactly? Can you please find a direct quote where I have ever claimed to have been Native American? When ORAL HISTORIES transcend later cultures, into modern reports and in turn into physical evidence, then what does that say about "mythology"?

    15. 1;45

      What are you talking about ? I was having a conversation on here (one that was without your usual rancour)and I made reference to what I have read,several times,of what the Native Americans state about bigfoot/sasquatch etc...what`s your problem ?

    16. My first job was at a store called Comic Relief in Berkeley CA, owned by legendary comic guy Rory Root. My personal favorites are anything by Jim Woodring, old E.C. stuff like Tales from the Crypt, Alan Moore's run on Swamp Thing, Daredevil (worked with Ed Brubaker who went on to write Daredevil many years later), and of course The Flaming Carrot (the connoisseur's super hero comic!).

    17. Argh, that's pretty awesome LT... Really awesome actually.

    18. There was actually a Bigfoot comic written by Rob Zombie/Steve Niles about 4 years ago. Gratuitous gore and nudity included.

    19. ^ and one that the great Richard Corben did art for!

  5. do you think squatch use zip lines to avoid leaving tracks?

    1. Greys beam them up after the BIGFOOTS have collected there DNA specimens, that's why people and dogs cant track them - missing 411

  6. Tim Allen Compares Clintons to Herpes...
    'Just When You Think Gone, They Show Up Again'...

    1. Hillary say that old news - moving forwarded

  7. 'Simply a mystery' — Strange tracks in snow near Curtis

    1. Now there is a perfect example of the feasibility of following strange tracks in the snow. There are no terrain issues there. The land in that area is flat as can be. Now granted that is not an area you would expect to find a Sasquatch-like creature roaming about nor are those typical tracks associated with such but they have an unknown maker never-the-less.

      The point I am trying to make is there are times where in snowy conditions it would be possible to follow tracks with ease but it never seems to be done. I have read of examples of strange tracks being found in snow but no one seems to take it upon themselves to simply follow them. An organized attempt to follow them to their conclusion once they are found could possibly give us some answers to this mystery. We simply require the will to do so.

  8. n many ways.
    Bluff Creek Project has ruined the PG location, especially now that Jamie Wayne & Steven Streufert have admitted to discussing a Bigfoot hoax with Mitchel Wilson. That historical location is now being over ran by people that have 0 credibility.

    1. I do a lot of research living in my MOM basement I have been able to collect information on bigfoots, have room and board here so no worries

    2. ^ what "research" do you like to do mostly ?

      .............. self indulgence ? with tissue to clean the mess ?

    3. MOUNTAIN MONSTERS the A team in Hunting Mountain Monsters -
      Jake “Buck” Lowe-expert animal caller , “Wild Bill” Neff-old Marine Expert tracker Bear Hunter, Willy McQuillian-master trap builder , John “Trapper” Tice-Team Leader, Jeff Headlee-Team Researcher, and Joe “Huckleberry-Head of Security” expert hunters, trackers and trappers are on the hunt for BIGFOOT

    4. i`m an avid reader of marvel comics


    5. ^ likes the storylines as they are as fantastic as hairy men in forests

  9. Seems a quiet night for the trolls ... long may it continue .

  10. That recording sucks. Get some decent equipment.


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