Bob Gimlin Shares Roger Patterson's Personal Deathbed Confession

There have been rumors throughout the years that when Roger Patterson was dying, he confessed that the film was nothing more than a hoax. That rumor is nothing more than just that, a rumor. Here, Bob Gimlin tells a crowd of people exactly what Roger Patterson said to him on his deathbed when Bob went to visit him.


  1. Bluff Creek Project has ruined the PG location, especially now that Jamie Wayne & Steven Streufert have admitted to discussing a Bigfoot hoax with Mitchel Wilson. That historical location is now being over ran by people that have 0 credibility.

    1. "Iktomi is rude to everybody and worse than all the trolls on this site combined, amplified by twelve. He's insufferably arrogant, exhibits cognitive dissonance, has limited social skills and may well be autistic. I recommend that he take off the Bigfoot blinders once in a while."

      Les Stroud Survivorman

    2. Bluff Creek Project has ruined the PG location, especially now that Jamie Wayne & Steven Streufert have admitted to discussing a Bigfoot hoax with Mitchel Wilson. That historical location is now being over ran by people that have 0 credibility.

    3. Bluff Creek Project has ruined the PG location, especially now that Jamie Wayne & Steven Streufert have admitted to discussing a Bigfoot hoax with Mitchel Wilson. That historical location is now being over ran by people that have 0 credibility.

  2. Bob Horanimus was in the suit.

    1. Bluff Creek Project has ruined the PG location, especially now that Jamie Wayne & Steven Streufert have admitted to discussing a Bigfoot hoax with Mitchel Wilson. That historical location is now being over ran by people that have 0 credibility.

    2. Bluff Creek Project has ruined the PG location, especially now that Jamie Wayne & Steven Streufert have admitted to discussing a Bigfoot hoax with Mitchel Wilson. That historical location is now being over ran by people that have 0 credibility.

  3. Saint Gimlin has spoken! Now begone with you heretic skeptics!

    1. Bluff Creek Project has ruined the PG location, especially now that Jamie Wayne & Steven Streufert have admitted to discussing a Bigfoot hoax with Mitchel Wilson. That historical location is now being over ran by people that have 0 credibility.

    2. How - HOW DARE THEY! How dare they defile the sanctorum of the Holy of Holies! They will burn in hell for this.

    3. Bluff Creek Project has ruined the PG location, especially now that Jamie Wayne & Steven Streufert have admitted to discussing a Bigfoot hoax with Mitchel Wilson. That historical location is now being over ran by people that have 0 credibility.

    4. Unless these heathens have been anointed and blessed by the prophet Gimlin than they are considered unclean and their very presence pollutes the sacred site. That they have confessed to discussing a Bigfoot HOAX clearly shows they are in league with the devil.

      Eternal torment in the fires of hell will be their just reward!

    5. Bluff Creek Project has ruined the PG location, especially now that Jamie Wayne & Steven Streufert have admitted to discussing a Bigfoot hoax with Mitchel Wilson. That historical location is now being over ran by people that have 0 credibility.

    6. This is most troubling. The thought of this purist of sites being overrun by people with zero credibility horrifies and sickens me. I shall confer with the Holy Father Gimlin on how best to deal with this incursion. Perhaps if my faith is strong enough my Lord Patterson will inspire me through the spirit and give me wisdom and guidance in meeting this unspeakable evil.

      I urge them to recant and repent before it's too late!

    7. Gimlin giveth, and Gimlin taketh away. Mysterious are the ways of Gimlin, and hard for men to know.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. Yet no monkey suit to be found anywhere, to which a whole belief system rests and not just any belief system, Pseudoscepticism is fundamental, quasi-religion...

      "What is a fundamentalist? A fundamentalist is usually considered to be a person who adheres strictly to a doctrine, viewpoint or set of principles that are considered original and 'pure'; this doctrine might be theological in nature. For the fundamentalist, many of their beliefs and the behaviours that arise from them will, at least in theory, be derivative of their fundamental doctrine. For the fundamentalist, there is no room to consider views that are at variance with their accepted doctrine and contrary views will usually either be dismissed out-of-hand or resisted with considerable vigour and, often, violence.

      Psychologically, a fundamentalist is a person with an intense fear of being 'wrong'; that is, an intense fear of being judged to hold the wrong' view or to engage in the 'wrong' behaviour. This intense fear of being wrong develops during childhood when one or both parents, and probably teachers, dogmatically refuse to listen to the child, thus denying it the chance to develop its own views and moral code (based on its own experience), while also terrorising (by threatening and using violence) the child into believing/adopting a particular set of values and beliefs, and behaving in a particular manner. It is the intensity of their fear of being judged 'wrong', and the violence they will suffer if they are so judged, that makes the child hold, with phenomenal tenacity, to the 'approved doctrine' with which they are presented. It is this intense fear of being wrong that marks out the fundamentalist from the person who is open-minded and/or conscientious. Fundamentalism is a significant social problem, particularly in some contexts. And to fix it, we need to recognise its psychological origin. Unfortunately, however, this is not easy to do because the terror that holds their value and belief system in place, and drives their behaviour, is deeply hidden within the individual's psyche."

      ... Pseudoscepticism, is a fundamental, quasi-religion.

    10. ^ you didn't cite your source. Thats plagarism!

    11. I used quotation marks, you illiterate twat.

    12. you didn't cite the source though. You must include citations. You plagarized!

    13. Read a book or something kid, you might surprise yourself.

    14. Bluff Creek Project has ruined the PG location, especially now that Jamie Wayne & Steven Streufert have admitted to discussing a Bigfoot hoax with Mitchel Wilson. That historical location is now being over ran by people that have 0 credibility.

  4. How many BGs are there? I've got two in my 21.7 cubic foot Whirlpool chest freezer. And one of them was in it when they delivered it from Home Depot!

    1. Bluff Creek Project has ruined the PG location, especially now that Jamie Wayne & Steven Streufert have admitted to discussing a Bigfoot hoax with Mitchel Wilson. That historical location is now being over ran by people that have 0 credibility.

  5. Matt why did you white out the post up top?

    1. It's not like we can't read it anyway. LOL

      Just tilt the screen. So silly.

    2. It offended myself and the readers.


    3. Bluff Creek Project has ruined the PG location, especially now that Jamie Wayne & Steven Streufert have admitted to discussing a Bigfoot hoax with Mitchel Wilson. That historical location is now being over ran by people that have 0 credibility.

    4. Bluff Creek Project has ruined the PG location, especially now that Jamie Wayne & Steven Streufert have admitted to discussing a Bigfoot hoax with Mitchel Wilson. That historical location is now being over ran by people that have 0 credibility.

    5. Bluff Creek Project has ruined the PG location, especially now that Jamie Wayne & Steven Streufert have admitted to discussing a Bigfoot hoax with Mitchel Wilson. That historical location is now being over ran by people that have 0 credibility.

    6. Bluff Creek Project has ruined the PG location, especially now that Jamie Wayne & Steven Streufert have admitted to discussing a Bigfoot hoax with Mitchel Wilson. That historical location is now being over ran by people that have 0 credibility.

  6. AnonymousWednesday, January 27, 2016 at 6:08:00 PM PST, et seq. TEN times...

    You are an imbecile and a liar.

    There was no hoax planned or done by Bluff Creek Project. And in fact, hardly anyone makes it to the PGF site, only a handful of people each year.

    1. Bluff Creek Project has ruined the PG location, especially now that Jamie Wayne & Steven Streufert have admitted to discussing a Bigfoot hoax with Mitchel Wilson. That historical location is now being over ran by people that have 0 credibility.

  7. Bluff Creek Project has ruined the PG location, especially now that Jamie Wayne & Steven Streufert have admitted to discussing a Bigfoot hoax with Mitchel Wilson. That historical location is now being over ran by people that have 0 credibility.

  8. Bluff Creek Project has ruined the PG location, especially now that Jamie Wayne & Steven Streufert have admitted to discussing a Bigfoot hoax with Mitchel Wilson. That historical location is now being over ran by people that have 0 credibility.

  9. Kelly Shaw made it to the "Bluff Creek" road sign down on the highway, thirty miles downstream.

    1. Bluff Creek Project has ruined the PG location, especially now that Jamie Wayne & Steven Streufert have admitted to discussing a Bigfoot hoax with Mitchel Wilson. That historical location is now being over ran by people that have 0 credibility.

  10. Sixteen times now?
    Get a life.

    1. Bluff Creek Project has ruined the PG location, especially now that Jamie Wayne & Steven Streufert have admitted to discussing a Bigfoot hoax with Mitchel Wilson. That historical location is now being over ran by people that have 0 credibility.

    2. Struetalfart, Wayne da poopstain & Mitchell Wilson must be paying off Matt to keep others from trolling. They dont like the competition. Is OK they will always be the #1 hoaxers in bigfooting. losers

    3. Poopstain Wayne & Struetalfart have ruined this famous bigfoot location. And now they sit & plan bigfoot hoaxes on other research locations with Mitchell Wilson in order to ruin those locations too. Losers. They have a lot of brainless people who cant think for themselves supporting their little circus too. Good job Matt Knapp. Way to be sucked in by losers.

  11. This person is insane ^^^^^.

    22 posts of identical garbage lies from one person. Ridiculous obsession.

    Is that you, Neal Burgstahler?


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