Rare Giant Squid Footage From Toyama Bay In Japan

Legends of the giant squid used to frighten sailors. Believed to be a myth for centuries, it was eventually proven that these creatures are very much real, and lurking in the depths of the oceans. Recently one of these rare creatures was spotted swimming in Toyama Bay, Japan. Check it out:


  1. I wonder how many Squid rings you could get out of that?!

    1. Mountain Monsters AIMS team - Team Leader Trapper going hunt BIGFOOT He and the Team going get the JOB DONE !!!


  2. Believed to be a myth for centuries and it has been captured on film. What would the skeptics think about that . Sounds a lot like bigfoot to me

    Giant squid 1 skeptics 0
    Bigfoot 1 skeptics 0

    looks like the skeptics get shutout . Ok, i'll give them the fact that unicorns don't exist but only out of pity for them


    1. Reports of gorillas so we looked for them and found them.

      Reports of giant squid so we looked for them and found them.

      Reports of bigfoot so we looked for them and absolutely nothing to be found anywhere ever. They dont exist.

    2. So you'll be able to reference one single professional, consorted scientific effort on the part of mainstream science, in tracking Sasquatch?

      Please stop trying to be clever, it's cringey.

    3. Straight in with the ad hominems? Wow.

    4. I took your argument apart and THEN expressed what was blatantly obvious. Sorry pal, I'm not trying to be a *****.

    5. You took my argument apart by providing which found bigfoot exactly?

    6. it took scientific professionals quite a bit of time to find a bili ape when they went looking for it. it wasn't a few days out in the forest. finding rare animals involves patience and sometimes luck. This squid was caught on film by accident . Wait , don't tell me you will say it's a guy in a squid suit ?
      Got squid suit ?
      Skeptics are laughable at best and pathetic at worst


    7. With the "Bigfoot" that'll be at the end of a consorted effort, that has more evidence at this stage than the two aforementioned had prior to their discoveries by mainstream science.

      It's not an argument that helps you in any way... It serves as a historical reminder that there is usually something very authentic to reports.


      They prefer to be called Sasquatch Americans. The B word is derogatory and hateful.

    9. I hate the word "Bigfoot". To be honest, I don't even like using the word Sasquatch anymore... I don't know what to use.

    10. I liked Bush Indians, but there's a hint of the derogatory in that too.

    11. injuns heers in da boosh shure is

    12. joe carrying on conversations with himself never gets old

    13. and is You joining in your idea of a fun night in ?


      TK!!! BOOOOO! MORON!

    15. The giant squid has been scientifically accepted for centuries now. There's been carcasses washing up on beaches and described by scientists for literally hundreds and hundreds of years, absolutely no one has considered it to be an unproven myth in recent times.

  3. 60 seconds of b-roll and ten seconds of (looped) video of the ultra rare event.

  4. so what are you trying to say anonymous that the field because its loop go over and over should not be taken into consideration? That's ridiculous they caught the animal on film and that's all they caught so they had to use it is the same exact thing with the Bigfoot. People catch them on film it's very short because they're trying to hide and leave and not have contact with the human being taking the film .
    just like that giant squid it wasn't happy that the
    human was there and obviously was trying to stop
    and get away from him .of course there's not going
    to be a lot of film. good grief even when something
    is filmed and put in front of the whole world the skeptic has to still sit there and say the negative. you just proved your point that everyone on the site has said you will never be satisfied unless you have a body. FYI there will never be a body because 90% of the people who are out looking for Bigfoot are not out hunting Bigfoot. So they are not taking weapons to kill it and get a body just like this squid. This is ridiculous they exist and yet the skeptics continue to say we need more evidence. this whole argument is redundant.

    1. No - what I was trying to say is, being that it's such a rare event, that's all the video that is provided? I'm fairly sure there was much more video captured...could they not have included more in the clip? Most of it was b-roll. With that being said - you're an idiot of the highest order for making assumptions (but that's how folks like you roll).

  5. Please describe a scientific study that would be adequate in you mind that if it came back without evidence of Bigfoot, you would conclude it doesn't exist.

    1. cawz tham sciance folks bein educayshun ans thays gits da gummint fer thar experamants thays shure do

  6. Bili ape: Found when looked for.
    Gorilla: Found when looked for.
    Giant squid: Found when looked for.
    Bigfoot: Zero sign of it existing when looked for.

    1. You are a laughable lad. There is plenty of evidence found when looking for one. You just need to open your mind and do some research bro


    2. ^ maybe you should stop pretending to be another person. you think?

    3. Holy Fukushima - it just keeps glowing and glowing : )

    4. Isn't it remarkable that one the site's village idiots should continue the exact same argument down the comment section, like he's not been taken apart about it a few hours prior?

    5. 10:33, wait. You've been making excuses for the lack of evidence (special Bigfoot abilities, conspiracies, etc). Which is it? Lots of evidence of lack of evidence?

    6. 10:33... Your naivety about the current state of evidence doesn't equate to there being none, nor is it anyone else's short fall.

      12:09... If I was to attack your character without addressing your argument, then ad hominem would apply. Go back to Wikipedia.

    7. that thar anit no sumbitch bigfeets it bein a see munsters

  7. that injun Queequeg seeing it!

  8. Remember when Joe Iktomi was all like wait for Sykes. Wait for Sykes.

    We're still waiting. Oh that's right. Sykes has got nothing. Imagine that. And Joe's left holding the bag again.

    1. "1) In an unnumbered chapter after Chapter 27, entitled “Postscript,” Sykes details an intriguing finding from a hair sample from Dr. Henner Fahrenbach. It had a result that Sykes is still pondering, and we may hear about in the future. The DNA sample of a “Sasquatch” from Walla Walla matched that of a feral “individual from Uzbekistan,” Sykes exclaims (page 282).
      (2) Sykes’ verdict on Zana, an alleged almasty captured in the 1850s on the southern slopes of the Caucasus Mountains, is a nod to the labor of the Russian hominologists during four decades of the Snowman Commission at Moscow’s Darwin Museum. The mainstream media has completely misinterpreted what Sykes’ book has to say about this, and talk of Zana being an “escaped African slave” demeans what appears to be the genetic realities behind the case. You must read Sykes’ Chapter 29, to fully appreciate what he has discovered.
      “Part-human, part-ape with dark skin (Zana means ‘black’ in Abkhaz) she was covered with long, reddish-brown hair which formed a mane down her back. She was large, about 6’6″ tall, and extremely muscular with exaggerated, hairless buttocks and large breasts. Her face was wide with high cheekbones and a broad nose,” notes Sykes (page 296).
      Zana was no slave from Africa, but an individual with genetics who tells us much more about the population from which she sprang. As Bryan Sykes hints, “Zana’s ancestors could have left Africa before the Laran exodus of 100,000 year ago” and “they might well be still there [in the Caucasus Mountains] to this day, living as they have for millennia somewhere in the wild valleys that radiate from the eternal snows of Elbrus,” (page 306).
      (3) There is one more revelation in this book that caused me great astonishment. I have written an entirely separate article about it. Few seem to have read the book closely enough to realize that part of the DNA testing that Sykes did gives a complete revision to the status of the Pangboche finger findings of only four years ago, when it was dismissed as merely “human.” Read here for the big reveal that Sykes shares on that case. Please see, “Pangboche Finger’s ‘Human’ Verdict Clarified By Bryan Sykes DNA Finding.” The fact is, the Pangboche hand may yet be an important artifact to re-study and re-test, regarding a piece of the puzzle to solve the mystery of the Yeti."
      - Loren Coleman

  9. Look up homo sapien cognatus....


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